Topic: Mats Daily Challenge
mattherin's photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:20 AM
Okay, so I am running a little bit late this morning. Had to jump out of bed and run because I thought I had a meeting at 8:00. Turns out I didn't.

So todays challenge is this.

Go out of your way to help a complete stranger. I have already completed mine for the day so i will go ahead and write it up.

I went to Subway for breakfast after my non existent meeting. While there a gentleman came in that had to use two crutches in order to walk. He came in and ordered a coffee and they put it in a bag so he could carry it to his table. As he was walking the bag broke and his coffee spilled all over the floor. Almost without thinking I jumped up and grabbed his cup. I told him that I would go and get the gals to refill it for free. They did refill it (2 cream 2 sugars added as well). I then took it back to the guy and told him to have a nice day.
I didn't wait for a thank you as I was leaving anyways, but as I walked by the window I glanced in and the guy gave me a huge grin and waved.

So there it is. Let's see what ya got Minglers. :)

no photo
Wed 03/30/11 09:31 AM
Today I was walking on the trails and since its pretty cold in the morning, I brought some napkins because my nose gets pretty runny.As I was walking along I hear some rustling in the bushes and some grunting,I look and it was a bum taking a dump.He see`s me and my minds just trying to find the words for this situation,then I say to him "need some toilet paper?" he says yes and I just give him the small bundle I brought.He says "god bless you sir." and I just nod my head and walk away as fast as I can...

mattherin's photo
Wed 03/30/11 10:11 AM
While kind of nasty and a bit disturbing, you might have made his day. Can't think of anything to say about that one. :)

mattherin's photo
Wed 03/30/11 12:48 PM
/bump to the top. :)

mattherin's photo
Wed 03/30/11 04:50 PM

seamac's photo
Wed 03/30/11 05:29 PM
Well I was off today and although I had a busy day I didn't see many people however Monday at work I waited on an elderly man who bought a dozen boxes which are sold flat, a solar light for his boat and a small roll of very light weight insulation. No sooner did he get out the door when the wind grabbed a few of the boxes and sent the items resting on them flying. I left my cashier station without a thought and went running out into the bitter wind to help. As I am running I see the shopping cart heading right at his backside as he gathered his things. I grabbed the cart and secured the rest of the boxes, helped him collect the rest, discovered that the solar light was in pieces and stood out there long enough to be sure it was just apart, not broken. The gentleman was very grateful which was nice but I did what I did without thinking about getting in trouble for leaving my register 'unmanned' and my light on....just had to go help. No big deal to me but I suppose it made a difference to my customer.

I am a huge believer in random acts of kindness, seems there is often a way to help someone if you are willing to. Kudos to you matt for helping this morning!

seamac's photo
Wed 03/30/11 05:32 PM

Today I was walking on the trails and since its pretty cold in the morning, I brought some napkins because my nose gets pretty runny.As I was walking along I hear some rustling in the bushes and some grunting,I look and it was a bum taking a dump.He see`s me and my minds just trying to find the words for this situation,then I say to him "need some toilet paper?" he says yes and I just give him the small bundle I brought.He says "god bless you sir." and I just nod my head and walk away as fast as I can...

Kudos to you for making the best of am embarrassing situation! We all have had to go in less than desirable settings and your help must have really helped!