Topic: Wish me luck
ShagnaC's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:54 PM
I woke up with real bad pelvic pain so I called the DR and was seen and
she said to get to the ER now as she thinks it is my apendix. So I am
waiting for my ride now as she didnt want me to drive, that and I took a
pain pill and I am messed up as it made me real loopy. Keep your fingers
crossed it is nothing.

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:54 PM
good luck hope all goes well for you

dwa512's photo
Mon 10/09/06 05:00 PM
good luck,get well soon

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 10/09/06 05:04 PM
I trust you'll find out what the problem is and everything will go
smoothly.Please keep us posted.
Your're in my prayers>

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 05:27 PM
good luck

AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 10/09/06 05:28 PM
Hang in there shana hope all goes well.

JusKat58's photo
Mon 10/09/06 06:03 PM

I hope it's just the worst case of gas you've ever had in your life.
Hey, it could happen, ya know...

Take care, and let us know?

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 06:10 PM
hey shana ..... maybe what you need to do is call ROTO ROOTER!!!!

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 06:13 PM
Hey Shagna gurl hope is nothin bad keepin ya in my thoughts
Feel better soon!!


ShagnaC's photo
Tue 10/10/06 03:35 AM
Thank you everyone for your thoughts, And NO it was not bad gas or
needing to take a shit!! HAHA I wish it was but it was not, But it was
also not my apendix, I have a cyst on my kidney and my gallblader area
has some damage from a surgery years and years ago. It was unreal in the
ER though, I got so sick I puked on the nurse and all over the bed and
floor, It was horrible, but I am home now and will take a few days off
of work, Thank you again for your thoughts!

jen36's photo
Tue 10/10/06 03:40 AM
God that sucks......hope ya get to feeling better...

chica42ny's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:06 AM
I hope everything goes well and god blessed u.

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:56 AM
Hope it's nothing Shana, we're thinking of you!!


no photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:31 AM
Well glad that its not your appendix, do rest plenty and take it easy