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Topic: Wisdom from poeple who've been married before ?
no photo
Sat 02/05/11 03:38 PM

For those 0f you who've already been to the alter already
and back again,
what words of wisdom can you offer
about married life?

As a person who has never been, married,
i sometimes view marriage and experiences of marriage life
as something that's Wholly out of my grasp to comprehend .Just
like a person who has never been in love cannot imagine
What its like ,i can't imagine what it's like to be married

So tell me -and tell the rest of
us never-been-married
what its like to be married?
How is married relationship different than single life?
What mistakes did you make the first time around that you can use as a
Life Lesson now that your single ?

I think I would rather consult a marriage counselor and get an unbiased opinion about marriage.

hey NG - be sure it is a married one!!waving SRSLY - you almost have to be married or have had a lengthy marriage to speak to this at all( and I am a human services professional- btw) and then u get the best solution - the psychological expertise and the life experience

I guess a happily married counselor would be my best bet. In the military we had marriage prep classes. So if I ever do decide to get married; I think I need to enrol in one.

Our prep class was a mandatory 2 or 3 sessions with the local Catholic Priest. At the end of which we got, (and I am NOT making this up) a small hard cover manual of sex positions wrapped in a plain brown book cover - looked it was made out of a brown grocery bag, presumably to hide the content/title from public view

I felt like the sexual version of the skid row wino who keeps his bottle wrapped in brown paperlaugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/05/11 03:46 PM

For those 0f you who've already been to the alter already
and back again,
what words of wisdom can you offer
about married life?

As a person who has never been, married,
i sometimes view marriage and experiences of marriage life
as something that's Wholly out of my grasp to comprehend .Just
like a person who has never been in love cannot imagine
What its like ,i can't imagine what it's like to be married

So tell me -and tell the rest of
us never-been-married
what its like to be married?
How is married relationship different than single life?
What mistakes did you make the first time around that you can use as a
Life Lesson now that your single ?

I think I would rather consult a marriage counselor and get an unbiased opinion about marriage.

hey NG - be sure it is a married one!!waving SRSLY - you almost have to be married or have had a lengthy marriage to speak to this at all( and I am a human services professional- btw) and then u get the best solution - the psychological expertise and the life experience

I guess a happily married counselor would be my best bet. In the military we had marriage prep classes. So if I ever do decide to get married; I think I need to enrol in one.

Our prep class was a mandatory 2 or 3 sessions with the local Catholic Priest. At the end of which we got, (and I am NOT making this up) a small hard cover manual of sex positions wrapped in a plain brown book cover - looked it was made out of a brown grocery bag, presumably to hide the content/title from public view

I felt like the sexual version of the skid row wino who keeps his bottle wrapped in brown paperlaugh

wow, whats the name of your church..lol

so many people would benefit from the concept that they can actually become BETTER lovers with their spouse,,,,,instead of thinking its some innate ability/talent

no photo
Sat 02/05/11 03:50 PM

For those 0f you who've already been to the alter already
and back again,
what words of wisdom can you offer
about married life?

As a person who has never been, married,
i sometimes view marriage and experiences of marriage life
as something that's Wholly out of my grasp to comprehend .Just
like a person who has never been in love cannot imagine
What its like ,i can't imagine what it's like to be married

So tell me -and tell the rest of
us never-been-married
what its like to be married?
How is married relationship different than single life?
What mistakes did you make the first time around that you can use as a
Life Lesson now that your single ?

I think I would rather consult a marriage counselor and get an unbiased opinion about marriage.

hey NG - be sure it is a married one!!waving SRSLY - you almost have to be married or have had a lengthy marriage to speak to this at all( and I am a human services professional- btw) and then u get the best solution - the psychological expertise and the life experience

I guess a happily married counselor would be my best bet. In the military we had marriage prep classes. So if I ever do decide to get married; I think I need to enrol in one.

Our prep class was a mandatory 2 or 3 sessions with the local Catholic Priest. At the end of which we got, (and I am NOT making this up) a small hard cover manual of sex positions wrapped in a plain brown book cover - looked it was made out of a brown grocery bag, presumably to hide the content/title from public view

I felt like the sexual version of the skid row wino who keeps his bottle wrapped in brown paperlaugh

wow, whats the name of your church..lol

so many people would benefit from the concept that they can actually become BETTER lovers with their spouse,,,,,instead of thinking its some innate ability/talent

a little country CAtholic Church in Upstate NY - the Parish was St Patrick's and it was actually a pretty big country church

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/05/11 04:07 PM

For those 0f you who've already been to the alter already
and back again,
what words of wisdom can you offer
about married life?

As a person who has never been, married,
i sometimes view marriage and experiences of marriage life
as something that's Wholly out of my grasp to comprehend .Just
like a person who has never been in love cannot imagine
What its like ,i can't imagine what it's like to be married

So tell me -and tell the rest of
us never-been-married
what its like to be married?
How is married relationship different than single life?
What mistakes did you make the first time around that you can use as a
Life Lesson now that your single ?

I think I would rather consult a marriage counselor and get an unbiased opinion about marriage.

hey NG - be sure it is a married one!!waving SRSLY - you almost have to be married or have had a lengthy marriage to speak to this at all( and I am a human services professional- btw) and then u get the best solution - the psychological expertise and the life experience

I guess a happily married counselor would be my best bet. In the military we had marriage prep classes. So if I ever do decide to get married; I think I need to enrol in one.

Our prep class was a mandatory 2 or 3 sessions with the local Catholic Priest. At the end of which we got, (and I am NOT making this up) a small hard cover manual of sex positions wrapped in a plain brown book cover - looked it was made out of a brown grocery bag, presumably to hide the content/title from public view

I felt like the sexual version of the skid row wino who keeps his bottle wrapped in brown paperlaugh

wow, whats the name of your church..lol

so many people would benefit from the concept that they can actually become BETTER lovers with their spouse,,,,,instead of thinking its some innate ability/talent

a little country CAtholic Church in Upstate NY - the Parish was St Patrick's and it was actually a pretty big country church

dang,, all the way in new york?

my cousin is catholic, I will ask if he knows any closer with similar policy, I may check out more of what it is they are teaching,,,,

kissablekiss's photo
Sun 02/06/11 06:51 PM

krupa's photo
Sun 02/06/11 07:00 PM
Allow me to save you the suspense...

I am sure they werent handing out the Kama Sutra....

Catholic Sex manual....

Page one: Missionary position with no condom...

The End.

newarkjw's photo
Sun 02/06/11 07:04 PM
Don't kid yourselves. Catholic chicks are freaks........smokin

delilady's photo
Sun 02/06/11 07:06 PM

Don't kid yourselves. Catholic chicks are freaks........smokin

krupa's photo
Sun 02/06/11 07:48 PM
Yeah..no doubt...

I was referring to the orthodox Catholic sex manual.

"Every Sperm is Sacred"

no photo
Sun 02/06/11 10:00 PM

For those 0f you who've already been to the alter already
and back again,
what words of wisdom can you offer
about married life?

Half of the marriage is only as good as I am, and if I'm not grateful, loving, and understanding of the other half, I wont get to keep it.

So tell me -and tell the rest of
us never-been-married
what its like to be married?
How is married relationship different than single life?
What mistakes did you make the first time around that you can use as a
Life Lesson now that your single ?

Marriage # 1 for me was blatantly obvious in hind-sight. I was way too self-centered and no where near ready to be married.

Marriage # 2 was much improved, but I learned my limitations. It is very difficult to live with someone who goes from loving me to hating me, dependent on the seasons.

Marriage #3 will likely happen this year. In fact, I'd be an idiot not to marry this one. She gives me her love, entrusts me with her money, and god willing, will be having our child, knowing full well that it could kill or paralyze her. Recently in response to saying I love you to her, she said, "I love you more"... I just responded, "I know"... After the shock wore off, explained why... She was okay with that answer, knowing full well I could never compete with her love. :heart:

In fact, she completes this song for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxXY2-44bCs. That's the difference between being married and single. "Living for someone else", with each person living for the other's happiness, encouraging and helping to fulfill each other's dreams and goals. It's not just saying the words. It's about showing that the words actually mean something.

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