Topic: I'm Amazed That This Isn't Getting More Attention
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Fri 03/11/11 11:49 AM
The governor of Michigan is trying to force through the legislature a bill that would establish emergency rule, LITERALLY. Gov. Snyder is seeking emergency powers that would enable him to 1) unilaterally declare a “financial emergency”, 2) disincorporate entire municipal governments, 3) dismiss elected officials with no replacement election to follow, 4) seize control of local civil services, 5) hand taxpayer money, services and POWERS to private, for-profit firms.


Does this alarm anybody other than me?

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Fri 03/11/11 06:47 PM
I wanted to bring this back up to the top. I am hoping to learn how Conservatives think that this is a good idea.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:30 PM
I don't live in Michigan.

and that actually sounds like a Socialist system anyway.

Such a system would more than likly cause me to 'vote' by the 2nd Amendment...

Indeed I believe most americans would.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:39 PM
and that actually sounds like a Socialist system anyway.
Socialist??!! This would be the privatization of all State, county, municipal and local Government under the control of the Governor. That doesn't sound like Socialism to me.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:46 PM

and that actually sounds like a Socialist system anyway.
Socialist??!! This would be the privatization of all State, county, municipal and local Government under the control of the Governor. That doesn't sound like Socialism to me.

Joseph Stalin... 'Privitising' under a 'leader' is not 'privitising' it is 'control'.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:48 PM
Thats pretty alarming, but if the state goes broke... are there any other options? just wondering.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:57 PM
Privatizing government support is never a good idea. When I was in the military we use to get the "new" products to use that were military specific. They met all the requirements at first and it all looked good on paper but the first sign of a problem and the company pulled out and went bankrupt. Then we were stuck fixing these products or finding another private company to fix them for us.

Can you imagine this happening with government support things like police or fire department? What about the IRS? They already want to do this to the Social Security, a company takes all the money in and then goes bankrupt with it all a few years later.

The only good thing I seen in that list might be "3) dismiss elected officials with no replacement election to follow" if it was handled right because there are too many elected officials to me...but it is government so they will just get rid of the officials who are hindering their own political careers instead of bettering the government system. They will do something like get rid of the "Checks and Balances" system so they can get away with more corruption...

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 07:59 PM
Would that mean we can stop paying taxes??? bigsmile Taxes are supposed to pay for government services. If there are no government services.... no taxes.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:09 PM

Would that mean we can stop paying taxes??? bigsmile Taxes are supposed to pay for government services. If there are no government services.... no taxes.
More than likely if a state were to privatize a system the new private company would say that they could not do the services for the little bit the taxes bring in so they would raise taxes faster and easier than the government does now since the government has to vote on most things.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:12 PM
I don't think we're realizing the implications. with no state, county or municipal government, the administration of all these companies would be contracted out to private companies. Would you like to live in a state where Blackwater is administering the whole state? As for taxes, you bet you would be paying taxes. Blackwater cost many times what it cost American soldiers to do the same job.

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Fri 03/11/11 08:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 03/11/11 08:26 PM
I guess we shouldn't worry about stuff like that until it actually happens.

Things have a way of working themselves out one way or another. These are extreme measures. Just what do you think "government" is? It is the people.

This type of "emergency rule" exists in our federal government too. It is enough to make the hair raise on the back of your neck to know what those procedures are.

Just don't get into any black vans or black helicopters, and don't let them tell you that you are being relocated to a safer area "for your own good." Don't let them take you to the Denver airport, the Atlantic City airport, Alaska, or area 51. Don't trust or believe anyone dressed in black who call them self "national police." Don't trust anyone over the rank of colonel.

And its very doubtful you can trust the mercenaries that will be working for them... in short... trust nobody.

There you have been warned. rant

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:23 PM

I don't think we're realizing the implications. with no state, county or municipal government, the administration of all these companies would be contracted out to private companies. Would you like to live in a state where Blackwater is administering the whole state? As for taxes, you bet you would be paying taxes. Blackwater cost many times what it cost American soldiers to do the same job.

If it were a government contract, yes it would cost more. This is what's known as corporate fascism (equally popular with Repubs and dems because they get to pocket a share of the cash stolen from taxpayers). If a truly private company would do the job, it would cost many times less than it costs for soldiers to do it.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:24 PM
I feel much better now.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:24 PM

and that actually sounds like a Socialist system anyway.
Socialist??!! This would be the privatization of all State, county, municipal and local Government under the control of the Governor. That doesn't sound like Socialism to me.

"privatization" under a government is not privatization-it is fascism.

no photo
Fri 03/11/11 08:26 PM
"privatization" under a government is not privatization-it is fascism.
Yes! I think you've got it!!!