Topic: Religion and Drugs | |
CeriseRose wrote:
Abra, you are confessing... that Christianity and Judaism are indeed the ONLY TRUE religions. Several clues are making this obvious. By using the term "religion" you are excluding...wicca, atheism, buddhism, hinduism, zoroastrianism, etc. Nobody is name-calling and bashing, besides you. Your fear of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is consuming you. Keep wrestling, and may the best Abra win!!! ![]() With all due respect Cerise (which is becoming less every day, by the way), you're using precisely the bigoted tactics that Christianity instills in its followers when discussing religious topics. You see, I speak to the issue of religion (the Abrahamic Religions in particular with their jealous God), and how that religion has a negative affect on humanity. What do you do? You try to make personal accusations about "Abra". Belittle Abra! Claim that he's got some sort of "personal problem" that he personally needs to work out. ![]() Clearly if Abra doesn't agree with Christianity it must be "His Problem". Let's just discredit him and maybe the "problem" will go away. That does not address the religious issues at all. On the contrary, the fact that you turn this into a personal bashing battle only tells me that you confess that your religion is indeed indefensible. Because rather than try to defend the religion, all you can do is try to belittle those who expose its oxymoronic nature. And evidently I must be doing that very well, since you apparently can't do anything better than to turn on me on a personal level with personal hate rhetoric. Clearly you have no come back for the issues that I bring up. By attacking me directly you are confirming that my concerns are very real and cannot be addressed head-on. |
MsHarmony wrote:
as I said before, there arent good and bad people, there are fallible humans who do both good and bad things,,, Perhaps this is where we disagree? I personally believe that there are indeed bad people in this world. Fortunately for the bulk of us, the number of truly bad people is quite small. Religion tries to make out like everyone is basically a 'bad person' who is in need of repentance. I don't buy into the notion that people are merely 'fallible' and they need to repent from their 'evil ways' simply because they are 'fallible'. I also don't believe that atheists are doing something 'bad' by not believing in religion. I don't believe that same-gender lovers are doing something 'bad'. I don't believe that all Jews are 'bad' because they refuse to believe that Jesus was "The Christ". I don't believe that all Muslims are 'bad' simply because they reject Christianity. I don't believe that Wiccans are 'bad', on the contrary I personally haven't met a Wiccan yet that came across as a 'bad' person. I don't believe that Eastern Mystics are 'bad'. Yet, you'd truly need to believe that all of those people are 'bad' because they are all rejecting the Hebrew scriptures as being the "word of God". There's just no way that "goodness" has anything to do with "religion". And you still seem to be missing Dr. Weinberg's point. He's not saying that religion makes all people bad. What he's saying is that religion can get "good people" to do bad things, because it convinces them that what they are doing is actually "good", when in truth, it's really bad. Just like Christians who renounce scientific knowledge in favor of supporting biblical stories. That's 'bad', IMHO. And the people who are doing this no doubt believe that they are "good", they are trying to be "good". Yet their religion has these "good" people doing "bad" things in the name of religion. 1. I don't buy into the notion that people are merely 'fallible' and they need to repent from their 'evil ways' simply because they are 'fallible'. ------------------ So people don't have to stop doing destructive and disrespectful things? They don't have to stop living just for them self and live for helping others in need? Alot of people drive up to a homeless person and drive on. Not offering a ride or anything of such. Where is the limit on love lay? Why do people only show love to a select group of people and not the entire world? ============================ 2. I also don't believe that atheists are doing something 'bad' by not believing in religion. -------------------- They're not doing anything "bad" per say. If for some reason you and your child got seperated at either birth or at the child's young age. And there was no way to do a "dna" test. And you find this child one day later in his/her life. Would you love this person, your child even if that child completely refused to acknowledge you as their dad? Even said bad things about you? Would you still allow this child into your house and take care of their every need? ================================ 3.I don't believe that same-gender lovers are doing something 'bad'. --------------------- Sex is PURELY for reproduction. Again, they aren't doing anything "bad" per say. But sex in itself is for REPRODUCTION. This can not be done between two of the same gender. The ONLY thing same homosexuality has is lusting after the physical pleasure of sex, nothing productive other then your own sexual desires. =================================== 4. I don't believe that all Jews are 'bad' because they refuse to believe that Jesus was "The Christ". ----------------------- So you don't believe it's 'bad' if a child continuously denies their dad on earth? No matter what proof/evidence that is shown? Just utterly refuses to acknowledge this person as their dad and walks away, you don't see that as 'bad'? ===================================== 5.I don't believe that all Muslims are 'bad' simply because they reject Christianity. I don't believe that Wiccans are 'bad', on the contrary I personally haven't met a Wiccan yet that came across as a 'bad' person. I don't believe that Eastern Mystics are 'bad'. Yet, you'd truly need to believe that all of those people are 'bad' because they are all rejecting the Hebrew scriptures as being the "word of God" ---------------------------- All these have the same answer. They aren't 'bad' because of such. Doesn't make them any more or any less of a respectable person. Bottom line is our father wishes to be praised for the great things he does for us. This can not be done when you're calling your dad by a different name. If I want to thank YOU for something, I would go to YOU and tell you thank you. I couldn't thank you if I continuously go to my neighbor to say thanks for something YOU did. I can not express my love for YOU if I continuously tell my neighbor that I love them, you would never know nor would you acknowledge the love because I'm continuously telling my neighbor. |
Edited by
Wed 01/19/11 11:59 PM
CeriseRose wrote:
Abra, you are confessing... that Christianity and Judaism are indeed the ONLY TRUE religions. Several clues are making this obvious. By using the term "religion" you are excluding...wicca, atheism, buddhism, hinduism, zoroastrianism, etc. Nobody is name-calling and bashing, besides you. Your fear of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is consuming you. Keep wrestling, and may the best Abra win!!! ![]() With all due respect Cerise (which is becoming less every day, by the way), you're using precisely the bigoted tactics that Christianity instills in its followers when discussing religious topics. You see, I speak to the issue of religion (the Abrahamic Religions in particular with their jealous God), and how that religion has a negative affect on humanity. What do you do? You try to make personal accusations about "Abra". Belittle Abra! Claim that he's got some sort of "personal problem" that he personally needs to work out. ![]() Clearly if Abra doesn't agree with Christianity it must be "His Problem". Let's just discredit him and maybe the "problem" will go away. That does not address the religious issues at all. On the contrary, the fact that you turn this into a personal bashing battle only tells me that you confess that your religion is indeed indefensible. Because rather than try to defend the religion, all you can do is try to belittle those who expose its oxymoronic nature. And evidently I must be doing that very well, since you apparently can't do anything better than to turn on me on a personal level with personal hate rhetoric. Clearly you have no come back for the issues that I bring up. By attacking me directly you are confirming that my concerns are very real and cannot be addressed head-on. It is a waste of time coming back on your issues, you are determined to bash Christianity, Christians, and what YOU want to call religion. So you give a display of your hostility and I analyze it. You make it so easy... you are just that obsessed. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 01/20/11 01:47 AM
CeriseRose wrote:
Abra, you are confessing... that Christianity and Judaism are indeed the ONLY TRUE religions. Several clues are making this obvious. By using the term "religion" you are excluding...wicca, atheism, buddhism, hinduism, zoroastrianism, etc. Nobody is name-calling and bashing, besides you. Your fear of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is consuming you. Keep wrestling, and may the best Abra win!!! ![]() With all due respect Cerise (which is becoming less every day, by the way), you're using precisely the bigoted tactics that Christianity instills in its followers when discussing religious topics. You see, I speak to the issue of religion (the Abrahamic Religions in particular with their jealous God), and how that religion has a negative affect on humanity. What do you do? You try to make personal accusations about "Abra". Belittle Abra! Claim that he's got some sort of "personal problem" that he personally needs to work out. ![]() Clearly if Abra doesn't agree with Christianity it must be "His Problem". Let's just discredit him and maybe the "problem" will go away. That does not address the religious issues at all. On the contrary, the fact that you turn this into a personal bashing battle only tells me that you confess that your religion is indeed indefensible. Because rather than try to defend the religion, all you can do is try to belittle those who expose its oxymoronic nature. And evidently I must be doing that very well, since you apparently can't do anything better than to turn on me on a personal level with personal hate rhetoric. Clearly you have no come back for the issues that I bring up. By attacking me directly you are confirming that my concerns are very real and cannot be addressed head-on. It is a waste of time coming back on your issues, you are determined to bash Christianity, Christians, and what YOU want to call religion. So you give a display of your hostility and I analyze it. You make it so easy... you are just that obsessed. ![]() Besides, Abracadabra, you are not accepting any answers. Chill with the pity-party ![]() What pity or respect do you have toward those who are nice to you... those who continue trying to explain to you and others about the Goodness of Almighty God in response to your false ![]() It's not enough for you to just say no thanks, (that you refuse to accept their sharing the message with you) instead you bash and bash with blunt force... which actually displays extreme aggression and frustration ![]() unnecessarily. You probably don't realize it Abracadabra, but you belittle yourself. |