Topic: Too much of our tax dollar money goes to Israel.
boredinaz06's photo
Thu 07/07/11 09:58 AM

Exhibit A)

Random acts of kindness...

Do some today.flowerforyou

Exhibit B)

Wed 06/29/11 04:51 PM
Way too much of American dollars are going to Israel.


Watch this:

This has got to stop.

Its extortion, it has to be.

Why else would we send them 6 - 10 billion dollars?

Which came first?

Your "random acts of kindness," or your hypocritical intuition?!

laugh laugh laugh NICE!

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 10:58 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 11:03 AM
What does a random act of kindness have to do with sending 10 billion dollars of our money to Israel? DUH!

If you don't have an intelligent answer why do you post?

Watch the video and understand that there are other people in the world that could benefit from aid. Not to mention people in America who are losing their homes, jobs, etc.

Stop sending our tax dollars to Israel!
Why are there so many Americans and politicians coddling Israel? Israel doesn't give a rat's butt for Americans. They only care about themselves.

We are Americans. We do not serve Israel. Let them handle their own problems.

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 11:24 AM

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 11:24 AM

s1owhand's photo
Thu 07/07/11 02:11 PM

I find it amusing that you put up a disgusting anti-Israel cartoon
slurring Israel as Nazi-like while arguing in the your other thread
that Nazi propaganda is true!




no photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:13 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 04:19 PM
Stop spreading lies. You are just too ignorant to know what is going on, or else you are simply a pawn of the evil empire.

What you don't realize is that Nazism and Zionism are basically the same thing... just different leaders.

Nasty government globalization. Its all about capitalism, money, power, profit etc. The world is overrun with greedy evil people. Central banking is turning this world into the rich vs the poor. Slave labor and large corporations.

How far are you away from losing your home? How many paychecks away?

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:18 PM

RKISIT's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:34 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 07/07/11 04:41 PM
Americans forget we also send money to countries to keep them from attacking Israel also.

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:35 PM

Americans foget we also send money to countries to keep them from attacking Israel also.

We should stop sending that money too. laugh

Let them all work it out amongst themselves. :tongue:

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:41 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 04:42 PM
I mean, seriously.. we ARE trillions of dollars in debt. About to go broke. China and Japan are ready to move in and evict us.


If people keep putting up with politicians that are more loyal to Israel than to America, then when they (our debtors) come to take your homes and kick you out into the street, you aren't even going to know what hit you or how the hell it happened.

What are you going to do when the banks close and your digital money disappears? Hummmm?

Better start learning how to trade and barter and grow your own food.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:55 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 07/07/11 04:56 PM

Stop spreading lies. You are just too ignorant to know what is going on, or else you are simply a pawn of the evil empire.

What you don't realize is that Nazism and Zionism are basically the same thing... just different leaders.

Nasty government globalization. Its all about capitalism, money, power, profit etc. The world is overrun with greedy evil people. Central banking is turning this world into the rich vs the poor. Slave labor and large corporations.

How far are you away from losing your home? How many paychecks away?

It was a common false and reprehensible Nazi argument that there
was a global jewish conspiracy. There is nothing at all wrong with
Zionism and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Nazism.


Background: Since the Nazis hated the Jews, one might at first think they would favor Zionism’s campaign to build a Jewish state, thus encouraging Jews to leave Germany. They did in fact encourage Jewish emigration to Palestine, even ordering newspapers in Germany not to print stories about the difficulties Jews faced there. However, this article from one of the most widely circulated Nazi periodicals rejects the idea. Zionism is seen as part of the general Jewish plot to control the world. Der Schulungsbrief was a general interest Nazi periodical with a circulation of over 1,000,000 in 1936. Nazi block wardens attempted to sell copies to every German citizen.

The source: Arno Schickedanz, “Der Zionismus,” Der Schulungsbrief 3 (April 1936), pp. 149-150.


Here is the truth about Zionism.

A Definition of Zionism

Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?
Excerpts From Herzl's The Jewish State
The Return to Zion
Zionism Is Not Racism
World Zionist Organization
Biographies of Zionists

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:54 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 05:57 PM
The conspiracy for the globalization of the entire world into capitalism IS the single plot for a one world economy and one world government ruled and controlled by the elite rich family's and bankers beginning with the Rothchilds, whose family crest was the six pointed star. That star, called the star of "David" has nothing to do with King David who is a fictional character. It is the Rothchild family symbol.

King David is a fiction. Abraham is a fiction.

Whether they pretend to be Jews or Christians or the Royal families or whatever, they are all one big fat society and bloodline who hate anyone who is not part of their bloodline and tribe. They believe they are superior to the rest of the humans on this earth whom they consider to be little more than animals.

Every past U.S. president's ancestry can be traced back to the royal families who are where they are from past history of conquering, genocide etc. They are the power elite. Many claim to be Jews... so what? They are not all claiming to to be Jews, but they fight amongst themselves for world power and wealth, and they decide behind closed doors what country they will invade next. They pick out anyone who might be their opposition and they assassinate them at will.

They use the exact tactics laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to achieve this global take over. They use bribery, extortion, murder, lies, etc. Don't be fooled by the cry "anti-semitic" "Jew basher" because these criminals infiltrate Christianity and other religious groups.

But you WILL know them by their hatred and by their deeds. You will know them by their lack of compassion and by their greed.

donthatoneguy's photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:05 PM
What's up with you, Jeanniebean? Its ONLY 10 billion dollars. I mean, seriously ... what's 10 BILLION dollars? Its only 1% of our budget ... what could it do? Feed a few MILLION families? Save a few hundred thousand HOMES from being foreclosed? Send a MILLION kids to college?

PSSHHH! How dare you be so selfish ... for other people ...

What kind of American ARE you?


... don'tya love it?

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 06:22 PM

What's up with you, Jeanniebean? Its ONLY 10 billion dollars. I mean, seriously ... what's 10 BILLION dollars? Its only 1% of our budget ... what could it do? Feed a few MILLION families? Save a few hundred thousand HOMES from being foreclosed? Send a MILLION kids to college?

PSSHHH! How dare you be so selfish ... for other people ...

What kind of American ARE you?


... don'tya love it?

laugh laugh laugh

Did you watch the video? Why does Israel get so much more than anyone else? Why?

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:23 PM
according to genealogy experts.

In 2008, the society discovered that Obama is related to seven previous presidents: George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison.

It also learned he was related to actor Brad Pitt and investor Warren Buffet.

donthatoneguy's photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:24 PM
Actually, Metalwing summed it up rather precisely:

The US does not hand Israel a check each year for the aid amount.

Part of the "package" is to give Israel slightly obsolete weapons systems to bolster their ability to defend themselves from the hostility which surrounds them. All of the weapons are not obsolete.
The larger market for the weapons creates US jobs and, through volume, causes less cost per unit to US weapons purchases.

Part of the "package" is to support Israeli intelligence and surveillance operations that the US would either do or want done in the area to keep track of hostile nation's forces, terrorism, and politics.

Part of the "package" is to fund joint operations in the case of an attack on Iran, etc.

Part of the "package" is pure anti terrorism operations.

donthatoneguy's photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:28 PM

according to genealogy experts.

In 2008, the society discovered that Obama is related to seven previous presidents: George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison.

It also learned he was related to actor Brad Pitt and investor Warren Buffet.

Actually, I've seen one source recently that claimed all Presidents within the past fifty years or so can be traced back as descendants of John Adams.

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:33 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 06:34 PM

Actually, Metalwing summed it up rather precisely:

The US does not hand Israel a check each year for the aid amount.

1. Part of the "package" is to give Israel slightly obsolete weapons systems to bolster their ability to defend themselves from the hostility which surrounds them. All of the weapons are not obsolete.
The larger market for the weapons creates US jobs and, through volume, causes less cost per unit to US weapons purchases.

2. Part of the "package" is to support Israeli intelligence and surveillance operations that the US would either do or want done in the area to keep track of hostile nation's forces, terrorism, and politics.

3. Part of the "package" is to fund joint operations in the case of an attack on Iran, etc.

Part of the "package" is pure anti terrorism operations.

I'm going to translate that propaganda:

1. Hostility surrounds them because of the way they forced people off of their so-called promised land and because of the way they treat their neighbors.

2. In other words, we are in bed with Israel. Period. If America (and Israel) was not pushing, their forced capitalism/globalization under the guise of "democracy" onto third world countries, then we would not need to care about Israel's "intelligence" or surveillance operations.

3. So you are saying that they are planning an attack on Iran next then? ("How special"bigsmile ) That's interesting, but not surprising.

4. I'm not so sure they would truly be simply anti-terrorism packages. It is a well known fact that the CIA and Mossad engage in many black ops operations that are nothing more than terrorism.

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:34 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Thu 07/07/11 07:13 PM

What's up with you, Jeanniebean? Its ONLY 10 billion dollars. I mean, seriously ... what's 10 BILLION dollars? Its only 1% of our budget ... what could it do? Feed a few MILLION families? Save a few hundred thousand HOMES from being foreclosed? Send a MILLION kids to college?

PSSHHH! How dare you be so selfish ... for other people ...

What kind of American ARE you?


... don'tya love it?

Our gross costs to run the government for the 2010 fiscal year was 4472 billion dollars. So your number of 1% is off by by almost 5 times. It's really 0.223% of the budget. Meanwhile, 65% of our budget is benevolence spending, such as feeding families.

The government acknowledges a 125.4 Billion in "improper payments occurred in the 2010 fiscal year.

In 2008, HHS had a budget of 707 Billion and 64,750 employees. Either a flat tax with a monthly prebate or a negative income tax would eliminate this whole department (freeing up 707 billion) and and putting HHS employees into jobs where they can actually help the economy. In 2008, there were 39.8 million people living in poverty. If we simply eliminated the HHS and gave the money to the poor, they would receive $17,853.53 EACH (including children). So why should we continue to pour money down the HHS toilet, when we can make a real difference by closing them down and simply cutting checks to the poor?

Edit: Corrected the gross costs and % of budge that assistance to Israel accounts for.

10,000,000,000 / 4,472,000,000,000 = 0.0022361359570662
0.0022361359570662 * 100 (round to the nearest) = 0.223%

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:37 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 07/07/11 06:37 PM
Spider, what is a negative income tax? Do they pay us?:smile: