Topic: Big Brother: America's Police State Mentality | |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education.We can start with these FACTS regarding terrorism committing by Muslims which not surprisingly is nearly responsible for the majority of the terrorism around the world. Countries Most Afflicted by Terrorism This is a compiling of the countries most affected by acts of terrorism, the information is compiled from various sources & refers to data from actual incidents in a one year sample time frame. 20. Italy While not having had the extravagant cases of terrorism as some of the other countries mentioned, Italy is still very much at the forefront of a growing problem. A large discontented population & controversial immigration policies have led to the country's inclusion in this ranking. 19. Spain The Madrid bombings highlighted what has been a growing problem for years, unchecked immigration from Northern Africa into what's becoming a polarized society. However overlooking the threat from Islamic extremism, Spain still has problems a plenty with the ever present Basque separatist movement known as ETA. 18. United States The United States is home to what are a good portion of the world's high profile terrorist targets, & it's every extremist's dream to strike at the heart of America. However doing so has been less easy than to some of the nation's counterparts on this list. 17. Sri Lanka The island has been the home of a civil war for the last 25 years or so, however a cease fire agreement brokered in 2001 provided hope that the violence would one day end. Things did not turn out so well, & renewed hostilities between the Tamil Tigers & the Sri Lankan government forces have claimed the lives of over 4,000 people since the agreement fell apart in 2005. 16. Indonesia Home to the world's largest Muslim population & a government that facilitates the American "War on Terrorism" is a melting pot of disaster as highlighted by the increasing violence. 15. Saudi Arabia The centre of the Islamic world, Saudi Arabia is also at the height of the global terrorism threat. An unpopular monarchy & an alienated population make oil derricks seem like much more appealing targets than they otherwise would have been. 14. United Kingdom In what one could say is the first world country most afflicted by terrorism, the United Kingdom comes in at number 14 on the list. The difference between the UK & other first world countries such as the United States is that its terrorism threat is largely home grown, & boasting a large disenfranchised immigrant population, while having a controversial foreign policy is a sure fire way to get a high placement on the terrorism index. What may be most surprising is that its ranked above Saudi Arabia, that's surely how you know a country is doing something wrong. 13. Colombia The drug cartels, rampant criminal gangs, & leftist rebels are the reason Colombia is featured here. Kidnappings, assaults, shootings, & bombings are all common features on their domestic landscape. 12. Philippines The long going Islamic separatist war in the south shows no sign of slowing, & tourists remain a prime target in their war for political freedom. 11. Algeria This country has been plagued by civil war since the early 90's when the military backed government scrapped a parliamentary election that an Islamist political party was set to dominate. Since then it's been all bombs & bullets with the two sides waging a bloody campaign against the other leaving over 200,000 people dead. Things have recently taken a turn for the worse when the long thought declining insurgency re-invented itself which among other things included changing it's name to Al Qaeda in Africa & enlarging focus to waging the global jihad against Western culture & its believed encroachment on puritanical Islamic society. 10. Turkey Turkey is suffering from a growing anti-Western sentiment, & it's starting to affect their tourism trade, with high profile targets having been previously attacked. 9. Bangladesh There are two ways to look at Bangladesh's placement on this list, it's either the 9th most highly terrorized country, or it's one of the safer places on the Indian sub-continent. 8. Thailand A military coup, a new government, a deposed prime minister, an Islamic insurgency, & an increase in military spending are all things that do not bode well for Thailand. 7. Afghanistan While the country hasn't truly been terrorism free for the majority of its modern history, recent times have been even more unkind. Following a short grace period after the American occupation, Afghans are now facing a resurgent Taliban uprising that threatens to envelop their struggling government in an ever more vicious cycle of violence. 6. Pakistan Pakistan seems to be the epicentre of Al Qaeda, with the majority of its known & captured hierarchy having been caught inside the nation. That & a very unpopular government regime make Pakistan's interior targets quite appealing to the terrorist set. 5. Russia The ongoing conflict in Chechnya has made Russia a prime target for terrorism since the resurgent outbreak of violence began in 1999. With no solution to the conflict in sight, Russia looks to remain on this list for the foreseeable future. 4. Nepal Here unlike the majority of the other nations mentioned on this list, the terrorism stems from a completely domestic conflict wholly uninvolved from the global Muslim extremist movement. In Nepal it's the government's conflict with the Marxist rebels that provides fuel to the fire. The future does however look bright with a series of cease fires being agreed to as we start 2007. 3. India The country's predominantly Hindu population & its 300 million strong Muslim minority continue to openly spar in acts of aggression spurred largely by the country's feud with rival Pakistan over the disputed province of Kashmir. 2. Israel/Palestine While the "Second Intifada" has mostly died down, Israelis still have to worry about the Northern threat of Hezbollah, & in the territories the burgeoning conflict between Hamas & Fatah continue to provide acts of terrorism which place the combined two localities at near the height of this list. 1. Iraq No big surprise here, Iraq has & continues to be the world's hotspot for terrorism in the four years since the American invasion & subsequent occupation of the country. And that is just one way to not build a nation. |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. |
Edited by
Mon 01/03/11 07:21 PM
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. People have tried, do you ever notice how this really isn't debated? Anytime this comes up, people are put down and criticized in the media instead of actual debating. Why do you think this is? And it's not just 9-11 that is treated that way either, other such "conspiracy theories" are treated much the same way, such as the JFK assasination for one example. Furthermore, even people who had family members that died in this have spoken out before or tried to about what the real story is. You're gonna tell them they're wrong too for thinking they haven't been told the truth? |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. So are you seriously going to tell me all that countries I listed that were nearly all in the top 20 due to Islamic terrorism is due to something else? Buddhist terrorism,Christian terrorism,Hinduism terrorism? If you are saying the Muslims are the scapegoats then I would love to hear who the real people are that are committing the terrorism around the world. What is the media hiding? |
Edited by
Mon 01/03/11 07:26 PM
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. So are you seriously going to tell me all that countries I listed that were nearly all in the top 20 due to Islamic terrorism is due to something else? Buddhist terrorism,Christian terrorism,Hinduism terrorism? If you are saying the Muslims are the scapegoats then I would love to hear who the real people are that are committing the terrorism around the world. What is the media hiding? I'm not really arguing the other things going on right now. All I am simply saying is, we have not been told the truth of what really happened on 9-11, and who was behind it. |
Edited by
Mon 01/03/11 07:30 PM
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. All of this is speculation and and a whole lot of supposition. What was going on in America pre 9-11 to force the government to devise a plan to create the "catalyst" to take our "freedoms"? Nothing I can recall, so basically they created this situation because they felt like it? See how it would work out? Had nothing better to do? The Patriot Act has actually pissed off alot of people that were otherwise non committal in politics. So if this was something Bush came up with to pass his time as President I would say it didn't work out so well. As far as the 9-11 was an inside job I can relate to you the same as I relate to all the other truthers... Where is your proof? Maybe you have something better to offer than the rest. I would love to see it. Lastly, there is documented proof of Arab/ Muslim/ Palestinian sympathizer acts of terrorism for the last 40 years. You can't just shrug it off and say it's not about them. No matter their reasoning, it exists, has existed and will continue to exist. |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. People have tried, do you ever notice how this really isn't debated? Anytime this comes up, people are put down and criticized in the media instead of actual debating. Why do you think this is? And it's not just 9-11 that is treated that way either, other such "conspiracy theories" are treated much the same way, such as the JFK assasination for one example. Furthermore, even people who had family members that died in this have spoken out before or tried to about what the real story is. You're gonna tell them they're wrong too for thinking they haven't been told the truth? because obama is a liberal muslim lover...all libs are the same, they would rather cower down and not make waves instead of confronting the problem... |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. People have tried, do you ever notice how this really isn't debated? Anytime this comes up, people are put down and criticized in the media instead of actual debating. Why do you think this is? And it's not just 9-11 that is treated that way either, other such "conspiracy theories" are treated much the same way, such as the JFK assasination for one example. Furthermore, even people who had family members that died in this have spoken out before or tried to about what the real story is. You're gonna tell them they're wrong too for thinking they haven't been told the truth? because obama is a liberal muslim lover...all libs are the same, they would rather cower down and not make waves instead of confronting the problem... You do realize this goes much further back don't you? It predates Obama, this was going on 6-7 years before he ever came into office! Let me ask you a simple question, are you familiar with tower 7 and it's collapsing several hours AFTER the two towers fell. Pretty significant wouldn't you think? Yet......where was this in the official story? Oh that's right, it wasn't there! Think about that for a second, the truth has long been hidden from us. |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. So are you seriously going to tell me all that countries I listed that were nearly all in the top 20 due to Islamic terrorism is due to something else? Buddhist terrorism,Christian terrorism,Hinduism terrorism? If you are saying the Muslims are the scapegoats then I would love to hear who the real people are that are committing the terrorism around the world. What is the media hiding? I'm not really arguing the other things going on right now. All I am simply saying is, we have not been told the truth of what really happened on 9-11, and who was behind it. That's exactly what I knew you would say.The truth is out there,get a education,do the research,blah blah blah blah.Yet when I ask you for anything to back up what you are saying all I hear is "I can't argue it right now". You can't argue anything because you don't have anything to argue about.All anyone has to do is look up the last 50 years of Islamic terrorism to see why 9/11 happened.You know you can't back up your claims because if you did you should have a least a half a dozen websites in your favorites folder which wouldn't take you more than a few minutes to post. I can back up everything from previous terrorist attacks to the United states before 9/11 to Bin laden giving speeches why he attacked the United states.All of it is FACT not conspiracy theory BS well documented by every reputable news agency on the planet. |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. People have tried, do you ever notice how this really isn't debated? Anytime this comes up, people are put down and criticized in the media instead of actual debating. Why do you think this is? And it's not just 9-11 that is treated that way either, other such "conspiracy theories" are treated much the same way, such as the JFK assasination for one example. Furthermore, even people who had family members that died in this have spoken out before or tried to about what the real story is. You're gonna tell them they're wrong too for thinking they haven't been told the truth? because obama is a liberal muslim lover...all libs are the same, they would rather cower down and not make waves instead of confronting the problem... You do realize this goes much further back don't you? It predates Obama, this was going on 6-7 years before he ever came into office! Let me ask you a simple question, are you familiar with tower 7 and it's collapsing several hours AFTER the two towers fell. Pretty significant wouldn't you think? Yet......where was this in the official story? Oh that's right, it wasn't there! Think about that for a second, the truth has long been hidden from us. NIST issued a detailed report on the collapse of building 7. haha |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. People have tried, do you ever notice how this really isn't debated? Anytime this comes up, people are put down and criticized in the media instead of actual debating. Why do you think this is? And it's not just 9-11 that is treated that way either, other such "conspiracy theories" are treated much the same way, such as the JFK assasination for one example. Furthermore, even people who had family members that died in this have spoken out before or tried to about what the real story is. You're gonna tell them they're wrong too for thinking they haven't been told the truth? because obama is a liberal muslim lover...all libs are the same, they would rather cower down and not make waves instead of confronting the problem... You do realize this goes much further back don't you? It predates Obama, this was going on 6-7 years before he ever came into office! Let me ask you a simple question, are you familiar with tower 7 and it's collapsing several hours AFTER the two towers fell. Pretty significant wouldn't you think? Yet......where was this in the official story? Oh that's right, it wasn't there! Think about that for a second, the truth has long been hidden from us. more tower 7 falling, up, that tower was on fire and damaged from the fall of the other two buildings...maybe you should get with the other truthers on here and get yall's story straight first... |
sounds like like you are saying it is the governments fault for trying to keep the extremists on the other side of the ocean... if your looking for blame, try the 18 muslims that flew 4 planes into buildings... while i agree with you about our personal freedoms being lost, but it is the extremist muslims to blame as well... Actually that's not true either. When you look at 9-11, the war and everything that has came as a result of that, you must ask yourself a simple question. Who had the most to gain from this? Who stood to benefit from such a big event? You don't have to look very far to find the answer. You see, there is no way, no how that this war we have been engaged in the last 8 years or so, and all these rights and freedoms they have taken from us along with that, could have been justified without an event to provide them a reason. The government knew they needed a catalyst in order to get the people to accept all of this without really questioning it. 9-11 was that catalyst. I know you may find that hard to believe, that our government would be capable of something like this, murdering 3000 people or so in one fell swoop, but you have to understand something. The government has always tended to reign by fear. It is a very well known tactic used to bend us to their will. You see it manifest in many different ways, using fear of arrest or fines if you break a law even if it's bogus, fear of sickness if you do this or don't do that such as not getting a vaccine, etc etc. All the while, our rights and freedoms as people reduce ever further. In this case the fear tactic used is terrorism. It has been repeated over and over ad nauseum basically since 9-11. Why do you think things keep happening every so often, with each subsequent event requiring another right being infringed on and more intrusions into our privacy? Why do you think nothing ever changes in this way? The simple fact is, if they have us scared we are much more easily manipulated then if we are not. This in short is the reason why little changes. They always have to keep us scared, because the moment we aren't anymore is when we begin to wake up, and they start to lose their power over us. So no the muslims have nothing to do with this at all, because the entire official story of what happened on 9-11 was a flat out lie. This whole war on terror is a smokescreen, the true war is and always has been the war on us. so those poor, misunderstood wonder they want to eradicate all non muslim life, because of our government.... sorry, but i don't think so... I understand it is hard to accept, and difficult to see when you have been told for so long that the truth is something different, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Don't take my word for it if you don't believe it, research for yourself. As for the Muslims, they have basically been used as scapegoats in this. Obviously if the government wanted to again justify this war and all that has resulted from it, they needed an enemy, which is where the Muslims come in as the terrorizers. Can't really have a good reason for all this without having someone for us to fear. I have heard my fair share of dumb statements in this website but that one takes the cake. The Muslims are being used as scapegoats??? Wow! I am not sure what you are researching but what ever it is has to be in jokes section of the New york times.If you think the truth is that Islam,Muslims,and terrorism has nothing to do with 9/11 or this War you need a education. Yes scapegoats I said it, and I stand by it. As for me needing an education, I think actually it's you that needs one. You need to look beyond the lies the media are selling us. Then and only then can you fully see the truth of who and what is doing all the terrorizing. People have tried, do you ever notice how this really isn't debated? Anytime this comes up, people are put down and criticized in the media instead of actual debating. Why do you think this is? And it's not just 9-11 that is treated that way either, other such "conspiracy theories" are treated much the same way, such as the JFK assasination for one example. Furthermore, even people who had family members that died in this have spoken out before or tried to about what the real story is. You're gonna tell them they're wrong too for thinking they haven't been told the truth? because obama is a liberal muslim lover...all libs are the same, they would rather cower down and not make waves instead of confronting the problem... You do realize this goes much further back don't you? It predates Obama, this was going on 6-7 years before he ever came into office! Let me ask you a simple question, are you familiar with tower 7 and it's collapsing several hours AFTER the two towers fell. Pretty significant wouldn't you think? Yet......where was this in the official story? Oh that's right, it wasn't there! Think about that for a second, the truth has long been hidden from us. more tower 7 falling, up, that tower was on fire and damaged from the fall of the other two buildings...maybe you should get with the other truthers on here and get yall's story straight first... But why, tell me why it was NOT mentioned in the official story? What would be the point of keeping it out? And really, you're gonna tell me a small fire is gonna cause a collapse at breakneck speed? Further, with regards to all 3 buildings, if you compare their collapses to other building implosions they look very similar. These buildings were taken down from the inside, not from a plane. |
Edited by
Tue 01/04/11 06:50 AM
But why, tell me why it was NOT mentioned in the official story? What would be the point of keeping it out? And really, you're gonna tell me a small fire is gonna cause a collapse at breakneck speed? Further, with regards to all 3 buildings, if you compare their collapses to other building implosions they look very similar. These buildings were taken down from the inside, not from a plane. well, if it was a small fire, then it wouldn't have fell then, now would it? try going to a site that is not a truther site, then you can see what really happened instead of making things up like the truthers do so often.... try this site, has some good pictures and documentary to show you how it fell... |
Inside Job all the way. I would love to believe it wasnt but sadly no other explanation makes any damn sence. There is more proof it was an inside job than there is proof of a god.