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Topic: does anyone like pitbulls
no photo
Fri 01/14/11 05:57 PM
I have a american pitbull terrier and she is a good dog she lives with nine kids and a couple cats and she has never bite anyone

seamac's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:18 PM
Glad to hear you have such a wonderful dog!

I have family members who had a Pitt bull, she was great except with other dags who she would just eat! Really when they came to visit (and of course brought their dog) I had to lock my dog in the basement for her protection.

Sorry but Pitt-bull's, Rottweilers and a few other breeds I just don't trust.

Also I think any dog but especially large breeds need to be totally trained and it seems that so often they are not.

markc48's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:18 PM
I have a freind who had one that mauled a little girl. It never bit anyone till that day.

sparkey01's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:19 PM
Not my kind of dog

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:21 PM
Edited by manOfewwords on Fri 01/14/11 06:22 PM
would never have a dog I couldn't trust. now a boxer is another story..laugh

Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:21 PM

I have a american pitbull terrier and she is a good dog she lives with nine kids and a couple cats and she has never bite anyone

Most problems with dogs come from their owners. The rest come from psychological issues born into the dog.

Not breeding.

And yes I like dogs.

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:26 PM
She plays with other dogs too and she can be trusted and she is 3 years old and it depeneds on the mother and father dogs temperment and they had a good temperment but still when I got her she almost died she had a whole in her heart and a hernia in her stomach

seamac's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:34 PM
Help me out here, I am going nuts trying to remember the name of the third breed at the top of my 'don't trust list'...Large, very fury, maybe even considered long haired. Gonna drive me crazy till it comes to me...Nose rounder than a Shepard but not a flat faced breed. Oh and Shepard's are iffy with me too. I have known great ones that I would trust with my life or my infants life but have also known crazy ones! Hey I know these are all big breeds but my mistrust of them runs far deeper than that, some little yappers are on my list too.

Anyway the one I can't think of the name of...
I had a neighbor years ago who had one of these ?? dogs, he was ferocious. Story was that he was only ferocious when he was chained outside (huge freakin chain) but a pussycat when inside or unchained. One day I saw him running down the street dragging his chain. I didn't want to see him get hit but for the life of me couldn't decide whether he thought his chain had gotten longer or he thought he was free and therefore off duty and thus a pussycat. I dashed at top speed across the yard and barged into my neighbors house, in total fear that the dog would come home and intercept me...he retrieved his dog and never thanked me. Go figure!

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:34 PM
And I been around the breed for my whole life I had a pit named spot he saved my life from getting kidnaped and he died by getting hit by a car

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:37 PM
the whole mystique about pit bulls is a lot of poo. They are only vicious when trained or a lack of training. Rottweilers are the ones who go nuts and bite people's faces.

frankly there is no such thing as a true blood Pit Bull. there are four recognized sub breeds and a host of look alikes. I know someone who has a Spuds Makenzie Pit Bull. Dog is a total attention HOG!

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:41 PM

Over a thousand years of breeding for fighting is bred into today's Pit Bull.

Victim voices ::
daniela sexton
The dog was just hanging on my face. ... I'll never forget that.
tanya barnes
Like a rattlesnake, I didn't even see the dog move. I felt the power. It had it's lower jaw in my mouth and it's upper jaw here, and it just yanked.
bowden family
Mr. Bowden was maimed beyond recognition, with no facial features remaining and other horrific disfigurement.
andy castaneda
The big pit was chewing the man's arm off. It was horrible. I've never seen anything like that."
julie havern
She suffered a fractured skull and required more than 300 stitches to close her wounds. She also lost many teeth and had numerous bones in her face shattered.
kortnie murphy
The first thing I think of is a lion. I don't know of too many animals that can do that to you.
state police news release
His right hand had been bitten off by a pit bull dog in the house.
tage wright
Maybe [the pit bulls] know a mad carpenter with a framing hammer when they see one. They have teeth. I have a hammer.
crosson family
The emergency care flight alone cost $18,000.
marjorie boyd
This is not just a bite. This is a mauling. This is an unprovoked mauling, and there's a big difference.
joyce haynes
It was like getting a piece of meat (torn off), like that movie 'Jaws.'
brenda hill
'Cause they was eating me, and they were eating me while I was saying that. I couldn't protect myself. I just took the pain -- and the pain was bad.
scott sands
Margaret, if you hear me, call the cops. The [pit bull] is killing me!
roger lindee
I felt like I was fighting a person. I was choking him, and we were on the ground rolling. I was asking God to help me because I knew I was dying.
doug perry
I always thought that maybe [pit bulls] were getting kind of a bad rep at one point, but this kind of changed my mind...I don't think pit bulls should be allowed for anyone to have. They are not a pet.
pat sorensen
I remember taking my hands and pushing my nose back up and holding my cheek -- what was left of it -- and falling to the ground.
doug frei
He saw Andersen collapse, with heavy bleeding coming from her right arm. He used his necktie and gun magazine to form a tourniquet to stop the bleeding...
joyce lovette
I haven't really been an advocate of the pit bull ordinance until now...Nothing was gonna stop those dogs. Nothing.
michael jones
This dog [pit bull] was trying to kill my daddy. That's all I could think about. I wasn’t going to let no dog take out my daddy.
donna williams
We are very, very lucky that the dog's bottom jaw did not get under Delaney's bottom jaw, because when I pulled her out of his mouth, I would have pulled her whole bottom jaw out, which the nurse told me would have been a horrific scene.
robert brady
When I got there, [my son's feet] looked like hamburger meat you would see at Bi-Lo.
jason howell
[The pit bulls] ripped it to shreds. What could the child possibly have done to instigate that? I have a daughter who is 18 months old. And the look on the father's face is something I'll never forget, ever.
anthony dippolito
I shot [the pit bull] right in the chest with a .45, and it didn't even fall over. I was quite surprised.
lisa wallace
It ripped from here, all the way down, it took his whole face off.
john makus
This was not a dog bite, it was attempted dismemberment. There is no way to describe the savagery and carnage.
isaiah brown
The dog had tore into his calf and when he let go, he just snatched and pulled all the arteries out. He was lying on the steps, and when I checked his vital signs he was already dead then.
david blair
It was an instantaneous attack. No noise, no warning.
reginald bell
The dogs were actually eating him alive. It's not easy to picture.
andrew "moses" diodati
I was kicking one pit bull so hard that all four of its feet were in the air, but it still wouldn't let go.

Consider this advise.
Any failure to protect family or friends against a surprise attack could be seen as willful knowledge and failure to respond with preventive measures.

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:42 PM
I have seen some scarey pits I almost got attacked by my friends but they always hit him and tied him outside and with that breed you can't because they have to be with you all the time mine follows me every where but sorry about the crazy dog next to you and I don't like saint bernards we have a crazy one next door to me he got out and tryed to attack me his teeth were showing at me ok seamac

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:47 PM
They don't have lock jaw just powerful jaws and they only attack if not trained or treated right wiiling2 and most of the pitbull attacks are not even pitbulls I have read it online most of the time its a mix breed dog or a different breed and theirs small dogs who have killed little kids by ripping theyer throat out and any dog can attack and kill its not just pits

seamac's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:48 PM

Over a thousand years of breeding for fighting is bred into today's Pit Bull.

Victim voices ::
daniela sexton
The dog was just hanging on my face. ... I'll never forget that.
tanya barnes
Like a rattlesnake, I didn't even see the dog move. I felt the power. It had it's lower jaw in my mouth and it's upper jaw here, and it just yanked.
bowden family
Mr. Bowden was maimed beyond recognition, with no facial features remaining and other horrific disfigurement.
andy castaneda
The big pit was chewing the man's arm off. It was horrible. I've never seen anything like that."
julie havern
She suffered a fractured skull and required more than 300 stitches to close her wounds. She also lost many teeth and had numerous bones in her face shattered.
kortnie murphy
The first thing I think of is a lion. I don't know of too many animals that can do that to you.
state police news release
His right hand had been bitten off by a pit bull dog in the house.
tage wright
Maybe [the pit bulls] know a mad carpenter with a framing hammer when they see one. They have teeth. I have a hammer.
crosson family
The emergency care flight alone cost $18,000.
marjorie boyd
This is not just a bite. This is a mauling. This is an unprovoked mauling, and there's a big difference.
joyce haynes
It was like getting a piece of meat (torn off), like that movie 'Jaws.'
brenda hill
'Cause they was eating me, and they were eating me while I was saying that. I couldn't protect myself. I just took the pain -- and the pain was bad.
scott sands
Margaret, if you hear me, call the cops. The [pit bull] is killing me!
roger lindee
I felt like I was fighting a person. I was choking him, and we were on the ground rolling. I was asking God to help me because I knew I was dying.
doug perry
I always thought that maybe [pit bulls] were getting kind of a bad rep at one point, but this kind of changed my mind...I don't think pit bulls should be allowed for anyone to have. They are not a pet.
pat sorensen
I remember taking my hands and pushing my nose back up and holding my cheek -- what was left of it -- and falling to the ground.
doug frei
He saw Andersen collapse, with heavy bleeding coming from her right arm. He used his necktie and gun magazine to form a tourniquet to stop the bleeding...
joyce lovette
I haven't really been an advocate of the pit bull ordinance until now...Nothing was gonna stop those dogs. Nothing.
michael jones
This dog [pit bull] was trying to kill my daddy. That's all I could think about. I wasn’t going to let no dog take out my daddy.
donna williams
We are very, very lucky that the dog's bottom jaw did not get under Delaney's bottom jaw, because when I pulled her out of his mouth, I would have pulled her whole bottom jaw out, which the nurse told me would have been a horrific scene.
robert brady
When I got there, [my son's feet] looked like hamburger meat you would see at Bi-Lo.
jason howell
[The pit bulls] ripped it to shreds. What could the child possibly have done to instigate that? I have a daughter who is 18 months old. And the look on the father's face is something I'll never forget, ever.
anthony dippolito
I shot [the pit bull] right in the chest with a .45, and it didn't even fall over. I was quite surprised.
lisa wallace
It ripped from here, all the way down, it took his whole face off.
john makus
This was not a dog bite, it was attempted dismemberment. There is no way to describe the savagery and carnage.
isaiah brown
The dog had tore into his calf and when he let go, he just snatched and pulled all the arteries out. He was lying on the steps, and when I checked his vital signs he was already dead then.
david blair
It was an instantaneous attack. No noise, no warning.
reginald bell
The dogs were actually eating him alive. It's not easy to picture.
andrew "moses" diodati
I was kicking one pit bull so hard that all four of its feet were in the air, but it still wouldn't let go.

Consider this advise.
Any failure to protect family or friends against a surprise attack could be seen as willful knowledge and failure to respond with preventive measures.

I am afraid I have to agree, there are just to many of these stories to ignore. Not all Pitt Bulls are bad but it does seem substantiated that they are not trustworthy and can act viciously for no given reason even after years of being a fine companion.

the family members I mentioned loved their Pitt but found him a new home shortly before their first child was born because they respected the information that Pitt's can change out of nowhere.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:48 PM

pitbulls are awesome, its some of the owners that suck. I've know several pitbulls and the wildlife rehab center I work at picked one up that was dropped and she is really sweet. Just depends on who owns them. They've become some sort of machismo status symbol unfortunately.

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:48 PM

Fighting dog breeds

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:50 PM

I am afraid I have to agree, there are just to many of these stories to ignore. Not all Pitt Bulls are bad but it does seem substantiated that they are not trustworthy and can act viciously for no given reason even after years of being a fine companion.

the family members I mentioned loved their Pitt but found him a new home shortly before their first child was born because they respected the information that Pitt's can change out of nowhere.

That list was just half the page.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:50 PM
Myself I would not own one of them yes I have my reasons. And I disagree that any dog will only attack if provoked that is bs......true it causes a lot of dogs to attack but........some will even if not provoked..... whoa

seamac's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:50 PM

I have seen some scarey pits I almost got attacked by my friends but they always hit him and tied him outside and with that breed you can't because they have to be with you all the time mine follows me every where but sorry about the crazy dog next to you and I don't like saint bernards we have a crazy one next door to me he got out and tryed to attack me his teeth were showing at me ok seamac

Saint Bernard, not it! Not the one I am trying to remember anyway.

seamac's photo
Fri 01/14/11 06:51 PM
Chow!!!! the dog that dragged it's chain was a Chow!! Thank goodness I will be able to sleep tonight!!

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