Topic: Lonely Guy Looking For Someone To Talk To :)
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Wed 11/17/10 06:32 PM
Hi I'm new to this website been away for a bit from Peterborough I have now been back for about 5 mouths or so I'm here on this website looking to meet someone to talk 2 I'm really lonely its hard starting all over again with out ones family & friends around you they are ether passed on (MOM&DAD) gone or moved away ..Anyhow I'm looking to start all over again with a fresh start new friends etc Anyhow thats about it if you would like to chat please feel free to e-mail me anytime about anything I'm a great Listener and care a lot I don't judge anyone in anyway I can't till I walk a Mile in your shoes Only one can judge us anyways and thats (God) Who knows maybe you can help me out by letting me share with you about my day or how I feel etc Anyhow Till then I really look forward to chatting and reading all your e-mails please take care (God Bess) Sincerely Your Friend Lonely Guy. P/S I'm writing this messages from the computer in my room on the 4th floor in the Peterborough hospital so I might not be able to reply back to you as soon as you hoped I'm really sorry about that put please still e-mail me ok :O)P

P\S Again if your wondering way I'm in the hospital in the 1st place is because I have pins & needles & numbness in my left side of my face down my neck down my shoulder along my arm down to my hand for 2 day now + there is weakness in my left side of my body from my head to my foot ? They are doing all kind of tests etc So we will see eh :) Oh and I have no idea when I'm getting out of here please wish me luck and say a prayer or two :)I will leave it in God's Hands:0):angel:

Simonedemidova's photo
Wed 11/17/10 06:35 PM
good luck with your pain, there are plenty of fun nice peaople on here to chat with, just jump into any forums of your choice, there are lots of topics to choose from, Take care.

kissablekiss's photo
Wed 11/17/10 06:37 PM
wow you sure knw how to make an entry
Welcome to mingle2
Put your pass behind you
And have some fun.
We so happy to have you with us.

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Wed 11/17/10 06:38 PM

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 11/17/10 06:56 PM
Well welcome to mingle i hope they can find out whats wrong with you it sounds like a pinched nerve at the bottom or near the bottom of the spine that can cause that if people sit for a long time can cause diff signs of that but let the doctors do thier test and cheer up a bit you in the best place you can be till you feel better have a great day and get better soon

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Wed 11/17/10 07:10 PM
Hi i hope everything works out for you. hope you get to feeling better real soon.

Himself1's photo
Wed 11/17/10 07:32 PM
Welcome to mingle and may you mingle indeed and find whatever you need!!

LAMom's photo
Wed 11/17/10 07:33 PM
Welcome to Mingle,, join in the forums

no photo
Wed 11/17/10 08:09 PM
did you type all that with just one hand...?

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Wed 11/17/10 08:11 PM
Ki Ora welcome

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Thu 11/18/10 09:15 AM
Edited by LonelyPGUY on Thu 11/18/10 09:21 AM
:laughing: Yep sure did took me like 1/2 hour to type it all out lol j/k Hey all thanks for the welcomes posts eh have a good one (God Bless) Lonely Guy waving