Topic: Got a Date Or Not !!
kissablekiss's photo
Thu 02/03/11 02:49 AM
seems like they delete the interracial thread .....

vancebond's photo
Thu 02/03/11 07:53 AM
i would like to make it crystal clear that i am on the market for a long term relationship so kissablekisses stefy sparkey ellierose i am open to any offers of a very specail date

vancebond's photo
Thu 02/03/11 07:57 AM
well chickiyoshi you can have me just for the heck of it i am open for surgesstions

no photo
Thu 02/03/11 07:57 AM

vancebond's photo
Thu 02/03/11 07:58 AM
hey miss kim i want you to know that it wasn,t very nice you giving me a kick up my butt i want you to give me an apology

alookat101's photo
Thu 02/03/11 08:14 AM
Vance Vance Vance.., everybody is not the same, you can't force yourself onto ppl they really do mean their kick your butt in cyper speak, here's a suggestion frist stop putting your phone number on the theards before you get a whole lot of un-order pizza's and just try to have fun herebiggrin

no photo
Thu 02/03/11 08:16 AM

Vance Vance Vance.., everybody is not the same, you can't force yourself onto ppl they really do mean their kick your butt in cyper speak, here's a suggestion frist stop putting your phone number on the theards before you get a whole lot of un-order pizza's and just try to have fun herebiggrin

ahhhh my date:banana: has arrived.

kissablekiss's photo
Thu 02/03/11 08:18 AM
you gave me your number and added me as favorite
blushing thanks mate ...

girls feel free to use the number if yal want :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

actionlynx's photo
Thu 02/03/11 11:43 AM

seems like they delete the interracial thread .....

That's what happens when some people are so intolerant and angry that they cannot discuss race in polite and respectful terms. I tried to warn him what would happen too. whoa

no photo
Thu 02/03/11 11:47 AM

It is confirmed. I will be working all day Valentine's Day. But that doesn't mean I can't get someone something...just for the heck of it. smokin

I'll send you a list.

kissablekiss's photo
Mon 02/07/11 01:49 AM

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alookat101's photo
Mon 02/07/11 03:25 AM
Thanks for coming see you next Valentines Day:heart: love :heart: It's nice being single sometimes

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:18 AM

It is confirmed. I will be working all day Valentine's Day. But that doesn't mean I can't get someone something...just for the heck of it. smokin

I'll send you a list.

Great! Now it seems everyone wants to give me a list. laugh

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:18 AM

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Now THAT is cool!

no photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:25 AM

It is confirmed. I will be working all day Valentine's Day. But that doesn't mean I can't get someone something...just for the heck of it. smokin

I'll send you a list.

Great! Now it seems everyone wants to give me a list. laugh

Just wanted to let you know, his lists includes some items for me. bigsmile

soufiehere's photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:28 AM

Just wanted to let you know, his lists
includes some items for me. bigsmile

You go gf :-)

no photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:32 AM

Just wanted to let you know, his lists
includes some items for me. bigsmile

You go gf :-)

Hee. bigsmile


soufiehere's photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:35 AM

Just wanted to let you know, his lists
includes some items for me. bigsmile

You go gf :-)

Hee. bigsmile


((((( r_l )))))
(You know how much I would like to do that :-)

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:35 AM

It is confirmed. I will be working all day Valentine's Day. But that doesn't mean I can't get someone something...just for the heck of it. smokin

I'll send you a list.

Great! Now it seems everyone wants to give me a list. laugh

Just wanted to let you know, his lists includes some items for me. bigsmile

Awe man! So I guess he wants me to do all the shopping...give him the gift on his list so he could wrap it up and give it to you on V-Day? laugh I'm not Santa. Santa's on vacation.

kissablekiss's photo
Mon 02/07/11 12:25 PM
sigh .........