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Topic: Here's a Poll I Found interesting
Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/04/11 08:20 PM

here is a little reality check for the leftists that think they have a winner with this issue..

"The CBO said the fiscal 2011 deficit will hit $1.48 trillion, up from last August's $1.07 trillion estimate, which was crafted before Bush-era tax rates were extended at a cost of $858 billion over 10 years."


When you look at the numbers you see that extending the BUSH tax cuts for EVERYONE is costing $858 billion over 10 years.

If they let the BUSH tax cuts expire for everyone the deficit would still be over $1 trillion for 2011..

Raising the tax rates back to Clinton era levels for the rich only would bring in $700 billion over 10 years.

That means it would take 20 years to equal Obama's 2011 budget deficit.

You see where I am going with this?

Raising taxes on the rich is a drop in the bucket compared to the debt we are amassing under the Keynesian Brotherhood running the ObamaNomics policy.

The idea that raising taxes on only the rich and everything is going to go back to normal is laughable.

It is meaningless..

Except that the deficit being blamed on Obama is actually a continuation of the deficit Bush instigated with his illegal wars and tax cuts to the rich.

It is sad that a man can make so stupid of choices that we pay for them long after he is gone. Bush was a humdinger.grumble

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/04/11 08:41 PM
Obama Bin Laden has spent more in less then a year then President Bush did in 8 years including two wars. laugh

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/04/11 09:00 PM

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/04/11 10:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 03/04/11 10:40 PM

Obama Bin Laden has spent more in less then a year then President Bush did in 8 years including two wars. laugh

depends upon how one defines MORE THAN

Bush entered office with a 5.768 trillion dollar deficit
and left with a 10.626 trillion

OBama has entered with a 10.626 trillion deficit that now stands at 14.071

so, technically, under OBAMA we have gone 3.445 trillion more in debt
under Bush we went 4.858 trillion more in debt

could also be stated that under BUSH the deficit nearly DOUBLED (200%) while, so far , Under OBAMA it has gone up 50%

could also be stated that so far, OBAMAs yearly spending(total spent divided by years spending)is larger than Bushs,,,so far

so, if someone weighing 200 pounds lost 50, would we say they did worse than someone weighing 300 losing 60...because the latter lost more pounds NUMERICALLY

or do we say the the one who lost more NUMERICAL weight still did not do as well as the one who lost only 50 but that fifty was 25% of their body weight as opposed to the 60 pounds which was only 20% of the total weight

should we measure merely with rough numbers, or should we consider broader statistics such as percentages?

I guess numbers can be shown in all types of combinations

but the numbers that will matter are the poll numbers in 2012

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 03/04/11 10:39 PM
Deficit is neither Bushes or Obamas...

It is a result of unbridled spending by politicians over a number of years...

Before we can 'fix' the White House we must fix the House and Senate.

by removing the career politicians that trade our future for their personal gain.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/04/11 10:41 PM

Deficit is neither Bushes or Obamas...

It is a result of unbridled spending by politicians over a number of years...

Before we can 'fix' the White House we must fix the House and Senate.

by removing the career politicians that trade our future for their personal gain.

I agree, it is no ONE persons fault, it has built up over years and will have to be decreased over years as well,,,

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 03/04/11 10:53 PM
I don't think we have 'years' anymore.

There is another 'bubble'.

And the idiots that play the markets are buying into it right now.

But the government has bought so much bad debt out of the market that if it crashes now 'to big to fail' will become 'OMG it failed'.

InvictusV's photo
Sat 03/05/11 07:45 AM

Obama Bin Laden has spent more in less then a year then President Bush did in 8 years including two wars. laugh

depends upon how one defines MORE THAN

Bush entered office with a 5.768 trillion dollar deficit
and left with a 10.626 trillion

OBama has entered with a 10.626 trillion deficit that now stands at 14.071

so, technically, under OBAMA we have gone 3.445 trillion more in debt
under Bush we went 4.858 trillion more in debt

could also be stated that under BUSH the deficit nearly DOUBLED (200%) while, so far , Under OBAMA it has gone up 50%

could also be stated that so far, OBAMAs yearly spending(total spent divided by years spending)is larger than Bushs,,,so far

so, if someone weighing 200 pounds lost 50, would we say they did worse than someone weighing 300 losing 60...because the latter lost more pounds NUMERICALLY

or do we say the the one who lost more NUMERICAL weight still did not do as well as the one who lost only 50 but that fifty was 25% of their body weight as opposed to the 60 pounds which was only 20% of the total weight

should we measure merely with rough numbers, or should we consider broader statistics such as percentages?

I guess numbers can be shown in all types of combinations

but the numbers that will matter are the poll numbers in 2012

"Bush entered office with a 5.768 trillion dollar deficit
and left with a 10.626 trillion

OBama has entered with a 10.626 trillion deficit that now stands at 14.071"

Do you realize that you are comparing 8 Bush years with 2 Obama years?

And as of my posting this the debt is $14.207 trillion.

no photo
Sat 03/05/11 07:51 AM
We can all see how impressed you are by the t-word. It's a relatively meaningless number unless it is put in the context of the GDP

InvictusV's photo
Sat 03/05/11 08:00 AM

We can all see how impressed you are by the t-word. It's a relatively meaningless number unless it is put in the context of the GDP


$14.207 T in debt

$14.700 T GDP 2010


Meaningless you say...

no photo
Sat 03/05/11 08:28 AM
No. The CBO is projecting a debt % GDP of 90% by 2020, so we know it is now probably less than that. About where it was in 1950, which I remember being an awfully good time for the American economy. Of course, if Obama hadn't caved on the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, it would be looking a lot better.

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 03/05/11 09:11 AM
One of the main differences between the Obama budget deficit and the Bush budget defecit is that unlike Bush, Obama has the cost of operating Bush's two wars on the books. The Bush budget shortfall never included the cost of the wars - look it up!!

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 03/05/11 09:24 AM

One of the main differences between the Obama budget deficit and the Bush budget defecit is that unlike Bush, Obama has the cost of operating Bush's two wars on the books. The Bush budget shortfall never included the cost of the wars - look it up!!
whoa whoa hold on a second. We cant lets facts and reasone get in the way of a good debate. One thing I have learned over the years is the republicans are realy realy good at propaganda. The republicans convince many social dullards to vote on wedge issues like abortion or race and ignore their war on the middle class. Obamas debt is mostly from trying to clean up the mess left by Bush. It is totaly insane to blame Obama for his stimulas spending because Bush totaly killed the economy.

no photo
Sat 03/05/11 09:26 AM
That is probably the most important fact there is. It's easy to get so lost in the weeds that I completely forgot that.

no photo
Sat 03/05/11 09:33 AM

I say raise taxes on anyone making over 2 mil a year. I mean what could you possibly need that costs more than that??

If we still fall short, I think the military could do with a couple billion less. I point to the fact that the worlds largest Air Force is the U.S. Air Force, the world's second largest Air Force?? The United States Navy.
but the Navy air force is mobile...

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 03/05/11 09:53 AM

That is probably the most important fact there is. It's easy to get so lost in the weeds that I completely forgot that.
Sometimes its hard to see the forest because of all the trees. I recall the 3 months unemployment when gas prices shot through the roof and the entire auto industry shut down. Those were verry scarey times. A great deal of that debt went to bailing out the banks and the rich who created the mess. Obamas debt was created trying to save america from total economic meltdown. The fact that we have electricity to run our computers and the energy to debate these issues is a testement to his success. Lets face it without that stimulas spending and bailouts the republicans would have created their Utopia a Mad Max world were only the strong would survive in the most bleak of conditions.

no photo
Sat 03/05/11 11:44 AM
You know this a funny thought a retired local sheriff once told me this, there are billions upon billions of dollars (not sure the exact amount because i've never heard this from anyone else and he would not give me an amount just said it was a lot of comma's) in banks across america that could be used that we would not have to pay back. You ever stop to think about what happens to all the cash that is seize by police, government agents, and any kind of law enforcement agents during raids, drug bust, etc etc? It can't be touched.......SERIOUSLY........it can only be deposited in to a savings account and the local agencies that seized it can use the interest off the money.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 03/05/11 04:55 PM

You know this a funny thought a retired local sheriff once told me this, there are billions upon billions of dollars (not sure the exact amount because i've never heard this from anyone else and he would not give me an amount just said it was a lot of comma's) in banks across america that could be used that we would not have to pay back. You ever stop to think about what happens to all the cash that is seize by police, government agents, and any kind of law enforcement agents during raids, drug bust, etc etc? It can't be touched.......SERIOUSLY........it can only be deposited in to a savings account and the local agencies that seized it can use the interest off the money.

Hence part of the whole Property Siezure scam!

no photo
Sat 03/05/11 04:58 PM
That was the reasoning he gave me it would open up way too many lawsuits agaist the state local and federal authorities.

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