Topic: How do you think we are handling | |
Obviously I'm ignoring it, or is that just an automated response from someone that doesn't really know what they are talking about but read about it on the news and suddenly became an expert? Read about it, remember Nagasaki? Hiroshima? Both of those were only one nuke large, remember those? Doesn't take a scientist to know what will happen if we fall into nuclear war. yea, lets talk about someone that is suddenly an expert... ignoring things like is just the stupidest thing anyone could ever do... what happens when they have thousands of nukes with nothing to control them? then we have a new world leader, because people THOUGHT it was best just to ignore them. maybe you should just stick to music, and let people that do not just "wish things would go away" handle things... it also doesn't take a very smart person to know what would happen if someone like kim got control of thousands of nukes either, music man... ![]() |
I hope we're ****ed, I'm tired of coexisting with most of humanity.
I hope we're ****ed, I'm tired of coexisting with most of humanity. ![]() |
I hope we're ****ed, I'm tired of coexisting with most of humanity. ![]() Surprised? Alienate enough people and they will all smile when this world falls through. |
to not embrace equal power for all, creates the only enemies that exist.
Tower if Babel! If you build it, it will fall.
We gotta remember that N. Korea is backed by the Soviets as well as China.
There is a lot of military might there. We have a better military, but its currently stretched thin in the middle east. There are no winners in a nuclear exchange. The only way to win one is to be the one to strike first and anihilate your opponent. |
China intentionally provokes the situation to profit from it. N Korea prevents stability in the region. China cannot pull off an invasion of us. Even attempting an invasion of Japan would be costly and they do not have the support needed to pull it off. Frankly they have threatened us with nukes before. All I have to say is SM III! Notice how quiet the Chinese are with the USS George Washington in their midst. Recently they threatened us they could sink it. What about the support fleet? Bet money there are at least four Los Angeles Class subs in the area too! Aegis Cruisers too dripping with SM II and SM III. And N Korea plans on doing what exactly? Preemptive strike? they 'hope' to sink a carrier? I wonder how they would fare seeing four more coming for business? That and all the B52s? Kim Jong Ill Sucks so hard he could suck the seeds from a cucumber! he needs to get put down along with his cronies! I heard a report from the US Navy a couple years ago that was the Navy's biggest fear. That we would have a US Carrier Battle Group deployed near Korea and North Korea would take it out with a nuclear tipped cruise missile. Our cruise missiles (tomahawk)are subsonic but I believe North Korea has some short range cruise missiles that have supersonic capability and are hard to knock out. All they have to do is get it close to a US Battle group and detonate. They don't have a delivery system that works at all. We can shoot down any of their prehistoric missles that they even aim in our direction. The biggest MISTAKE anyone can make in WAR is to underestimate your enemy. You need to read up on the US Naval Institute assessment of our Carrier vulnerablity to attacks. The failed delivery systems you are probably hearing about are North Korea's ballistic missile program and failed launches. I don't think anyone doubts they have short range cruise missiles that have supersonic capability....and are capable of delivering a nuke warhead into the vacinity of a US Carrier Battle Group that came within operational range. |
I hope we're ****ed, I'm tired of coexisting with most of humanity. ya call this coexisting... ![]() |
Noone is just going to toss a bunch of Nukes at the US. Not if they have any brains. You know how much farmland their is in the US? You know how much food is produced every year? No decently intelligent person is going to put such a huge dent into the worlds food supply by putting radiation in some of the must abundant farmlands.
Noone is just going to toss a bunch of Nukes at the US. Not if they have any brains. You know how much farmland their is in the US? You know how much food is produced every year? No decently intelligent person is going to put such a huge dent into the worlds food supply by putting radiation in some of the must abundant farmlands. No kidding, they also know that they don't wanna open the Nuclear door. Once they do it's game over "when we get a different President who has a pair." |
Kill us all
Kill us all ![]() We will eventually. ![]() |
Tower if Babel! If you build it, it will fall. If North Korea strikes us first and if even 1 US soldier is hurt or killed, Obama needs to be held criminally responseable. |
Tower if Babel! If you build it, it will fall. If North Korea strikes us first and if even 1 US soldier is hurt or killed, Obama needs to be held criminally responseable. If they use a nuke we should immediately respond with a bunch of them targeting military bases, industrial sites, harbors, and air ports. Leave the cities alone for now with one Exception, their capital city! Nuke their leadership too but bomb them back to the stone age and let China clean up the mess! Like I said, so what, they nuke a carrier task force. We retaliate with nukes and the other assets we have and blast them harder than they blast us and we hit them so hard the Russians cringe in fear! I hope they can appreciate 24 hour blanket bombing like in WWII with B52s! We don't need to land troops. We can bomb them into submission and draw a line at the DMZ and kill everything trying to cross it. Let them sue for peace. Screw them! The problem is that in situations like this people will not learn until someone gets their fingers burned. If nukes start flying economy and costs be damned. This transcends money! We will have to ramp up, nut up, and prepare to spill the blood of millions this time! Why? Because people are too stupid to see where this is going and what this will lead too. N. Korea is under some impression they are some mighty nation. It is easy to do when you are coddled under the wing of a dragon. Time to show the Chihuahua who the big dog on the street is and pee all over him! |
Tower if Babel! If you build it, it will fall. If North Korea strikes us first and if even 1 US soldier is hurt or killed, Obama needs to be held criminally responseable. If they use a nuke we should immediately respond with a bunch of them targeting military bases, industrial sites, harbors, and air ports. Leave the cities alone for now with one Exception, their capital city! Nuke their leadership too but bomb them back to the stone age and let China clean up the mess! Like I said, so what, they nuke a carrier task force. We retaliate with nukes and the other assets we have and blast them harder than they blast us and we hit them so hard the Russians cringe in fear! I hope they can appreciate 24 hour blanket bombing like in WWII with B52s! We don't need to land troops. We can bomb them into submission and draw a line at the DMZ and kill everything trying to cross it. Let them sue for peace. Screw them! The problem is that in situations like this people will not learn until someone gets their fingers burned. If nukes start flying economy and costs be damned. This transcends money! We will have to ramp up, nut up, and prepare to spill the blood of millions this time! Why? Because people are too stupid to see where this is going and what this will lead too. N. Korea is under some impression they are some mighty nation. It is easy to do when you are coddled under the wing of a dragon. Time to show the Chihuahua who the big dog on the street is and pee all over him! We wont strike back or handle the situation the way it needs to because of the coward we have in the White House. This is exactly why this pompus a$$ should never have been on the ballot. |
Tower if Babel! If you build it, it will fall. If North Korea strikes us first and if even 1 US soldier is hurt or killed, Obama needs to be held criminally responseable. If they use a nuke we should immediately respond with a bunch of them targeting military bases, industrial sites, harbors, and air ports. Leave the cities alone for now with one Exception, their capital city! Nuke their leadership too but bomb them back to the stone age and let China clean up the mess! Like I said, so what, they nuke a carrier task force. We retaliate with nukes and the other assets we have and blast them harder than they blast us and we hit them so hard the Russians cringe in fear! I hope they can appreciate 24 hour blanket bombing like in WWII with B52s! We don't need to land troops. We can bomb them into submission and draw a line at the DMZ and kill everything trying to cross it. Let them sue for peace. Screw them! The problem is that in situations like this people will not learn until someone gets their fingers burned. If nukes start flying economy and costs be damned. This transcends money! We will have to ramp up, nut up, and prepare to spill the blood of millions this time! Why? Because people are too stupid to see where this is going and what this will lead too. N. Korea is under some impression they are some mighty nation. It is easy to do when you are coddled under the wing of a dragon. Time to show the Chihuahua who the big dog on the street is and pee all over him! We wont strike back or handle the situation the way it needs to because of the coward we have in the White House. This is exactly why this pompus a$$ should never have been on the ballot. You mean spineless sellout and industrial beyatch don't you? Sold us out to mandatory health insurance? Mr. Suckup to all PC causes? |
We gotta remember that N. Korea is backed by the Soviets as well as China. There is a lot of military might there. We have a better military, but its currently stretched thin in the middle east. There are no winners in a nuclear exchange. The only way to win one is to be the one to strike first and anihilate your opponent. You should remember that logic is absent among most in this forum. They want war, they have war on their mind...regardless of the losses, so it would seem. And they don't just want war, they want nuclear war...these people could give a **** less of future generations, they're right, we're wrong. Used to be a time where the government feared the people, now, as it would seem...the people are too stupid to get their government to fear them, or too lazy, or even both. |
Tower if Babel! If you build it, it will fall. If North Korea strikes us first and if even 1 US soldier is hurt or killed, Obama needs to be held criminally responseable. If they use a nuke we should immediately respond with a bunch of them targeting military bases, industrial sites, harbors, and air ports. Leave the cities alone for now with one Exception, their capital city! Nuke their leadership too but bomb them back to the stone age and let China clean up the mess! Like I said, so what, they nuke a carrier task force. We retaliate with nukes and the other assets we have and blast them harder than they blast us and we hit them so hard the Russians cringe in fear! I hope they can appreciate 24 hour blanket bombing like in WWII with B52s! We don't need to land troops. We can bomb them into submission and draw a line at the DMZ and kill everything trying to cross it. Let them sue for peace. Screw them! The problem is that in situations like this people will not learn until someone gets their fingers burned. If nukes start flying economy and costs be damned. This transcends money! We will have to ramp up, nut up, and prepare to spill the blood of millions this time! Why? Because people are too stupid to see where this is going and what this will lead too. N. Korea is under some impression they are some mighty nation. It is easy to do when you are coddled under the wing of a dragon. Time to show the Chihuahua who the big dog on the street is and pee all over him! We wont strike back or handle the situation the way it needs to because of the coward we have in the White House. This is exactly why this pompus a$$ should never have been on the ballot. You mean spineless sellout and industrial beyatch don't you? Sold us out to mandatory health insurance? Mr. Suckup to all PC causes? He is a coward, plain and simple. |
We gotta remember that N. Korea is backed by the Soviets as well as China. There is a lot of military might there. We have a better military, but its currently stretched thin in the middle east. There are no winners in a nuclear exchange. The only way to win one is to be the one to strike first and anihilate your opponent. You should remember that logic is absent among most in this forum. They want war, they have war on their mind...regardless of the losses, so it would seem. And they don't just want war, they want nuclear war...these people could give a **** less of future generations, they're right, we're wrong. Used to be a time where the government feared the people, now, as it would seem...the people are too stupid to get their government to fear them, or too lazy, or even both. no offence, but i really think you do not understand what kind of a person kim is... leaders like that need to be taken down, just like that idiot in iran. both are mad and hungry with power, and have a Napoleon complex. Aittle man with a lot of power... besides, if your thinking all we want is nuclear war and destruction, think of what these 2 leaders want... and they have the power to do it, not us.... |
We gotta remember that N. Korea is backed by the Soviets as well as China. There is a lot of military might there. We have a better military, but its currently stretched thin in the middle east. There are no winners in a nuclear exchange. The only way to win one is to be the one to strike first and anihilate your opponent. You should remember that logic is absent among most in this forum. They want war, they have war on their mind...regardless of the losses, so it would seem. And they don't just want war, they want nuclear war...these people could give a **** less of future generations, they're right, we're wrong. Used to be a time where the government feared the people, now, as it would seem...the people are too stupid to get their government to fear them, or too lazy, or even both. no offence, but i really think you do not understand what kind of a person kim is... leaders like that need to be taken down, just like that idiot in iran. both are mad and hungry with power, and have a Napoleon complex. Aittle man with a lot of power... besides, if your thinking all we want is nuclear war and destruction, think of what these 2 leaders want... and they have the power to do it, not us.... No offence taken, I just find it funny how most of you seem to miss what I said in the first place. We need strategy, the last thing we need right now is a nuclear war, if a nuclear war occurs it is the end of our country...we do not have the economy for that kind of war, sure, we have the nukes but if that does happen...and we do fall into nuclear war, the United States won't hold up and will go broke. We can win that battle, but the war would take us under. The fault isn't Obama, it wouldn't even be the people...but trust me, war is the last thing this country needs right now given we are already spread thin between multiple different conflicts overseas. Even a man such as yourself has to understand the necessity of this not going further than some words and Force Recon. We need strategy more than ever now, and we have to play the political spectrum with China, talk and silent action...a new age 'Bay of Pigs', and hopefully one that works. |