Topic: Dollars no more... | |
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Sat 04/02/11 09:23 PM
A few years ago I attened FanExpo and I've gone every year since.
One thing I enjoyed most about it was the fact that I could find so many 70s, 80s, and early 90s comic books for 1$ (which is awesome if you know how expensive they can be) Since then, however, I've noticed that whenever I purchase something I consider not how much money I'm spending on it, but how many 1$ comic books I could buy with the money I'm spending on something else. Then it progressed into me refering to dollars as 'issues' or 'comics'. I buy a packet of gum and I see it as failing to buy two potential comic books issues. Has my hobby started to consume? Or has my oblivious nature taken hold and am I already wedged deep within the abysmal crevice of comic geekdom? |
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Sat 04/02/11 09:34 PM
A few years ago I attened FanExpo and I've gone every year since. One thing I enjoyed most about it was the fact that I could find so many 70s, 80s, and early 90s comic books for 1$ (which is awesome if you know how expensive they can be) Since then, however, I've noticed that whenever I purchase something I consider not how much money I'm spending on it, but how many 1$ comic books I could buy with the money I'm spending on something else. Then it progressed into me refering to dollars as 'issues' or 'comics'. I buy a packet of gum and I see it as failing to buy two potential comic books issues. Has my hobby started to consume? Or has my oblivious nature taken hold and am I already wedged deep within the abysmal crevice of comic geekdom? I don't know about those, but I am unable to buy anything in any established retail store when I know that their $13.99 item is avalable for $1.25 at a Dollar store. It is a crippling thing. I can have a hangnail, for instance, which potentially can develop into a gangeriney wound, and wind up losing my hand -- but I will walk past seven drugstores coz I know that their $7.99 clippers are three for a dollar at Dollarama. |
A few years ago I attened FanExpo and I've gone every year since. One thing I enjoyed most about it was the fact that I could find so many 70s, 80s, and early 90s comic books for 1$ (which is awesome if you know how expensive they can be) Since then, however, I've noticed that whenever I purchase something I consider not how much money I'm spending on it, but how many 1$ comic books I could buy with the money I'm spending on something else. Then it progressed into me refering to dollars as 'issues' or 'comics'. I buy a packet of gum and I see it as failing to buy two potential comic books issues. Has my hobby started to consume? Or has my oblivious nature taken hold and am I already wedged deep within the abysmal crevice of comic geekdom? IDK, sounds interesting to me either way. What kind of comics do you like? |
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Sat 04/02/11 10:17 PM
I love your way of thinking!
I have the 'swapping hours for dollars, and the how many days equate to how much mulch hay, food, and seeds I can use it for'....mentality! Dollars...or money, is simply an energy symbol we use to move around for what we require. You require gum, it costs you two comics... I require mulch hay, it cost's me half an hour's work... Revel in the chasm! ![]() |
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Sat 04/02/11 10:20 PM
IDK, sounds interesting to me either way. What kind of comics do you like? Mostly X-Men, Deadpool, Hellboy and Green Arrow. I like a lot of Alan Moore's stuff, love Neil Gaiman's stuff and I've been known to read Excalibur, Exiles, Hellblazer, HackSlash, Flash, Thunderstrike and some horror comics. I try to keep to material that will keep me guessing. |
Every comic is an INVESTMENT for an artist. I call them Reference materials and they affected my artistic development.....
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sure as hell beats investing in Crack. |
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Sun 04/03/11 06:26 AM
![]() Sure as hell beats investing in Crack. hahaha thats's funny as ITS hand is up hers :-) |
![]() Sure as hell beats investing in Crack. ![]() |
Sure as hell beats investing in Crack. ![]() Ewwie, how's your owwie? |
I'm with Jesse642 i buy something and go "Damn the was 2 hours at work"
I'm with Jesse642 i buy something and go "Damn the was 2 hours at work" i used to figure how many hours i would have to work to buy the item i was looking at. then i would decide if it was worth the effort to purchase it |
Isn't it really just a matter of prioritizing? If the comics mean more to you than the raw dollars, then it's only natural to think in terms of emphasizing the standard that's most significant to you.
But I'm a long-time comic book addict myself (used to have some Batman and Captain America stuff from the 1940s). I know a guy who owns a comic book store, so I've been able to keep up with a lot of the characters even though I don't buy a lot of the books anymore. My favorite character has always been Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern.... |
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Sun 04/03/11 09:27 AM
![]() These two things seem to be having A Very Special Relationship. This is the best art I've seen in a long time, since it gives a people-dynamic, a relationship-dynamic between two people who have a non-traditional relationship, they understand each other well and happily, while most of us onlookers at the picture can have an understanding of the mentality of only one of the characters. The other character is by definition only very rudimentarily understandable by us, and we would expect that the woman, a human-looking human, would have the same limitations as we in understanding the other character. But we see that she broke through the inter-species and inter-reality (real world personalities vs. fantasy character personalities) membranes, and she found her playmate, soul-mate, and sex-mate, and vice versa. This is giving us hope, to us humans, that the monsters we fight daily are not only tameable, but also likeable, and we can get into a close and intimate, even sexual relationship with them, if we somehow manage to break through the obstacles that debilitate our finding a common ground with them. We can even discard the "tameable" descriptor, we can replace the entire fear-driven basis for the relationship with fun, romance, and intellecutal harmony. ----- P.s. I say the above, becasue though pulling on a tongue is aggressive behaviour, as is grabbing the thigh of smaller and weaker person, there is not real threats, since the expression on the woman's face is kind, not fearful, not angry. She is having fun, a lover's fight fun is written on her expression. And her left arm is idle in a sense of all-out fighting ways. She is not using her left hand and left arm to fight off the monster, she is holding her own head with it. Why? Because, obviously, there is no fight going on, the scene is a physical bantering between two hot lovers, very obviously. The Monster's emotions are harder to read by the monster's facial expression, as humans are not capable of doing that. But though it must be uncomfortable for him to have his tongue pulled on, he is not ripping the woman into pieces, he is, instead, teasingly loosening her garment. He holds her by the leg, which most of us would like to do too, if only our hands were big enough to wrap around female legs. This is a lover's tangle, a mock-fight with no aggressive or cruel or hurtful tendencies, this is an idyllic depiction of heaven come to earth at its best. |
Holy GAWD!
I love the interpretation......I just thought it looked cool. |
Holy GAWD! I love the interpretation......I just thought it looked cool. You're an artist... I am a wordsmith. We need a musician. We all say the same thing, except in words the intellectualization is more powerfully presented and in-your-face, because of the nature of the medium. A picture can say a thousand-page book in an instant, and a piece of music can conjure up images, emotions and entire vasts spaces of history in a matter of three-four minutes. I think I doubled up on my Prozac this morning, by mistake. |
I hear ya. Actually, my writing is way better than my artwork.
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Sun 04/03/11 04:54 PM
Scribbling, in pictures or words, are of the same for me...creating music is simply an extension of wanting to convey or share the imagery I have...
I use words here to draw a picture, as it is the only medium available. Even when planning a garden, it is elementally the imagery/mood that it conveys, I am wanting to share....creating an emotional response, drawing the eye to something specific, then panning out into the whole.. Hahaha...I am looking around my house...EVERY single thing is placed to share the emotional sense I receive from each individual object...and then absorbed into the whole of the room.. |
I do it with books and plants.
With books, I have a fairly detailed - check at the local used bookstore first, then Half-Price Books, then Amazon or the local Hastings, with a quick peek at the Wal-Mart in the next town over. That Wal-Mart has an amazingly big book section and the new books are about $2.00 cheap then the Hastings. If I find cheaper books, then I can find more books. ![]() The plant thing started when I was in the long term with the then-bf. If he bought cigarettes, I got to buy an inexpensive houseplant or 2, depending on the cost of cigarettes. Kept his smoking down for a while, though I got teased from him and friends about the place looking like a jungle. I was having to repot every 3 months, because everything was growing like weeds, and eventually starting shifting plants back to my parents. I have a lot of 3rd and 4th generation plants and cutting from the original buys. The plants lasted longer then the ex! ![]() |