Topic: Hero
mig25's photo
Thu 07/14/11 02:38 AM

His callous hands
held me in my infancy
sheltered and protected me
as I grew
His callous hands
guided me when I was lost
and became my inspiration
while I was down
There were times when his face was worn
and despair was his burden;
those times I remember so well
because he told me I was his faith
“His reason to go on”

Imagine, my father, my hero
finding a miracle within me

no photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:26 AM
:heart: I am off work today Mig,,as so I can be with my son when His first son,is brought into his wife is now in labor.
This poem,,comes at a very joyous time in my life....Thank You!

It has made me think of all that today and their futures shall hold, knowing that stories of me shall be told to him later in his life,,,and of the many talks about life,,I shared with his Father.
AS,,I always THANKED OUR HOLY FATHER,,for BLESSING ME,,with HIS LIFE,,and now,,My Grandsons LIFE,,,,,:heart:

Let our circles of blessed hearts,,always flow to be shared and past down to son and daughter,,,,,,,,
,,long after we are gone.:heart:

no photo
Thu 07/14/11 07:09 AM
Nice. . . . . . .

bastet126's photo
Thu 07/14/11 08:25 AM
just loved this, the ending, perfect!! flowerforyou

mig25's photo
Thu 07/14/11 09:51 PM
You know iam4u, my father passed a fewe years ago but I never forgot what he meant to me as I try to raise my son. I've made a mistake or two but I've always tried to do what was right. I'm glad I was able to post this at the right time . . . funny how beautiful God's work is. Thanks for inspiring me as well.
And a special shout out to you bastet126 . . . thanks

kc0003's photo
Thu 07/14/11 10:05 PM

Chrispm84's photo
Thu 07/14/11 11:14 PM
Very nice, I like it.

no photo
Fri 07/15/11 01:21 PM

no photo
Fri 07/15/11 06:53 PM
Another beautiful write Mig..