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Topic: The never ending story NEEDS HELP!
Kematcheone's photo
Fri 04/08/11 05:46 AM
i tried to write a story but all i got to was
Once upon a time...

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 05:48 AM
Maybe you should write a story about thathuh

wux's photo
Fri 04/08/11 05:53 AM
Edited by wux on Fri 04/08/11 05:53 AM

Maybe you should write a story about thathuh

Or maybe write a story about how you should write a story about that.

How 'bout that?

Kematcheone's photo
Fri 04/08/11 05:56 AM
Edited by Kematcheone on Fri 04/08/11 06:02 AM

Maybe you should write a story about thathuh

i just cant figure what goes after the once upon of time?
i got only 2 characters: mingle1 and mingle2 so far
and than i get dumbfounded :thumbsup:

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 06:04 AM
In a land far away...

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 06:30 AM

Maybe you should write a story about thathuh

i just cant figure what goes after the once upon of time?
i got only 2 characters: mingle1 and mingle2 so far
and than i get dumbfounded :thumbsup:
The site used to be called "Just Say Hi"....there was a merge in there somewhere in 2008 and it became Mingle there is a jump start.....have fun with

Kematcheone's photo
Fri 04/08/11 07:28 AM

In a land far away...

where mingle1 came from. crud i lose my focus here man

Scorpio_WJR's photo
Fri 04/08/11 07:38 AM
The logo makes it look more like mingle squared. Still doesn't explain where mingle came from b4 getting squared tho...

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 07:58 AM
Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived a legend of a man,
he was my friend.
His name was Kematcheone.
Warrior, keeper of the old ways...a spiritual man.


bastet126's photo
Fri 04/08/11 08:27 AM
had a vision that lasted days or weeks,
he did not know, because time wasn't invented yet
but it came to him, and knew he must make it so.

as the sun rested high in the sky,
he fired up the dirt bike (story would take way too long on a camel)
and he set out to find....

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 08:38 AM
The keeper of his love, for he has searched the plains and the Forrest's
trying so desperately to find the one who shall bare his children.
She was called,,The Holder of Knowledge...for she knew what you think.

Traveling at 90 miles an hour on his dirt bike,,he seen a strain of her hair,,,laying still on the sand,,until his bike blew it away at 30 mph,,,,THEN,,he stopped,,,,

soufiehere's photo
Fri 04/08/11 08:49 AM

The keeper of his love, for he has searched
the plains and the Forrest's
trying so desperately to find the one who
shall bare his children.
She was called,,The Holder of Knowledge...
for she knew what you think.
Traveling at 90 miles an hour on his dirt bike
,,he seen a strain of her hair,,,laying still
on the sand,,until his bike blew it away
at 30 mph,,,,THEN,,he stopped,,,,
Did a wheelie.
And began to chase that hair down the beach,
just oiut of reach, up, down, sideways it blew.
But he saw his future in that hair.
It was blonde.
Finally, he grabbed it, did another wheelie, and
held the strand of hair next to his heart.
He headed up the dunes..

bastet126's photo
Fri 04/08/11 08:53 AM
Edited by bastet126 on Fri 04/08/11 08:55 AM
where he came across a pepsi machine
great timing! he thought
she really DOES know what i am thinking...

he chugged it down
wiped the sweat from his brow
went to get back on his bike
when off in the distance he saw the most amazing...

soufiehere's photo
Fri 04/08/11 09:02 AM

where he came across a pepsi machine
great timing! he thought
she really DOES know what i am thinking...
he chugged it down
wiped the sweat from his brow
went to get back on his bike
when off in the distance he saw
the most amazing...

A kiosk, for a dating site.
He roared up to it, de-biked, removed
his helmet, and asked for directions.
'I seek the ONE' he said.

'Well, isn't this your lucky day'
said the operator.
'Guess who we have for you?'

bastet126's photo
Fri 04/08/11 09:08 AM
and in a blink..........
it was gone
the mirage gently soaked back into the heat
he threw his hands to his head
went down on his knees
beat his fists into the sand
and cried out 'nooooooooooooooo!!!'
he sulked for days or weeks,
he did not know, for time had still not been invented
but when the moon rose for the 7th time

soufiehere's photo
Fri 04/08/11 09:36 AM

and in a blink..........
it was gone
the mirage gently soaked back into the heat
he threw his hands to his head
went down on his knees
beat his fists into the sand
and cried out 'nooooooooooooooo!!!'
he sulked for days or weeks,
he did not know, for time had still
not been invented
but when the moon rose for the 7th time

staggered to his feet, and found
he was BLIND.

'Oh God' he raged, 'how can you take
from me, my ability to find the ONE?'

'Ahhh' said God, 'I have but given you
the only tool necessary to find the ONE,
the pureness of your senses..'

The man calmed.
He found he COULD 'see' more..
In fact, who was that, biking towards
him in a whirl of sand and hair..

bastet126's photo
Fri 04/08/11 10:12 AM
wait for it......

wait.....for it....

none other than fabio
he came to a screeching halt
right at the great ones bare feet
he swirled and twirled his hair for him
for days, or weeks.... you know how that goes...
and finally, when a call from his publisher broke his train of thought
he got back on his bike
tosselled his hair one last time
and took off into the sunset
leaving the great one wondering...

soufiehere's photo
Fri 04/08/11 11:19 AM

wait for it......
wait.....for it....
none other than fabio
he came to a screeching halt
right at the great ones bare feet
he swirled and twirled his hair for him
for days, or weeks.... you know how that goes...
and finally, when a call from his publisher broke his train of thought
he got back on his bike
tosselled his hair one last time
and took off into the sunset
leaving the great one wondering...

But he did not give up.
Fabio was only pretty to the eyes.
And biker was blind.
He could only smell what seemed like butter.

He wandered down to the shoreline, his feet hot
and bothered by the heat.
He sat to cool his feet.
Out in the open ocean he saw..a mermaid?
How could that be?

bastet126's photo
Fri 04/08/11 11:35 AM
surely the fact that he was blind, but now he sees
was a sign that there was more at work here than
the mere cleaning out of the sand in his eyes.
so, he called out to her... in mermaid speak
at which he was instantly fluent in, in 7 languages.
she was taken aback
but she fought the tide
she flippered her way closer to the shoreline
closer still, when.........

soufiehere's photo
Fri 04/08/11 11:37 AM

surely the fact that he was blind, but now he sees
was a sign that there was more at work here than
the mere cleaning out of the sand in his eyes.
so, he called out to her... in mermaid speak
at which he was instantly fluent in, in 7 languages.
she was taken aback
but she fought the tide
she flippered her way closer to the shoreline
closer still, when.........

S H A R K !!!!!!

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