Topic: RP on the lies and crimes leading up to the Iraq invasion | |
Nice floor speech, RP! |
Yep, true Patriots want the real truth.
Expose the secrets and lies. |
expose them darn lies... Time for some real patriots to come foward and show America the colusion between 'hidden' parts of our so called 'two party' system... the only way they could have reached this point in our 'governance' was if small 'portions' of each party secretly worked together. Time for a bit of sunshine. Ever wonder why only the 'clumsy' canditates were brought foward for us to vote on against the Democratic Canditate in the las Presidential elections? Ever wonder why all them 'top' politicians suddenly stopped their 'freeforall' to 'jump' on the bailout bandwagon... (accompanied by suddenly bi-partisan phone calls)... Colusion at the small point of the triangle. |
Ron Paul is an idiot!
Most of the current crop of politicians are...
They continue to think that simply by shouting out the left/right propaganda they will keep Americans from seeing the truth. The extremes of both parties are trying to eat america... I for one am not food. |
Ron Paul is an idiot! Agree or disagree with Ron Paul that is hardly the correct definition of the man! He is by far one of the most honest men in washington and a very brilliant doctor! I seriously doubt you could for a momment debate this man on history, current events, or constitution! I don't agree with him on everything either but he is a good man! |
Sadly, the only ones who get sold to us or elected are all bought and paid for.
Those sheeple who say, this one or that one is my man has bought themselves a great big bag of bullsheitte. |