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Topic: ohhh crappp.
JPhunt2's photo
Tue 10/26/10 05:24 PM
Depends on the finish that must be repaired but it is not something most people can do on their own. The tannin in the tea leaves has leeched into the finsh and possibly the wood beneath. A professional furniture repair tech can usually repair it or mask it well enough to pass unless you know where to look and what to look for. Sometimes the top needs to be refinished because the damage has gone too deep. Costs will vary with type of finish, the damage, how deep, your city and if can be repaired or must have top redone. Repair can cost anywhere from $125 - $200, refinish of top can be $255-$340 for average desk. If this is just a white painted desk, lightly sand the top with 220, use spray can of kilz stain blocker to mist over the stain. Then use white spray can paint and repaint top of desk. If you don't seal and block the pink stain first it will bleed through the new paint. Do in well ventilated area with no open flame. If in garage or basement and you have a heater or something, put out the pilot light! Make sure you have air flowing in and out. Guess you can tell what I do for a living. :-)

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 05:50 PM
i like that boatload of information i received for a crappy little stain.
it's school property.
how will they know it wasn't there before i got it.
i just scraped the finish off.
it's all scratched up anyways.
one more scratch won't really matter.
but sorry torgo.
am i still organizing your house.

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 05:51 PM
Of course you are

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 05:55 PM
i reallllllllllly am.

kc0003's photo
Tue 10/26/10 08:52 PM

i tried that.
didn't work.

then try it again with more heat.
try a bit of steam on it first though

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 08:56 PM
you're several hours late.

kc0003's photo
Tue 10/26/10 09:05 PM
glad i could help!

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 09:06 PM

kc0003's photo
Tue 10/26/10 09:09 PM
my pleasure...

MynDLash's photo
Tue 10/26/10 09:31 PM
Uhmmm...dunno if ur problem is fixed or not; but if not, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try to rub some nail polish remover on it...lol I don't know the outcome but I know it works to remove the kids art work lol.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 10/26/10 10:30 PM

beachdog50's photo
Wed 10/27/10 10:01 AM

no photo
Wed 10/27/10 11:06 AM



no photo
Wed 10/27/10 11:40 AM


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

no photo
Wed 10/27/10 11:51 AM
but i'm scared of fire.

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