Okami04's photo
Wed 01/12/11 10:50 PM

Love moves in mysterious way

Hey Amaya you live in Makati hell yea I am headed to Baguio next month I cant wait

Uzybabie's photo
Fri 01/14/11 05:12 AM
Ya! Time will tell.but when?

Amayagirl's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:59 PM
soon .. dont rush ..

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:36 PM
Love. What IS love?! Love is supposed to be unselfish, yet too often it IS selfish. In such cases it can never last. Love is supposed to be other-orientated, not self-centred. When it is that, it can only hurt the other, the one it claims to love, and then destroy what once brought 2 people together. Other-orientated love shared by a couple (couple=man+woman exclusively!!) ensures that love never dies. Selfishness kills, selflesness nurtures. Other orientated love is not wholly based on vanity (others' looks, outward appearance) as is selfish love (one which seeks to love only what is pleasing to the eye, to the senses) and therefore is infinitely more stable and desirable, and timeless, for it is not fickle like love based on vanity (looks/appearance/finance/status). Other orientated love is not a feeling so much as a decision. Yet neither has any, or has little, chance of survival and growth if directed directly towards each other rather than to and through God. Only He can fulfill a human heart. One human cannot fulfill another, only God can do that, this is why so many search for love all their lives without success, yet it is right there calling them throughout their lives. Of course, I speak of God's love. Human love is ultimately fickle, only His love can be relied upon. Divorce rate today is higher than ever, because people do not know how to love. Also, many couples who remain together for years, grow gradually bored of each other. Loved based on feelings, physical attractions, sexual chemistry, are doomed to fail. Only love directed to ones spouse through love of God can ensure fulfilment of ones innermost needs and desires. Only love directed through love of God towards ones spouse can ensure fidelity, for such love will shun all temtations that humans suffer. What he or she doesn't know won't hurt him or her is not an attitude which can ever fail to destroy a relationship. This is selfish love, self-gratuitous love. Actually, is NOT love AT ALL. Selfless love does not take the other for granted, it gives, it does not take. Selfless love is not easy, without God it is almost impossible. Without God there is no true love. Without God all that is possible is what we have today: self-gratification through fornication before marriage and through infidelity after marriage, hence divorce rates at an all time high. Marriage is a Sacrament, a holy union between man and WOMAN, woman and MAN, OPPOSITE sexes, with God as its centre. Any other union is inherently immoral and evil. Some may not agree, but disagreeing with the truth does not make it an untruth. Just like disbelief in God does not make Him not exist. The world we live in today is such as it is because man has estranged hiself from God. He thinks that he is self-sufficient. He is even arrogant enough to think that he is master of his own destiny. What foolishness. Yes, in a way we actually ARE masters of our destiny..a destiny which will end in our own destructon by our own hand. Today we have assumed the role of judge and jury with regards to who lives and who dies (abortion and euthanasia). God giveth and man taketh away. Huh!? Absurd, no? Man's arrogance knows no bounds, but an end to that will come, soon enough. The natural desasters around the world are not natural, but they are warnings from God that He is most angry with us and how we are living. Man has embraced the greatest evil to date with open arms: abortion, the murder of God's children in their mother's wombs. The conception of a child does not occur because a man and a woman will it, no matter how many times they may join together, but because God wills it. Abortion is the murder of a God's child which He wanted to bring to life for a specific purpose. How long do we think God will tolerate murder of His children, which to date is well past 50 million in USA alone since contraception became widespread?? What the global figure is is too scary to contemplate. Contaception is inherently evil. Many think it prevents abortion, just like many think it reduces cases of aids in Africa. What utter UTTER RUBBISH!! Contraception INCOURAGES FORNICATION, it INCREASES exposure to the possibility of conception, and considering the fact that NO contaception is 100% certain, it therefore does nothing but INCREASE unwanted pregnancies which then are often ended in murdering children. And in Africa it ends in the INCREASE of the spread of aids. Perfect logic. NOONE can disagree with that. You may, but you will be wrong.
Sex belongs within the sacrament of marriage only, whereby spouses should be open to life at all times. Contaception is the prevention of God's will, and His will is always the best way. The world is in a mess today because of MAN'S will, not God's. Blaming God for disasters, saying stupidities like: if there is a God, He would not allow this that and the other, is like a child saying, if my dad had not let me climb that tree, I would not have fallen and hurt myself. Dad did not allow it, but the childs will did, hence the consequences are his own doing, the suffering is his own, and hopefully this suffering will teach the child a lesson. But the child does not learn, because the child is a child, yet man, adults, who have left childish things behind, also does not learn, somuchso that his foolishness as an adult is far greater than when he was a child.
Only life according to God's word can ensure love, joy, peace, harmony, fulfilment, eternal life. After all, all these things man desires most and always has, and it has for over 2000 years been promised to him, yet he for some reason thinks he can achieve it estranged from God, his Creator. How sad, for through our foolishness, our arrogance, our evil, so many souls have been lost to hell, needlessly. MAKE NO MISTAKE!! ..hell exists. If you believe in God, you MUST believe in hell. Sadly many don't today, but you must. Why!? There is no good without evil. One is a contrast to the other. If there is no good, how can we than recognise evil? And vice-a-versa. If every man on earth had a million pounds, noone would be rich or poor, we'd be the same, neither rich nor poor.
Hell exists, and trust me, you dont want to go there for there is no way back. It's not a matter of doing your time, paying your debt to society, and than getting out of prison with a second or third chance to go straight, aend your ways, no, it is too late then. God has allowed man to choose his own eternity, He forces noone. He calls to us all our lives to return to Him. He gives us the choice every time. He does not cease to love us, but He cannot make us love Him, for that would not be real love. In the end, it is not He who send us to hell, but we ourselves. If we do not repent, show true contrition for our sins, we tie God's hands. Do we not do the same when we reject good advice from family and friends, do our thing, and then when we end up, say, in prison, is that then the fault of those who advised us, or our OWN fault???
God calls us to Him in various ways; through illness (own or another's), injury which for instance was miraculously lesser than it could so easily have been, survival when death seemed imminent, or through words we hear from others. Maybe I have actually said something that may prompt a conversion in just ONE soul somewhere in the world. If that happens, it will not be because anything I intended to say, for I most certainly did not intend to:
a) write as much as I did,
b) write about all the things I wrote about,
c) still be awake at 3:33 am.

God bless you all.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:40 PM
if it was real - it never ends

Goofball73's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:41 PM
I need a beer after attempting to read the above post. laugh

bastet126's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:45 PM
that dude lost me at everything after 'Love.' laugh

and yes OP, love moves in mysterious ways and it means you never have to say your sorry, yada yada... good luck to you!

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:49 PM

I need a beer after attempting to read the above post. laugh

perversion of a truth IS a great song for this moment (hey bastetwaving )

goof, just have a beer and forget about the post - and get me one:laughing:

(my opinion anyway)

no photo
Tue 03/22/11 12:57 PM
hey any nearby delhite

Lili_M's photo
Wed 03/23/11 09:53 AM

I need a beer after attempting to read the above post. laugh

I thought maybe it was a I tried reading only the capitalized luck what ohwell

Too early for beer,
I'll have a Bloody Mary
Thanks Goof

navygirl's photo
Wed 03/23/11 08:56 PM

yea it does, if it actually exsists

I am having doubts myself.

no photo
Thu 03/24/11 11:56 PM

stormcrow1972's photo
Thu 03/31/11 12:35 PM
I can see where the doubts come in. In my life I have had 4 serious relationships, two in marriage. You never stop loving them and yes it hurts when it ends. It can hurt when it doesn't end. What I am trying to say is it will get better in time though it may not seem like it. We are a society that has a problem with time as we like to hurry up and get there, but it takes time. By the way I am not a romantic but the worst type of idealistic realist.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 03/31/11 12:47 PM

that dude lost me at everything after 'Love.' laugh
and yes OP, love moves in mysterious ways and it means you never have to say your sorry, yada yada... good luck to you!

Me too hahahaha
Yada yada love.

no photo
Thu 03/31/11 01:30 PM
It appears...just have to wait on it to be time....not when you want it :0

Akpoguma's photo
Thu 03/31/11 09:56 PM

Love moves in mysterious way
u r right nd luv cnt b prdicted.

pleasurekitty1's photo
Sat 04/02/11 02:32 AM

Havok00's photo
Mon 04/04/11 01:38 AM
everyone has their own theory on that particular word.. Mine happens to start nice but end up bitter and cynical... Ironically enough just like most relationships... But i will give you one piece of advice. Dont listen to to you head... Its only gonna f--k with you.. Dont listen to your heart.. Its just gonna lie to you.. Go with your gut... That feeling down in your core it will rarely steer you wrong

maryfaulkner's photo
Mon 04/04/11 02:44 AM
hey im new some message me im bo0o0o0ored

Jess642's photo
Mon 04/04/11 03:04 AM

that dude lost me at everything after 'Love.' laugh
and yes OP, love moves in mysterious ways and it means you never have to say your sorry, yada yada... good luck to you!

Me too hahahaha
Yada yada love.

For one very scary moment I thought I was in church!noway

I had to look around and make sure I was still in my own home...

Talk about lay preachers!noway