Topic: Some do...and some don't!
GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 01/07/11 03:58 PM
Some people love to cook and others don't...Wonder why! Cooking has always given me a sense of power and a sense of being creative...I enjoy feeling like an artist and magician in the kitchen. How about you? Why do you enjoy cooking? Why do you think that some people don't like to cook? Just curious...Thanks for listening!

lilott's photo
Fri 01/07/11 04:37 PM
I would much rather cook than eat tv dinners or fast food.

krupa's photo
Fri 01/07/11 04:53 PM
I LOVE cooking...though I am a tyrant in my kitchen. I learned early on, if you learn to cook, you never gotta eat a crappy meal again! I had 4 years of cooking school but, I do it like my actual artwork. I get creative and see what happens and have had outstanding results.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 01/07/11 05:07 PM
My sister-in-law refuses to cook.
So one time she had to take a salad
to the church dinner.
I found her sobbing in the kitchen.
"What is wrong?" I asked.
She said, the Salad Shooter was broken.
And she had no idea how to slice anything
without it.
I said "Use a knife."
She didn't own one.

no photo
Fri 01/07/11 05:22 PM
i like to cook.
i prefer to bake.
i talk as if i were on a tv show when i do either.

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 01/09/11 09:13 AM
I wouldn't do well with a man/husband who didn't like to cook...My husband loved to cook and bake and he grew fresh veggies in his garden and even "canned" some of his specialties at times...I love to cook too...We took turns and spoiled each other through our cooking and favorite meals etc...Now that my husband is gone I have to do all the cooking myself. I have been "spreading my wings" and trying lots of new recipes lately just to keep busy and be creative...But I sure miss sharing the kitchen and cooking and meals with my husband.

BellaV's photo
Sun 01/09/11 04:31 PM
i so love cooking! my boyfriend loves to cook also, but he is HORRIBLE!!!sick

i am horrible at baking.. but i keep trying.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 01/09/11 04:33 PM
I love to cook. It's a creative outlet for me. But, it's also how I show love to my family and friends.

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 01/09/11 05:44 PM
I don't care to cook. I always feel cooped up in the kitchen and want to be doing something else. In all fairness though, I only eat because its a necessity. If I could get everything correct nutritionally through a pill I would be a happy camper. I enjoy some foods and fresh veggies etc but it wouldn't bother me to find another way.

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 01/09/11 05:45 PM
I don't care to cook. I always feel cooped up in the kitchen and want to be doing something else. In all fairness though, I only eat because its a necessity. If I could get everything correct nutritionally through a pill I would be a happy camper. I enjoy some foods and fresh veggies etc but it wouldn't bother me to find another way.

no photo
Sun 01/09/11 07:17 PM
I love to cook it's a great way to be creative.

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 01/10/11 07:06 AM
Edited by GreenEyes48 on Mon 01/10/11 07:10 AM

I don't care to cook. I always feel cooped up in the kitchen and want to be doing something else. In all fairness though, I only eat because its a necessity. If I could get everything correct nutritionally through a pill I would be a happy camper. I enjoy some foods and fresh veggies etc but it wouldn't bother me to find another way.
Did you ever enjoy eating? Just curious...I hate taking pills...I'd much rather eat than take a pill...Cooking gives me a way to "spoil myself" and others too...I really "get into" my food. Sorry that you don't enjoy cooking or eating. What are some of the things you do like to do?

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 01/10/11 10:23 AM

I don't care to cook. I always feel cooped up in the kitchen and want to be doing something else. In all fairness though, I only eat because its a necessity. If I could get everything correct nutritionally through a pill I would be a happy camper. I enjoy some foods and fresh veggies etc but it wouldn't bother me to find another way.
Did you ever enjoy eating? Just curious...I hate taking pills...I'd much rather eat than take a pill...Cooking gives me a way to "spoil myself" and others too...I really "get into" my food. Sorry that you don't enjoy cooking or eating. What are some of the things you do like to do?

Certain foods might catch my interest, but generally, I eat within 20 minutes and am back up and moving around getting things done. Kinda how the family went growing up. Thanksgiving and Christmas are about the longest I'm ever at the table. I like the grazing method, quick bites here and there. Fancy foods/exotic foods really don't do anything for me.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Mon 01/10/11 10:27 AM
big difference i can't cook

ok a grill ya but that's easy

no photo
Thu 01/13/11 12:47 PM
lets see I enjoy eatting so I also enjoy cooking.
learned from my grandmother.