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Topic: Define dating in your on words.
chatterbug32's photo
Wed 11/17/10 10:51 AM

waste of time.
What is a waste of time?

chatterbug32's photo
Wed 11/17/10 10:52 AM

Is dating suppose to be just 2 people dating each other to get to know one another? Is it okay to go out on a date just to eat or watch a movie and not do as I asked in the first question? Is it okay to date more than one person at a time?

Here is what I found that defines dating: A dating system is any systematic means of improving matchmaking via rules or technology. It is a specialized meeting system where the objective of the meeting, be it live or phone or chat based, is to go on a live date with someone, with usually romantic implications. Recently, "couple-dating" and "friend-dating" systems have also become popular, especially among those who met on dating systems and enjoy the interactions, but have settled down with mates.

I have been arguing with a person about the definition of dating and he tells me that it's okay to date more than one person at a time and that this system of dating has been around a long time.

for me, dating is the stage before a commitment in which people spend time getting to know each other and its perfectly ok to be getting to know more than one person at a time as long as there is no commitment involved with any of them,,,
So your saying it is considered dating as long as the parties have open communication about the date and what they expect? And it is okay to date more than one person? As long as the other person is aware of it?

yes, once sex comes into the equation though I feel there should be a commitment, and dating should become exclusive, but I dont see getting to know each other as the equivalent of having sex
Very true.

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 11/17/10 10:56 AM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Wed 11/17/10 10:56 AM

i can find that compatibility with him sitting on a park bench...without the "planned date"

everything...to me...with the whole dating thing... becomes like staging a broadway play......

the production
the direction
the staging
the acting

it gets old.......

just come on over to my house.....not a date...kick your shoes off....

ya'all come back now ya hear!:heart:

no photo
Wed 11/17/10 11:05 AM
dating is a waste of time.

niko1's photo
Wed 11/17/10 11:08 AM
It's gotten way too complicated this dating thing...what ever happened to just getting to know the person then take it from there. grumble

Dating - the crap you have to go through to get a chance to shoot your DNA at another person. laugh

Wouldn't you want to get to know the person before giving them your DNA? There is such a thing as STDS, criminals, crazy people, etc.

You might get hit by a bus before you get a chance to get to know them though!

Oh lordy! That is a bit extreme. slaphead

chatterbug32's photo
Wed 11/17/10 11:59 AM


i can find that compatibility with him sitting on a park bench...without the "planned date"

everything...to me...with the whole dating thing... becomes like staging a broadway play......

the production
the direction
the staging
the acting

it gets old.......

just come on over to my house.....not a date...kick your shoes off....

ya'all come back now ya hear!:heart:

[/quote/] lol. Well, I can understand if it keeps happening.

chatterbug32's photo
Wed 11/17/10 12:01 PM

dating is a waste of time.
Oh ok. So you rather get to the point of things? What happens if get yourself involved with someone that turns out to be a horrible person and you get hurt or get yourself way into deep and can't get out of it all because you didn't take the time out to get to know the person?

no photo
Wed 11/17/10 12:07 PM
i don't get involved with anyone.
i run into no problems this way.

no photo
Wed 11/17/10 05:13 PM

Dating is, essentially, getting to know someone over an extended period of time. Be that going out to a movie, walking downtown, sitting down for a dinner at a nice restaurant. It is all to determine if a relationship is something worth pursuing. Thus the second date.

A play date, or a couples date. In many ways does also constitutes, if a relationship is also worth pursuing.

That's what I thought. So if you are not pursuing a relationship and just doing those things with someone or many what do you call it? Do you call a date?

When I was younger, going out was to meet up with friends. Just to hang out, talking or movies. Driving down the street, to watch others watch you.

I do believe that a date is between two people. If you bring others into that situation then it is a gathering of friends. So I do not call that a date. Just the way I think.
I believe in the same thing as you do.

Just my old way of thinking. I feel you are dating then that person deserves your attention. If you are dating others then to me you should tell the other people. But it is not dating to me. That is fooling around. I for one will not be fooled around on. If you are dating me then I will be dating you. Not going out with others calling that a date.
You think the same way as I do about it. Thank goodness someone does.

:smile: waving waving waving :angel: :angel:

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