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Topic: When the Bible is discredited...
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Thu 06/30/11 06:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 06:57 PM
You have NOT given me any "valid evidence."

I went over all that piece by piece.
I don't accept that as valid.


Bottom line, it is completely unconvincing.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 06:51 PM

We can confidently say this because we can know that an imaginary belief system can be completely coherent and yet still not be true, nor have a basis in reality.


How can you be confident of that? If you have an imaginary belief system that is completely coherent, how can you be confident that it isn't true?

I actually approach spiritually in precisely that way.

I did not say that we could be confident that it is not true. I said that it could be completely coherent and false. If an argument can be both, coherent and false simultaneously, then we know that coherency is insufficient for truth.

If I can imagine a completely coherent belief system, then why shouldn't I imagine that it can also be true?

You can imagine it to be true as much as you like. It is not for me to say why another should or should not imagine that their beliefs are true. In fact, it is impossible to believe something that you know is not true.

In fact, if there is any reason why I should doubt that it could be true, then there must be something about it that I feel isn't completely coherent.

Coherent within itself, or coherent with fact/reality? You see the difference? The former is about coherence, the latter is abut correspondence.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 06:57 PM
You have NOT given me any "valid evidence."

I went over all that piece by peice.
I don't accept that as valid.


This is false.

It's validity has nothing to do with whether or not you accept and/or know what being valid requires.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 06:59 PM
Bottom line, it is completely unconvincing.

Interesting, seeing how it was exactly what you asked for. Gotta different criterion?


no photo
Thu 06/30/11 07:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 07:01 PM

You have NOT given me any "valid evidence."

I went over all that piece by peice.
I don't accept that as valid.


This is false.

It's validity has nothing to do with whether or not you accept and/or know what being valid requires.

rofl rofl rofl rofl


That is not evidence of the existence of Jesus. Period.

and I am only interested in evidence that I accept as valid and convincing.

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 07:03 PM

Bottom line, it is completely unconvincing.

Interesting, seeing how it was exactly what you asked for. Gotta different criterion?


No it wasn't.

I asked for archaeological evidence for the existence of King David and Abraham.

You give me a bunch of circular reasoning for the possible existence of Jesus.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 07:20 PM
I don't know what to tell you JB. You're making yourself look bad. It is clear that you do not know the difference between a valid argument and an invalid argument. May I suggest that you not use terms which you do not know the meaning of? That deficiency in knowledge is stopping you from understanding the case at hand. A valid argument does not require your being convinced of anything in order for it to be valid.

Not my problem.

Be well Jb. Ya really should stop being rude. I mean, I've seen you complain about the laughing faces several times, yet you always use them. Attempting to ridicule another does not impress me.

Ah well, that comes of no surprise...

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 07:24 PM
As soon as you come to terms with exactly what it would take to convince you, we'll have something to work with. Until then it is a phantom criterion, which you yourself have yet to have figured out.

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 07:32 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 07:33 PM

I don't know what to tell you JB. You're making yourself look bad. It is clear that you do not know the difference between a valid argument and an invalid argument. May I suggest that you not use terms which you do not know the meaning of? That deficiency in knowledge is stopping you from understanding the case at hand. A valid argument does not require your being convinced of anything in order for it to be valid.

Not my problem.

Be well Jb. Ya really should stop being rude. I mean, I've seen you complain about the laughing faces several times, yet you always use them. Attempting to ridicule another does not impress me.

Ah well, that comes of no surprise...

Creative, you do not present a convincing argument.

I don't know why you feel it is valid.

You have failed to present any evidence at all of the existence of King David or Abraham.

I went over your so-called evidence. Sorry, it does not fit the bill.

I don't know why you think I am being rude. I think you are the one who "looks bad."

Valid or invalid, you have not been successful convincing me of anything.

And I see no archaeological dated, evidence at all. All you offer are writings written years after the fact by unknown persons and a bunch of assumptions.

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 07:59 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 08:02 PM
What constituted Valid evidence in your opinion?

Here is an interesting poll


Unverifiable personal testimonials 25.00%
Personal opinions 25.00%
Writings in old/new promotional literature 25.00%
“Revelations” from “prophets” or “seers” 12.50%
Accounts from wide ranging, independent sources that are in general agreement 75.00%
Accounts from sources that are not connected or involved with the claim or story 75.00%
Findings that have been widely tested and verified by others 87.50% Findings that you can test personally if you choose 87.50%
Findings and accounts that do not conflict with what you know of the real world.-75%

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:04 PM
Creative, you do not present a convincing argument.

Well, yeah. That certainly seems to be the case, Jb. The question is and has always been what would it take for you to be convinced. A valid argument does not satisfy that. I can say that, because I've offered you a valid argument in both long form, which was based upon lots of facts, and short form.

I don't know why you feel it is valid.

It follows the rules of classical logic. That is the only way an argument is valid.

You have failed to present any evidence at all of the existence of King David or Abraham.

True. However, I offered plenty of reasons supported by fact which clearly supportd two things, 1. that the truth of Jesus' existence has nothing to do with either 2. because of 1, there is no 'house of cards' as you've insisted upon having us believe

I went over your so-called evidence. Sorry, it does not fit the bill.

Well then clearly write the bill. I gave you what you asked for.

Valid or invalid, you have not been successful convincing me of anything.

It is not up to me to convince you. I simply gave you what you asked for. If that does not convince you, then figure out what will and ask for it.

And I see no archaeological dated, evidence at all. All you offer are writings written years after the fact by unknown persons and a bunch of assumptions.

You're not looking hard enough. Do your own homework, I've merely pointed you in the right direction.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:11 PM
What constituted Valid evidence in your opinion?

I've already explained this at least three times in this thread. Numerous time in the past. I'm using "valid" in the strictest sense of disciplinary use. It seems like you're using it as a synonym for believable. That doesn't help matters out here.

Look at the first lengthy response that I posted; the one that Di copied, pasted, and expressed appreciation for. It's all laid out in that post. We can go through it if you like.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:20 PM
The fact of the matter at hand Jb, is that I've given lots of good reasons to believe that a man named Jesus lived, was crucified, and had a religion named after him. You've offered no valid objection to those arguments.

I've already explained why your 'house of cards' attempt to discredit Christianity does not work. I'm not saying that it cannot be done. I'm saying that you've not done it.

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 08:24 PM
You have failed to present any evidence at all of the existence of King David or Abraham.

True. However, I offered plenty of reasons supported by fact which clearly supportd two things, 1. that the truth of Jesus' existence has nothing to do with either 2. because of 1, there is no 'house of cards' as you've insisted upon having us believe

I am not trying to prove or disprove the truth of "Jesus," or if he existed or not. (At least not in this thread)

It is King David and Abraham and all the stories that follow those characters and decendents in the old testament that is my PRIMARY focus.

(I have a completely different set of criteria for "Jesus.")
If he existed, I believe he has no connection what ever with King David.)

Was this not clear?

(I don't know how many times I have to say this.)ohwell

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:25 PM
Point me to where you've said it before.

If Jesus has no connection to King David, then how does Christianity fall along with David?


no photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:35 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 08:35 PM

Point me to where you've said it before.

If Jesus has no connection to King David, then how does Christianity fall along with David?


Do you know your Bible?

(Most people believe it to be the infallible word of God.)

Jesus was said to be a descendant of the house of David, having royal blood and being in line for the throne.

But the stories of the chosen people, Joshua, etc. all hinge on the line of David.

If this information is all false it changes everything.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:36 PM
Looking for 'evidence' to support more Jew-bashing?

I'm done.

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:38 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 08:39 PM

Looking for 'evidence' to support more Jew-bashing?

I'm done.

frustrated frustrated frustrated

OMG you too.

I thought you were much more intelligent than that.

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 08:41 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/30/11 08:45 PM
I am appalled at how brainwashed everyone is.

They and you, are so afraid to investigate these things
or to ask questions or to challenge false information.


I'm done too. I don't care anymore. To hell with all of this.

People are still in the dark ages.

donthatoneguy's photo
Thu 06/30/11 09:29 PM
Edited by donthatoneguy on Thu 06/30/11 09:32 PM
MsHarmony, sorry, I couldn't pass this without word ...

I dont believe its simply the means of delivery that has kept the bible viable and valid.

I imagine, it would have to be a huge conspiracy lasting that same two thousand years to not have any indication from that period that it was a hoax, even without internet.

Imagine, these things being written in such a time when there was division and sacrifice and crucifixion. IN such a circumstance, I cant believe there would be not ONE (discovered) contradiction written by others in that time to state that these things didnt happen or werent true.

If I wrote a story today, about how X came to Nevada and was burned at a stake by order of a Judge. I would think that someone who knew the judge, perhaps the judge himself, or someone who was in Nevada when such burning was said to happen, would write or express that they had heard or seen no such thing, or that no such thing has happened.

To me, its amazing that noone from that period seems to have documented that these things DIDNT really happen.

,,,its the flip side of an absence of something seeming SUSPICIOUS

my suspicion is on the other side, that nothing from that period refutes what was claimed to have happened...

You're talking about books that weren't in large circulation at the time, IF they were even written yet. Only a handful of copies of the originals (at best) have ever been found and you can't believe that, what? Someone's diary wasn't found saying "No crucifixions took place today, this day that a book not yet written will say that the Son of God named Jesus will be flogged and hung on a cross."?

Or ...

"June 6th, 29 A.D. ... Went to market today and didn't see a man healing all the lepers in the square. Nope. No one walking on water today. Maybe tomorrow."?

Sorry, for a time period certainly not known for its literacy or its publication ingenuity, that's definitely not a valid argument.

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