Topic: The Purple Flower
uk1971's photo
Sun 03/20/11 03:36 PM
Edited by uk1971 on Sun 03/20/11 03:38 PM
One day this kid was walking to school and this punk was walking behind him.
Well, the punk kid threw a rock at him and the kid turned around and called him a purple flower.
The punk ran ahead and when the other got there the teacher wanted to talk to him. She asked what happened this morning.
"Well see, this kid threw a rock at me and I called him a purple flower"
"A purple flower!!!???!!! You're going to the principal's office!"
So he went...and the principal asked what happened.
"Well this kid threw a rock at me and I called him a purple flower."
"A purple flower!!!???!!! You're suspended!"
His mom came and picked him up and asked why was he suspended.
"See, this kid threw a rock at me and I called him a purple flower."
"A purple flower!? Wait till your father gets home!"
His dad came home, understanding and ready and he asked what had happened.
"Well, this kid threw a rock at me and I called him...a...a purple flower."
"A purple flower?!! You're going to boarding school!"
Years later and at graduation they're asking the students how they got there.
His turn...
"Well, it all began one day kid threw a rock at me, yeah, and I called him a purple flower."
the crowd said in astonishment,
"You're not graduating!"
Well, the kid walks gloomily onto the road and sudenly this car comes and hits him.
When the kid walks up to the pearly gates. St. Peter asked
"So what happened?"
"Well, Years ago I called a kid a.... Purple flower"
"Purple flower?! You're going to hell!"
So.... the kid ends up in Hell. And Satan asks him
"What are you doing here?!"
The kids explains
"so I called some kid a purple flower, then I got kicked out of school, I was sent to boarding school, I got hit by a car, I couldn't go to heaven... Now will you PLEASE, tell me what a purple flower is?!"
The Devil chuckled, and told the kid
"A purple flower, is an infinite joke, with absolutelly no punchline"

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: slaphead slaphead :banana: bigsmile

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Tue 03/22/11 11:12 AM

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Thu 03/24/11 07:12 AM