Topic: Length.. - part 13 | |
Hey txsgal Sorry to that totage. I had a backup, so I'm really only back a few days, but of course, it was at a point where I was really starting to make some head way on an issue I've been having. I did just find out that I still have a domain name I thought expired. Lol, now what to do with it is the question... |
Hey txsgal Sorry to that totage. Hey girl just dropping by to see what is up.... |
flip soon!
flip! flop! flippitty! flap!
Is this a new dance?
Shshs is that all ya can say flip flop
I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this website. It's called "Grab 50 Cash". I don't know what to do with it though. Any ideas?
Edited by
Fri 01/14/11 08:50 PM
ok so what did B. do this time?
She ated my cookie :(
the entire cookie or just a portion of it?
All of it!
What kind of cookie?
it was chocloate chocolate chip
...that *itch!
I really like chocolate chip - do you have more?
Thank you!
You're welcome, and now for a random picture...