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Topic: Please Read and help!
PurpleIris82's photo
Sun 11/07/10 05:29 PM
Thank you to those of you who answered my questions.

Jess642's photo
Sun 11/07/10 05:29 PM

Do you take a bath or a shower?

How long are you usually in the shower/bath?
2 to 3 minutes
When taking a bath, do you at any point add/use more water than what was used to fill the tub;
when the water gets cold, do you drain a little of the water and add more?
Hell No!
Do you use more water to rinse off/wash your hair?
What is your gender?

Please remember I live in rural australia, where we HAVE to practise water consciousness...we rely on rainfall and stored tank water...it runs out, we go thirsty.

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