Topic: Runes
InvictusV's photo
Tue 03/15/11 09:49 AM

i thought irish were predominantly catholic. Im confused though why a POPE would send a Christian. I mean i know they are very similar but wouldn't that take away from his own religion.

The emissary was Catholic. I believe that not all Celts practiced strict Catholicism, but still bought into a Christian way of life.

The Vikings did their best to kill off both sects.

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 03/15/11 09:53 AM

i thought irish were predominantly catholic. Im confused though why a POPE would send a Christian. I mean i know they are very similar but wouldn't that take away from his own religion.

The emissary was Catholic. I believe that not all Celts practiced strict Catholicism, but still bought into a Christian way of life.

The Vikings did their best to kill off both sects.

how courteous of them, was this because they were afraid it would cause a dissolution of their own practices to serve many GODS?

InvictusV's photo
Tue 03/15/11 10:49 AM
Edited by InvictusV on Tue 03/15/11 10:52 AM

i thought irish were predominantly catholic. Im confused though why a POPE would send a Christian. I mean i know they are very similar but wouldn't that take away from his own religion.

The emissary was Catholic. I believe that not all Celts practiced strict Catholicism, but still bought into a Christian way of life.

The Vikings did their best to kill off both sects.

how courteous of them, was this because they were afraid it would cause a dissolution of their own practices to serve many GODS?

You are right If you mean they weren't into becoming pussified..

Although, no one could be really classified as such back then, it wasn't until much later when the little green men showed up and started rapid pussification of the western world

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 03/15/11 01:04 PM

i thought irish were predominantly catholic. Im confused though why a POPE would send a Christian. I mean i know they are very similar but wouldn't that take away from his own religion.

The emissary was Catholic. I believe that not all Celts practiced strict Catholicism, but still bought into a Christian way of life.

The Vikings did their best to kill off both sects.

how courteous of them, was this because they were afraid it would cause a dissolution of their own practices to serve many GODS?

You are right If you mean they weren't into becoming pussified..

Although, no one could be really classified as such back then, it wasn't until much later when the little green men showed up and started rapid pussification of the western world

I am correct to say that you are referring to catholic/christians as pussified organizations.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 03/15/11 08:50 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Tue 03/15/11 08:52 PM

i thought irish were predominantly catholic. Im confused though why a POPE would send a Christian. I mean i know they are very similar but wouldn't that take away from his own religion.

The emissary was Catholic. I believe that not all Celts practiced strict Catholicism, but still bought into a Christian way of life.

The Vikings did their best to kill off both sects.

how courteous of them, was this because they were afraid it would cause a dissolution of their own practices to serve many GODS?

You are right If you mean they weren't into becoming pussified..

Although, no one could be really classified as such back then, it wasn't until much later when the little green men showed up and started rapid pussification of the western world

I am correct to say that you are referring to catholic/christians as pussified organizations.

Not necessarily. The crusades were nasty and there were some serious dudes fighting for the church. If you look at the Northern Crusades you had some of the nastiest rampaging armies in history. The Armies from Denmark, Sweden and the Teutonic Orders out of Germany were asskicking, ethnic cleansing SOBs. They laid waste to the pagan Baltic tribes and battled Russian orthodoxy.

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 03/15/11 09:44 PM
ok, so do you have a set of runes, invictusv

vthepoet's photo
Tue 03/15/11 10:09 PM

I am not exactly as versed in Druidism as others are. Druids were into "natural order" and "life magic." I am not sure how to start about them or what to even say since I am far less than a novice. I know a little bit about them. Celtic magic is not necessarily Druid since a lot of Celts actually feared and respected druids at the same time. Druid magic is in no way the same as Wiccan although many say they are the same there is one huge difference, druids are all men! Also druids usually carry a hand held hook shaped blade or scythe. This is to gather herbs and plant life used in medicine and ritual. Now it is possible they did practice human sacrifice but sources that I knew said otherwise and that human sacrifice was made up by the Romans to weaken their influence among the Celts in an effort to weaken the English Isle for conquest. Divide and Conquer. It was the Catholic Church that tried to put an end to them once and for all. IN their blood lust they took on both the Viking and Druids and the Druids lost but the Vikings kicked some Catholic azz!

Druidism is also a life style and many self professed druids are latter day practitioners. Not the real deal. They did follow astrological portends but did not use numerology. They based a lot of what they were predicting on stellar events, the position of stars, and likewise animal sacrifice. Druid ceremonies are also nothing like Wiccan ceremonies. The roots of both practices have different origins.

"life magic." Thats the best way to describe druidism practices.

redishmars's photo
Wed 03/16/11 05:21 PM
I have been reading runes and following there guidance for over 20 years. ( on and off ). have found them to an excellent oracal.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 03/17/11 04:54 AM

ok, so do you have a set of runes, invictusv

Yes I do..

Simonedemidova's photo
Thu 03/17/11 08:58 AM

ok, so do you have a set of runes, invictusv

Yes I do..

are they Nordic ones staying true to our history?

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 03/17/11 12:20 PM
Umm, druidism wasn't all and only men. There were women involved. It's very hierarchical, however, and women didn't always rank as high.

Catholicism is a sect within Christianity, so it is Christian. In truth its the original Christian belief, and everything else comes off from it as different Christian beliefs splintered.

Both the Celts and the Norse viewed women far better and more equally until Christianity and more importantly, Rome, started to infiltrate. Romans wouldn't deal with women leaders, and were absolutely freaked out by women fighters. Women who owned land, and businesses were generally required to fight. When Rome invaded, and won, things took a turn for the worse for women and they became child-bearing drones not allowed to think or act with out a mans permission.

Most of the Norse runes nowadays aren't true to the original. There is no blank rune in the old versions, that's a modern invention.

Simonedemidova's photo
Thu 03/17/11 02:14 PM
That is very interesting Equus, on both subjects, so it was the Christians that changed the way women were originally viewed within their own strengths. . .

Pfft, well i am not happy about that......and also not surprised as many christian men still view women in that manor and require it's holdfast.

I dont have any runes but i am interested in learning more about them. I should buy some, but is this something anyone can practice or does it take a special natural ability to use these? Interesting fact you mention they have integrated a blank rune. Where is the purpose in a blank rune....arent they based on the original norse alphabet?

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 03/18/11 02:53 PM
Well, in fairness, it started earlier then just the Christians. The Greeks and later the Romans were bad about it, and Christianity went happily along with it, when it came along. All of the main three religions did, as well as other cultures.

Well, depending how crafty you are, you can go real cheap. Buy a 1 inch wood dowel (they usually sell in 3 foot lengths) and cut 25/24 circles, about a 1/2 inch thick. Then take a pen, or better yet, a wood burning device and burn the images of the runes on one side. It would be 24 if you chose not to go with a blank rune, or 25 if you did.

Or, usually any place like Hastings or Half-Price books has a book and stone runes for roughly $19.00 and you can get a set there. One of my sets came with the book, The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum. Not the best book, personally, but nice runes.

The blank rune, nowadays, usually signifies an ending and beginning. the unknowable, symbolic death for rebirth.

I've found its whether you're really drawn to them or not. I think the tarot is interesting, but haven't gotten the hang of them. I like the runes, and I do just find with Animal Medicine Cards of various sorts.

Practice is needed with all of them, otherwise you never really get an in-depth feel, IMO.

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 03/18/11 03:42 PM
i would like to try the runes, because of my strong nordic roots, I also read about them when I was younger. I have a lot of dreams about viking and druids so I am trying to see what all this means....because honestly i have never studied any of these topics. . i can only assume it has something to do with my family's past and perhaps something that has happened.

redishmars's photo
Fri 03/18/11 08:18 PM
Could be a past life drawing you to runes. I get an impression that I used them before.I had a huge beard and wore robes.

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 03/18/11 09:10 PM

Could be a past life drawing you to runes. I get an impression that I used them before.I had a huge beard and wore robes.

this is what i am trying to figure out? i am not sure about past lives, but then why the vivid re-occuring dreams, Is this in insight to my past relatives or just a previous life. I was not raised along the lines of reincarnation. . . so i am very confused. ..and also intrigued.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 03/18/11 09:58 PM

Could be a past life drawing you to runes. I get an impression that I used them before.I had a huge beard and wore robes.

this is what i am trying to figure out? i am not sure about past lives, but then why the vivid re-occuring dreams, Is this in insight to my past relatives or just a previous life. I was not raised along the lines of reincarnation. . . so i am very confused. ..and also intrigued.

It could possibly be a natural affinity due to the Nordic heritage..

redishmars's photo
Sat 03/19/11 03:23 AM

Could be a past life drawing you to runes. I get an impression that I used them before.I had a huge beard and wore robes.

this is what i am trying to figure out? i am not sure about past lives, but then why the vivid re-occuring dreams, Is this in insight to my past relatives or just a previous life. I was not raised along the lines of reincarnation. . . so i am very confused. ..and also intrigued.

It could possibly be a natural affinity due to the Nordic heritage..

I agree. what ever impression is strongest for you is most likely the right one. Your ancesters could be guiding you for sure.

Simonedemidova's photo
Sat 03/19/11 10:47 AM
Interesting, because i always feel pulled in that direction. .btu i can never understand why....what am i supposed to be learning i wonder.

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 03/19/11 02:03 PM
If you're interested in your family history and heritage, that's probably what has got you curious to delve further into it. Past life can be helpful, but straight up curiosity and interest is just as binding, so to speak.

There's certainly no requirement that ones heritage be what interests you, either. Certain interests in general, may lead you around. I'm fascinated by predominant horse cultures, such as the Huns, and am fortunate enough to be able to pick the brain of a Hungarian friend. I haven't found any Nez Perce folks, but I do love looking into their culture as well.

I know over the past that I've gone further into the Scottish side of my family, but have been trying to catch up on the Manx side. There's a very strong history of the Norse in the Isle of Man, as well as the Western islands of Scotland, where family is from. Holding to the Norse influence, the Isle of Man was one of the last to maintain All-Things, and was the first country in the world to re-allow women the right to vote.

Just go with the flow. Eventually you will find out why you were supposed to learn it. :wink: