Topic: Romance and Alcohol | |
wow ,so where did you go for your first date? meet for drinks like most profiles say they want to.
so the court ordered him to be evaluated, sent him to talk to a drug and alcohol shrink? a good lier will always walk away from haveing to do anykind of treatment.. alcoholics are not made ,the person is born that way. take a look at his family,does his dad drink?how about mom,grandparnts? ya we all have made mistakes in our lifes but most dont learn from them and continue to make them. good luck and hope not to see you on the news. |
I'd find out more about it and see. I wouldn't say no just based on knowing they had a DUI.
wow ,so where did you go for your first date? meet for drinks like most profiles say they want to. so the court ordered him to be evaluated, sent him to talk to a drug and alcohol shrink? a good lier will always walk away from haveing to do anykind of treatment.. alcoholics are not made ,the person is born that way. take a look at his family,does his dad drink?how about mom,grandparnts? ya we all have made mistakes in our lifes but most dont learn from them and continue to make them. good luck and hope not to see you on the news. I can see that you were trying to make some inferences......but in this case you are way off base. If your wish of good luck was sincere, then thank you. |
Probably, everybody makes mistakes, as long as he/she learned from it then it wouldn't be a big deal to me.
yeah but I walk to the bar and don't drive...And I won't ride with anyone who has a buzz.. You might say I learned the hard way 15 years ago
Yes if they had their shite under contol at the present.
There are so many variables that make up a person! Not a deal breaker to me, however i would be cautious!