Topic: only a soldiers grave
welshboy's photo
Sat 01/08/11 02:10 PM
saw this on the net and thought id share it with you all

By S.A. Jones

Only a soldier's grave! Pass by,
For soldiers, like other mortals, die.
Parents had he -- they are far away;
No sister weeps o'er the soldier's clay;
No brother comes, with tearful eye;
It's only a soldier's grave -- pass by.

True, he was loving, and young, and brave,
Though no glowing epitaph honors his grave;
No proud recital of virtues known,
Of griefs endured, or triumphs won;
No tablet of marble, or obelisk high; --
Only a soldier's grave: -- pass by.

Yet bravely he wielded his sword in fight,
And he gave his life in the cause of right!
When his hope was high, and his youthful dream
As warm as the sunlight on yonder stream;
His heart unvexed by sorrow or sigh; --
Yet, 'tis only a soldier's grave: - pass by.

Yet, we should mark it -- the soldier's grave,
Some one may seek him in hope to save!
Some of the dear ones, far away,
Would bear him home to his native clay:
'Twere sad, indeed, should they wander nigh,
Find not the hillock, and pass him by

dmle's photo
Sun 01/09/11 03:11 PM
minus 100 points for submitting someome elses work.

welshboy's photo
Mon 01/10/11 01:44 AM

minus 100 points for submitting someome elses work.

i did say at the top of my post that it was somone elses, i thought it was that good id share it here for the people who like those sort of peoms. i have plenty of my own poems some of which are posted on here:smile:

Okami04's photo
Mon 01/10/11 01:54 AM
Sad but true Poem

it reminds me a little of what the Joker said when a Soldier dies nobody gets upset in the world that is what is suppose to happen

but no whats funny if a michael jackson a child molester actor dies people talk for months

welshboy's photo
Mon 01/10/11 01:57 AM

Sad but true Poem

it reminds me a little of what the Joker said when a Soldier dies nobody gets upset in the world that is what is suppose to happen

but no whats funny if a michael jackson a child molester actor dies people talk for months

that couldnt be more true!!!