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Topic: We got our man but who gets the credit.
TJN's photo
Thu 05/05/11 06:07 AM

sad thing is there are those who probably believe that.

no photo
Thu 05/05/11 06:09 AM
don't be sad. I'm fine with it

TJN's photo
Thu 05/05/11 06:16 AM

don't be sad. I'm fine with it

Touché lol

no photo
Thu 05/05/11 06:28 AM

So the recipient of the Nobel peace prize gets credit for authorizing the murder of a human being hmmmmm.

It's almost as if you're trying to make Osama Bin Laden's death seem like a bad thing. How many people died due to him?

TJN's photo
Thu 05/05/11 07:00 AM

So the recipient of the Nobel peace prize gets credit for authorizing the murder of a human being hmmmmm.

It's almost as if you're trying to make Osama Bin Laden's death seem like a bad thing. How many people died due to him?

You shouldn't try to read into what I post. Making an assumption is usually wrong. Did I say OBL being killed was a bad thing? No
I just wonder had this happened before, would Obama still have been awarded it.

no photo
Thu 05/05/11 07:04 AM
Thanks for clarifying.

Chazster's photo
Thu 05/05/11 07:38 AM

Things don't seem to be working out very well for Obama-haters. Here's an article on the latest CBS poll about what is happening with Obama's job approval.


Those 33%ers are having a bad day.

Americans are fickle, his approval will probably move back down if the country stays in the same situation.
Now while I think he didn't have much to do with Bin Ladens death (I don't think any president really does its mostly the military) I do think he will take the credit when it comes time to start campaigning for the next election.

no photo
Thu 05/05/11 07:42 AM
I do think he will take the credit when it comes time to start campaigning for the next election.
Much like Chimpy McFlight Suit, on the deck of the air craft carrier off the California coast.

Winx's photo
Fri 05/06/11 11:53 AM

The man with no military experience. LOL Typical liberal mindset...

Typical bully behavior.huh

News flash. Obama is the Commander in Chief.

Winx's photo
Fri 05/06/11 11:56 AM

The man with no military experience. LOL Typical liberal mindset...

The only credit he should get is for giving the Greenlight, other then that nothing. The guy put this off for months almost letting him slip through our hands.

This intelligence we started getting in 2003 when we were using enhanced interrogations, black sites etc. They finally tracked down the actual currierthis past August and verified him then. Most of the work was done in the previous administration.

This vindicates President Bush and his use of enhanced interrogations and black sites, they got the job done.

Bush dropped the ball.

He gave up two years into his presidency!

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

Then Bush dissolved the "Get Osama" task force in 2005, the same year bin Laden settled into his mansion.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/06/11 12:10 PM

I do think he will take the credit when it comes time to start campaigning for the next election.
Much like Chimpy McFlight Suit, on the deck of the air craft carrier off the California coast.

i don't remember obama being on a carrier... does he even know what they are?

no photo
Fri 05/06/11 01:59 PM
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

Then Bush dissolved the "Get Osama" task force in 2005, the same year bin Laden settled into his mansion.

WOW... good one. (Trust your government, they never lie.)bigsmile

I haven't heard anything about investigation into who or what corporation actually OWNS the Bin Laden mansion. Has anyone else?

no photo
Fri 05/06/11 02:06 PM
according to this article,
Hizbul Mujahideen, a terror group active in Jammu and Kashmir, owns the mansion that sheltered Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.

A Canadian newspaper, which reported the Hizb link to the house, said Pakistan was hushing up the issue of ownership of the place.

Quoting an unnamed police source in Pakistan, Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail reported that the mansion where bin Laden lived belonged to Hizbul Mujahideen. "But the authorities have asked us not to share any information about the exact ownership," the paper said.


America and Pakistan have some real fences to mend. I think it's going to make the world a better place.

no photo
Fri 05/06/11 03:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/06/11 03:18 PM
Artio, your celebrity look alike has been found.


TurboRams's photo
Wed 05/18/11 12:18 PM
Mr lpdon do u agree or disagree that wen they attacked our towers showing us what they are capable of would u agree we should have leveled a few places showing them wat we can do and tell them to keep it over there????

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