Topic: Is Comet Elenin Affecting Earth?
mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/16/11 05:08 PM

metalwing's photo
Sat 07/16/11 05:19 PM

Can we really trust academia?
(I don't.)

A scientific revolution in the theories of the nature of comets, solar system formation and astronomical phenomena in general is long overdue. For example, the impossibilities and contradictions inherent in the "dirty snowball comet model" and the "nebular collapse" theory of the origin of the solar system are legion. The theories fall short of explaining observed phenomena, but you'll never hear the scientists promoting them admit as much. Unfortunately, it seems that in all their mental excavations, the mass-produced scientists of our time have dug themselves into a trench of dreary proportions, carried along by the inertial stream of their cherished professors' naïve opinions. In fact, they can't even tell how deep they are in it, or that their theories are as woefully outdated as the mastodon fossils of which they catch passing glimpses. And thanks to James McCanney's work over the last thirty-odd years, they find themselves plunged, in the words of Mullah Nasr Eddin, "into the deepest galoshes that have ever been worn on sweaty feet."

James McCanney is something of a maverick in the scientific community. Having taught physics and mathematics at Cornell University, he was ousted because of pressure put on University authorities by professors in the astronomy department who didn't like what he was publishing. In that sense, academia is a tad like life in the Mob: "You can't say these things. If you do, we'll ruin you." But while McCanney may have suffered the fate of any scientist who attempts to go against the grain, his theories continue to hold up, predicting newly observed phenomena without having to resort to the "creeping crud" of widely accepted, bogus theories (McCanney's term for the shameless "revision" of old theories to account for unexpected observations).

James McCanney is a well known flake.

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 05:46 PM
Oh of course.

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 07:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/16/11 07:01 PM
So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


metalwing's photo
Sun 07/17/11 08:43 AM

So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


Comets do not have a magnetic field, nor do they have any process that creates a magnetic field.

If you will read a little farther back in time you will see that the science to disprove some of his theories has already occurred, such as his "solar wind, lack of dark matter, red shift", theories.

The fact that he taught at a university means nothing. Grad students commonly teach. We was unable to get his Phd.

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.


no photo
Sun 07/17/11 12:33 PM

So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


Comets do not have a magnetic field, nor do they have any process that creates a magnetic field.

If you will read a little farther back in time you will see that the science to disprove some of his theories has already occurred, such as his "solar wind, lack of dark matter, red shift", theories.

The fact that he taught at a university means nothing. Grad students commonly teach. We was unable to get his Phd.

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.


So are you saying then, that when the sun reaches out with a solar flare and touches a passing comet, that is just a coincidence?

I asked if you believed that comets are just "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charge.

Is that what you believe? If so, why do you believe that?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 07/17/11 01:26 PM

So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


Comets do not have a magnetic field, nor do they have any process that creates a magnetic field.

If you will read a little farther back in time you will see that the science to disprove some of his theories has already occurred, such as his "solar wind, lack of dark matter, red shift", theories.

The fact that he taught at a university means nothing. Grad students commonly teach. We was unable to get his Phd.

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.


So are you saying then, that when the sun reaches out with a solar flare and touches a passing comet, that is just a coincidence?

I asked if you believed that comets are just "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charge.

Is that what you believe? If so, why do you believe that?

if it didn't have any electrical charge, then it never would have formed...

no photo
Sun 07/17/11 01:36 PM
Magnetic Ropes


"The satellites have found evidence of magnetic ropes connecting Earth's upper atmosphere directly to the sun. We believe that solar wind particles flow in along these ropes, providing energy for geomagnetic storms and auroras."

~ David Sibeck, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center


George Mason University scientists discovered recently that a phenomenon called a giant magnetic rope is the cause of solar storms. Confirming the existence of this formation is a key first step in helping to mitigate the adverse effects that solar storm eruptions can have on satellite communications on Earth.

The discovery was made by associate professor Jie Zhang and his graduate student Xin Cheng using images from the NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) spacecraft.

Though the magnetic rope was believed to be the cause of these giant eruptions on the Sun, scientists had previously not been able to prove this phenomenon existed because of how quickly the rope moves.


metalwing's photo
Sun 07/17/11 06:41 PM

So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


Comets do not have a magnetic field, nor do they have any process that creates a magnetic field.

If you will read a little farther back in time you will see that the science to disprove some of his theories has already occurred, such as his "solar wind, lack of dark matter, red shift", theories.

The fact that he taught at a university means nothing. Grad students commonly teach. We was unable to get his Phd.

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.


So are you saying then, that when the sun reaches out with a solar flare and touches a passing comet, that is just a coincidence?

I asked if you believed that comets are just "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charge.

Is that what you believe? If so, why do you believe that?

if it didn't have any electrical charge, then it never would have formed...

So, it would appear you don't know the difference from an electric charge (carried by protons and electrons) and a magnetic field such as that formed by the earth's spinning iron core or the dynamic ion flux spinning inside the Sun?

What holds most astral bodies together is gravity. Some are held together by pre-existing forces caused by a previous life as part of a bigger body held together by gravity.

metalwing's photo
Sun 07/17/11 06:43 PM

So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


Comets do not have a magnetic field, nor do they have any process that creates a magnetic field.

If you will read a little farther back in time you will see that the science to disprove some of his theories has already occurred, such as his "solar wind, lack of dark matter, red shift", theories.

The fact that he taught at a university means nothing. Grad students commonly teach. We was unable to get his Phd.

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.


So are you saying then, that when the sun reaches out with a solar flare and touches a passing comet, that is just a coincidence?

I asked if you believed that comets are just "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charge.

Is that what you believe? If so, why do you believe that?

Did you even look at the link I posted?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 07/17/11 07:06 PM

So metalwing do you believe that comets are nothing more than "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charges or interactions with anything else?"


Comets do not have a magnetic field, nor do they have any process that creates a magnetic field.

If you will read a little farther back in time you will see that the science to disprove some of his theories has already occurred, such as his "solar wind, lack of dark matter, red shift", theories.

The fact that he taught at a university means nothing. Grad students commonly teach. We was unable to get his Phd.

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.


So are you saying then, that when the sun reaches out with a solar flare and touches a passing comet, that is just a coincidence?

I asked if you believed that comets are just "dirty snowballs" with no electrical charge.

Is that what you believe? If so, why do you believe that?

if it didn't have any electrical charge, then it never would have formed...

So, it would appear you don't know the difference from an electric charge (carried by protons and electrons) and a magnetic field such as that formed by the earth's spinning iron core or the dynamic ion flux spinning inside the Sun?

What holds most astral bodies together is gravity. Some are held together by pre-existing forces caused by a previous life as part of a bigger body held together by gravity.

gravity didn't make the first few particles come together, it was static electricity that did. they have proven this on the space station when they took some salt grains and in the zero gravity vacuum,they all started to clump together.

here is another website that agrees with this

so this implies that all bodies in the solar system have electro-static charges...

no photo
Sun 07/17/11 10:42 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/17/11 10:50 PM
So why do comets seem to interact with other bodies electrically? I saw video of the sun sending a solar flare out a long way into space and making contact with a comet.

Do you happen to know how or why that would happen?

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 01:26 AM

Can we really trust academia?
(I don't.)

If you have doubts about scientists claims, all you have to do is ask reasonable questions. Everyone I've met in the science community was completely open to explaining why they believe what they believe, for as far as I pressed them. The vast majority (in the science community) were willing to admit what they don't know, willing to recognize what is conjecture and what is proven, and willing to entertain other ideas, and if they disagree with something willing to explain why.

I don't trust any community fully, but scientists working at public unis make for the most transparent and the most honest community I've known.

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 01:39 AM

Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs.

I don't know whether comets are dirty snowballs, and I don't have much 'belief' on whether or not they are. I do, however, provisionally believe that "Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs."

By which I mean: I believe 'they' have done spectral analysis of comets, obtained results, looked at the results, and smart people who understand spectral analysis have concluded they are dirty snowballs - with good cause.

I believe this because Metal has said "Spectral analysis of comets indicate they are dirty snowballs." and metal has a good track record of limiting his simple, direct, declarative statements about the current state of scientific knowledge to statements which are verified/confirmed by many other, more thorough and widely acknowledged sources.

Its been a long time since i studied astronomy, and its late and im lazy, so there is a very open question for re: what we define as a 'comet', whether everything that we label 'comet' meets that definition, and whether there may be comets whose qualities deviate wildly from the qualities of the majority of comets.

metalwing's photo
Mon 07/18/11 06:09 AM
Some of these threads truly amaze me. Massagetrade, Slowhand, Bushicbillyclub, and a few others have a science education and can recognize science when they see it and usually recognize the baloney when they see it too. Usually, a quick check of the web verifies most obvious facts leaving lots of room for opinion.

Then you get a thread like this. A big discussion goes on about what comets are made of, how they formed, etc., as if we (mankind) is sitting around looking up into the sky and speculating. Any bozo who comes up is a theory carries equal weight to anyone else. Brown dwarfs are mentioned, collapsed stars, ... electrically active mystery material ...

The fact that NASA sends a spacecraft to sample and analyze a comet goes unnoticed. ALL of the science gained from the event is ignored.
Any straightforward simple science I present (all easily verified) is questioned and put into the context of some flake who has LONG been discredited.

I will post the same NASA link I posted a few days ago.

If anyone wants to know how comets are formed, what is their composition?, etc., here is the hard experimental data and the state of the art analysis by the top people in the field.

The various mixing of electric charge, magnetic fields, coronal discharges, solar wind, ions, and other scientific words in random sequence to explain comets is silly, to say the least.

It is fun to learn, question, speculate, and discuss. But this is the 21st century, not the 19th.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:09 AM

Some of these threads truly amaze me. Massagetrade, Slowhand, Bushicbillyclub, and a few others have a science education and can recognize science when they see it and usually recognize the baloney when they see it too. Usually, a quick check of the web verifies most obvious facts leaving lots of room for opinion.

Then you get a thread like this. A big discussion goes on about what comets are made of, how they formed, etc., as if we (mankind) is sitting around looking up into the sky and speculating. Any bozo who comes up is a theory carries equal weight to anyone else. Brown dwarfs are mentioned, collapsed stars, ... electrically active mystery material ...

The fact that NASA sends a spacecraft to sample and analyze a comet goes unnoticed. ALL of the science gained from the event is ignored.
Any straightforward simple science I present (all easily verified) is questioned and put into the context of some flake who has LONG been discredited.

I will post the same NASA link I posted a few days ago.

If anyone wants to know how comets are formed, what is their composition?, etc., here is the hard experimental data and the state of the art analysis by the top people in the field.

The various mixing of electric charge, magnetic fields, coronal discharges, solar wind, ions, and other scientific words in random sequence to explain comets is silly, to say the least.

It is fun to learn, question, speculate, and discuss. But this is the 21st century, not the 19th.

well, while your sitting praising and putting people down at the same time, maybe you could answer her question while doing so, a very simple one at that... do you think that comets have an electrical charge/field? i know you can post websites that say what scientists think, you have proved that, and a spectral analysis is just that, they look at in and make conclusions, and says nothing of an electric field... but if you just wanna post websites, thats fine too, but don't try thinking your some kind of science guy that way, because anyone can post a website....

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:19 AM

Do any of you remember the TV show Space 1999? The one where the moon is blasted out of orbit by a meltdown of radioactive waste that was stored on the moon? If that happened things would go CRAZY on this planet. If we got kicked out of orbit? It was nice knowing you all!

And don't forget Night Of The Comet, and Maximum Overdrive.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:21 AM

Do any of you remember the TV show Space 1999? The one where the moon is blasted out of orbit by a meltdown of radioactive waste that was stored on the moon? If that happened things would go CRAZY on this planet. If we got kicked out of orbit? It was nice knowing you all!

And don't forget Night Of The Comet, and Maximum Overdrive.

once the trucks ran out of fuel, that would be that... they were stupid for refueling them....

metalwing's photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:48 AM

Some of these threads truly amaze me. Massagetrade, Slowhand, Bushicbillyclub, and a few others have a science education and can recognize science when they see it and usually recognize the baloney when they see it too. Usually, a quick check of the web verifies most obvious facts leaving lots of room for opinion.

Then you get a thread like this. A big discussion goes on about what comets are made of, how they formed, etc., as if we (mankind) is sitting around looking up into the sky and speculating. Any bozo who comes up is a theory carries equal weight to anyone else. Brown dwarfs are mentioned, collapsed stars, ... electrically active mystery material ...

The fact that NASA sends a spacecraft to sample and analyze a comet goes unnoticed. ALL of the science gained from the event is ignored.
Any straightforward simple science I present (all easily verified) is questioned and put into the context of some flake who has LONG been discredited.

I will post the same NASA link I posted a few days ago.

If anyone wants to know how comets are formed, what is their composition?, etc., here is the hard experimental data and the state of the art analysis by the top people in the field.

The various mixing of electric charge, magnetic fields, coronal discharges, solar wind, ions, and other scientific words in random sequence to explain comets is silly, to say the least.

It is fun to learn, question, speculate, and discuss. But this is the 21st century, not the 19th.

well, while your sitting praising and putting people down at the same time, maybe you could answer her question while doing so, a very simple one at that... do you think that comets have an electrical charge/field? i know you can post websites that say what scientists think, you have proved that, and a spectral analysis is just that, they look at in and make conclusions, and says nothing of an electric field... but if you just wanna post websites, thats fine too, but don't try thinking your some kind of science guy that way, because anyone can post a website....

I am a science guy and I did answer the question. Most of these questions I don't need to research at all. When I post a website, it is usually to save a lot of typing. You might notice that I post a lot of information from NASA. There are plenty of folks on mingle who don't have a science background who can pose a question without pretending that they know more than they know.

Questions dealing with misuse of the term, electric field, electric charge, static electricity, etc. combined with non-functional statements about solar discharges are mostly meaningless. Most people don't understand cosmic rays, ions, hydrogen nuclei, solar discharge, solar ejecta, elemental positive charges, or what they have in common.

Just because you don't understand the science behind the world around you, doesn't mean others don't either.

(Again) Comets do not have a mechanism to produce an electric field like the Earth and the Sun or Jupiter. Some bodies, like Mars, have lost the ability to produce such a field which is why they don't have much of an atmosphere. Some bodies like comets and asteroids never had them in the first place.

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 10:48 AM

Do any of you remember the TV show Space 1999? The one where the moon is blasted out of orbit by a meltdown of radioactive waste that was stored on the moon? If that happened things would go CRAZY on this planet. If we got kicked out of orbit? It was nice knowing you all!

And don't forget Night Of The Comet, and Maximum Overdrive.

once the trucks ran out of fuel, that would be that... they were stupid for refueling them....

I know! haha