Topic: "it has served us well…this myth of Christ" Pope LeoX, 1
the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:37 AM

technology gives you power as well and as for god he could have been an alien from some other part of the galaxy doing a cloning experiment and we are the out come so how can you hold truth to a book that's basically a bunch of he says she says bull crap

Technology gives no one power of anything. Technology only gives us a way to control some of the power God has given us freely. We have the power to learn and critical thinking. And is why we've evolved so much further then the animals of this planet. We have the power of knowledge.
well if your talking about the half ape half human remains thay discovered and all that stuff then here is my thoughts on that before when i said that we were the result of a cloning experiment well the flood the is talked about in the bible could be the way thay got rid of the ones that did not turn out right

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:38 AM

Cowboy, as I've said before, you seem like a good guy.
However, you are most definatly the exception to the rule.

Sometimes Cowboy seems like a good guy too, but at other times he basically scares me. The idea that anyone would condone chopping someone's hands off to teach them a lesson is just plain scary. I don't care what the person did, I don't condone mutilation or dismemberment as a righteous or wise method of education. IMHO there are simply wiser and far more constructive options available.

However, from my point of view it doesn't truly matter what a supposed 'follower' or 'believer' in these myths thinks or preaches. The bottom line for me is that I have read these stories and I disagree with the stories. So the behavior of other people who have read these stories is totally irrelevant for me. I reject the actual stories as having emanated from a divine source. IMHO, they just don't represent what I would consider to be 'divine wisdom'.

Moreover, it's crystal clear that these stories have caused people to do horrible things. The witch burnings of Europe were caused because people believed in a biblical Satan. They believed that "witches" were people who sold their souls to the devil and were aligned with this demon force against "God".

In fact, the Malleus Maleficarum was written by Christian clergy using the Bible as a GUIDE.

Now people may argue, "So you can't blame the Bible for that!"

Well, sure you can! It's the book that inspired these idiots to write this gruesome horrible stuff in the name of God. A person can argue until they're blue in the face that the Bible can't be used to condone the Malleus Maleficarum, but any such argument would be utterly futile because historically that's precisely what happened!

And here's the KEY ISSUE!

Cowboy will argue his interpretations and try to claim that his interpretations hold "Higher Moral Values", than say the interpretations of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, the bishops that wrote the Malleus Maleficarum. But any such claim automatically devalues the Bible into a totally meaningless and useless book!

I mean, if the "Moral Values" that come to a person from having read this book are entirely dependent on the moral values of the reader, then what good is the Book? huh

If that's the case, then people will good morals will take good morals from the book and people with bad morals will take bad morals from the book and this leaves the book in a state of being completely devoid of having any 'moral value' of its own.

If the Book itself does not instill great moral values in everyone who reads it, and the moral values a person takes away from the book is entirely dependent upon the moral values they bring to it in their heart when they come to read the book. Then what good is the book to begin with? spock

Hell's bells, when I read the Bible I feel like already have far superior moral values. I'd have to lower my sense of morality to accept what the Bible claims about "God's Morals".

Instead of being inspired to write something like the Malleus Maleficarum, I'd just be inspired to toss the original Bible into a bon fire and be on my merry way.

I'd scare you more....I think the death penalty should be expanded to cover many more things than it does. Of course, I also think that if someone is executed that is later found to be innocent, the prosecutors should go on trial for murder too.

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:42 AM

next sunday go into a pack church and start turning over tables and pews and when the police come tell them they you did nothing violent

Or better yet, go into the basements of the churches across America and overturn their Bingo tables for gambling in the house of the Lord, and when the police come tell them you did nothing violent and no one was harmed.

The Christians who were playing Bingo aren't going to be happy with you either.

I am not Jesus, I am not the judge of sinful actions. He is the judge and can judge anyway he pleases.

so according to's neither a sin nor an act of violence to go into temples and turn over tables and pews

No, it was a judgement. Also keep in mind in the time before and while Jesus was here people were judged on earth. Judgement doesn't have to be death. Judgement is a punishment for your sins. Their sin was selling things inside the church, therefore their judgement was to have their stuff thrown over and kicked out.

Jesus has got to be pissed at all the churches with giftshops in them.

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:49 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

Oh, and by the way Mr. "Literate Atheist" if you were as literate as you claim, wouldn't you know that "a lot" is spelled "a lot" and not alot as you typed it? Hmmmm put that in your oh so smart thinking cap! You see, I have a degree! Perhaps you do as well. If so, I would say you majored in a$$holism, right? You seem to be really good at that!

Actually, either "a lot" or "alot" is acceptable in English. Oh yes, I'm sure you have a degree. Probably 98 of them.laugh

And if you wanna trade insults, you'll just end up being schooled--again. Better quit while you're behind, kiddo.

You just want to get a response out of me. The best reaction I can have is to just ignore you.

ah...wisdom at last.

And no. What I'd really like is a promise that you won't breed. But hey, I'll settle for silence.

Sometimes I miss trading barbs w/ Peter Pan. At least he was thoughtful. And funny sometimes. Crazy as a loon, perhaps. But then again, who isn't?

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:56 AM

I wish the Mods would lock this thread altogether, thus ending the supposed discussion that is parading around as argument. whoa

For one thing, no one is forcing you to read this.

For another, quite a typical reaction. "Agree with me or you don't get to speak".
Thanks for yet again reinforcing a negative stereotype of christianity as a whole.

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:58 AM

Nobody said Jesus lost control when he turned the tables over nor that he did it out or anger. They wouldn't stop by him just telling them to stop, so what else did he have to do? Turn the tables over, not hurting anyone just turning the tables over so that the bartering would have had to stop.

Well, you can rest assured that it still didn't stop. I'm sure they didn't let Jesus bully them. They probably just set them back up again and continued on with their business after the scene was over.

It wouldn't have accomplished anything. Violence is never the answer to a problem Cowboy. This is the problem with the biblical stories they attempt to solve all their problems using violent methods because it's the only thing those people understood. They weren't wise enough to think up better solutions for the stories in their fables. This is why the biblical stories are far from being wise and cannot possibly be the actions and words of a supposedly all-wise supernatural being.

As I point out again, like Einstein and other brilliant minds have recognized, the biblical God is far too human. He has the same mentality as a lot of human. In fact, he has the mentality of humans who themselves aren't very wise.

Besides, the mere fact that Jesus referred to the churches of the Scribes and Pharisees as his "Father's House" proves that Jesus wasn't God. He was clearly thinking just like a mortal man.

Jesus himself was not educated enough, nor did he have the credentials to teach in a church. What sense would it make for a God to send his only begotten son to Earth and not even set things up for his son so that his son could teach from "The Father's House".

If Jesus felt that the Scribes and Pharisees were hypocrites, and he didn't approve of what they did in "Their Temples", then instead of referring to "Their Temples" as his Father's House, he would have renounced them as being dens of iniquity.

But he didn't do that. So it's clear that Jesus was just a mortal man like everyone else. He made the very kinds of mistakes we'd expect any mortal man to make.

It wouldn't have accomplished anything. Violence is never the answer to a problem Cowboy. This is the problem with the biblical stories they attempt to solve all their problems using violent methods because it's the only thing those people understood. They weren't wise enough to think up better solutions for the stories in their fables. This is why the biblical stories are far from being wise and cannot possibly be the actions and words of a supposedly all-wise supernatural being.

It's not "violence" it's judgment. It's a reaction to an action. It's a consequence to a choice. It's what we are warned of and are told of the results of such actions ahead of the time. It would be violent or uncalled for if it wasn't preinformed. But it is, therefore it is completely justified. Without something negative coming of something people will do it because they want to. If their isn't some form of punishment for sinful actions why would the people not do that of which is sinful?

As I point out again, like Einstein and other brilliant minds have recognized, the biblical God is far too human. He has the same mentality as a lot of human. In fact, he has the mentality of humans who themselves aren't very wise.

We are made in the image of our father. So why would the emotions not be similar if not exactly the same? Why would'nt our father have similar emotions?

Besides, the mere fact that Jesus referred to the churches of the Scribes and Pharisees as his "Father's House" proves that Jesus wasn't God. He was clearly thinking just like a mortal man.

Jesus himself was not educated enough, nor did he have the credentials to teach in a church. What sense would it make for a God to send his only begotten son to Earth and not even set things up for his son so that his son could teach from "The Father's House".

First of all, Jesus was the son of God, the only begotten child of God. Secondly it's not about going to church. Church is nothing but a building, God is not more in a church then even wall mart. Church is a man made building. Your body is the temple of God. So why would it be such an unitntelligent thing to preach other places then a church building? A church is only built to allow a place where we can congregate together in the name of the lord. Again church is where two or more men are gathered in the lord's name. So again how is it so unintelligent to preach on the streets compared to in a building? What is gained from it being in a building? a building, people like me don't have to see it.
I'm just saying...

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:00 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

Oh, and by the way Mr. "Literate Atheist" if you were as literate as you claim, wouldn't you know that "a lot" is spelled "a lot" and not alot as you typed it? Hmmmm put that in your oh so smart thinking cap! You see, I have a degree! Perhaps you do as well. If so, I would say you majored in a$$holism, right? You seem to be really good at that!

Actually, either "a lot" or "alot" is acceptable in English. Oh yes, I'm sure you have a degree. Probably 98 of them.laugh

And if you wanna trade insults, you'll just end up being schooled--again. Better quit while you're behind, kiddo.

You just want to get a response out of me. The best reaction I can have is to just ignore you.

ah...wisdom at last.

And no. What I'd really like is a promise that you won't breed. But hey, I'll settle for silence.

Sometimes I miss trading barbs w/ Peter Pan. At least he was thoughtful. And funny sometimes. Crazy as a loon, perhaps. But then again, who isn't?

Everyone's crazy... Some hide it better than others. sheesh!

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:01 AM

"For the Son of man is not come
to destroy men's lives,
but to save them.
And they went to another village."
Luke 9:56

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not to send peace, but a sword.

I'm waiting for someone to create a video with two marionette Jesus dolls that constantly argue with each other using all the contradicting quotes that have been attributed to Jesus.

This is why quoting verses from the bible is utterly meaningless. You can basically support anything you want.

In fact, look at what people have used the Bible to support:

The Malleus Maleficarum and the torturing and burning alive of innocent midwives.

The Crusades and the torture and murdering of all the innocent spiritual people who simply didn't buy into the Hebrew fables.

The holocaust and antisemitism.

The book can be used to support anything.

Sure a decent person can use it to support decent things.

But just as easily a horrible person can use it to support horrible things.

The book itself is useless. It's just filled with conflicting messages and confusion. There can be no doubt of that whatsoever, just look at the religions that have formed because of this book:

Judaism - and it's many sects
Islam - and it's many sects
Catholicism - ant it's Popes that keep changing the rules

And of course the protesting Protestants that can never agree on anything. Do you realize that there are more denominations of Protestantism than any other religion on Earth?

So which of these myriad of people have it right? The Jews? The Muslims? The Catholics? Or one of the many Protestant Paper Popes?

I still like my interpretation of these fables the best.

The original folklore has no more merit than Zeus.

And the rumors about Jesus are totally incorrect. Some guy preached against the Torah and was crucified for it, and the New Testament is nothing more than one set of rumors that evolved out of that, and those rumors became powerful due to the very simple fact that they were indeed shoved down everyone's throat at sword point. Either convert to Christianity or DIE.

History tells us so.

It's a religion that only came to be because of violence. From the crucifixion to the crusades, it's nothing but blood guts and violence.

The word of God is the sword of which Jesus brought to the world. The word is your sword and God is your armor.

Belt of TRUTH

God: the Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) Deut. 4:39; Psalm 23:1; 18:1-3

Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS

The holy and perfect righteousness of Jesus in those who are "born again" and filled with His Spirit

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." (Matt. 5:6) Psalm 100:3; Rom. 3:23-24, 6:23; Gal. 2:20-21; Phil. 3:8-10.

Sandals of PEACE

Inner peace and readiness

"For He Himself is our peace..." (Eph. 2:14-15)

Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:14; John 14:27, 16:33, 20:21.

Shield of FAITH

Living by faith

"I am crucified with Christ:...and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God...." (Gal. 2:20) Rom. 4:18-21; Heb. 11:1; 1 Pet. 1:6-7


Salvation through Christ today and forever

"Nor is there salvation in any other..."(Acts 4:12) Each day: Ps. 16, 23; Heb. 1:3-6

For eternity: 2 Cor. 4:16-18; 1 Thess. 4:17; 1 John 3:1-3

The victorious Sword of the spirit: GOD'S WORD

God's Word countering spiritual deception and accusations

"...the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory...." (John 1:14) Heb. 4:12; Matt. 4:2-11; 1 Pet. 3:15; Ps. 119:110-112

The entire body of armor we should wear everyday and nothing violent about it in any way. It's the only armor or weapon me or anyone will ever need.

What about the codpiece or jockstrap? I'd want THOSE parts protected too...

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:10 AM

Ab...YOU have spent your time away from "the cloth"
to put CHRIST to an open shame.
YOU crucify CHRIST afresh.

If you're speaking of Jesus this is absolutely untrue. I give Jesus the utmost respect. Far more than than the authors of the New Testament do.

You're just upset because I don't buy into their claims that Jesus was "the Christ".

There is no shame in the idea that Jesus was indeed a mortal man. There is no shame in the idea that he taught against the horrible moral values of the Torah. There is no shame in the idea that he was most likely educated in Mahayana Buddhism and was acting as a Bodhisattva. On the contrary to become a Bodhisattva is considered one of the most respectable and selfless things a person can do.

The picture that I paint of Jesus is highly respectable.

The pictured painted by the men who wrote the New Testament is not respectable at all, IMHO. After all, if Jesus truly was the "only begotten son" of God, then neither Jesus nor God are very bright.

So from my point of view, to recognize that Jesus was indeed a mortal man is really the only way to make him respectable.

This is the WORD of God.
Trust Him.
Your repentance and His acceptance
may be negotiable.
You can try.

That's where your mistake is. You just accept that these fables came from God and therefore you cannot question them without simultaneously questioning the wisdom of God. You have no choice but to assume that everything in them must be of the highest possible wisdom, even if it makes no sense to you. Surely God must know something that you don't know and that these stories aren't telling you, because you have already decided that these stories are necessarily the "Word of God". Therefore that cannot be wrong!

I see no reason to take view. No reason whatsoever.

In fact, if I took that view I would necessarily have to agree with everything in the Bible no matter how nonsensical it appears to me, because, like you, I would have already committed myself to accepting that it's the "Word of God" and therefore cannot be false.

If there's something that appears to be stupid to me, it can only be because I'm lacking the knowledge and wisdom to understand it.

That's the mentality that a lot of people accept with open arms. But I see no reason to behave in such a foolish way. And yes, I do indeed believe that such behavior is foolish.

After all, if you're going to just assume something to be true, why pick the Hebrew folklore? Why not pick one of the myriad of other religions throughout the world? You could just as easily have chosen Wicca, for example, and then you'd believe that the Moon Goddess is the true picture of our creator and all other religions are false myths.

Now you may argue, "But Jesus was a real person who actually lived!"

Well, maybe or maybe not. You can't even know that for sure. But even if he had lived (which I personally accept), that itself does not give credence to the rumors that the authors of the New Testament wrote.

The whole religion is extremely egotistical, like it or not.

The God of the Old Testament is an extremely egotistical God. Jesus is portrayed to be just as jealous and hateful toward anyone who refuses to worship him.

And finally, the whole theme is about personal salvation. Period. It's not a story about humanity in general or how to conduct great societies. It's all about getting your personal butt 'saved'.

It's a religion that is entirely about saving individual egos.

I've said many times, and I continue to hold this view:

Even if this biblical picture of God were true, I would reject his offer of "eternal life". I make no secret about it, I do not like the God that is portrayed in the Old Testament. He doesn't appear to be the slightest bit wise to me. I certainly have no desire to worship and serve and idiot for the rest of eternity.

Therefore, even if I knew that this religion was true, I would politely and without any emotion at all, simply decline this God's offer of eternal life. I'm simply not interested. I would ask that this God simple cause me to cease to exist. Or better yet, make it like I never had existed at all.

That would be my POLITE AND SINCERE request of this God.

If the God has any righteousness and wisdom at all he would understand and simply cause me to vanish painlessly from his silly games.

On the other hand, if he starts throwing temper tantrums and claiming that he's going to 'punish' me for now wanting to play his stupid games, then he would have just proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that he's not nearly as mature and wise as even I am.

That's the problem with this God. In order for this God to be as "threatening" as the bible would like it to be, this God would need to basically be a real jerk. A far less moral being than myself.

But that flies in the very face of what an all-righteous and all-wise God should be.

It simply cannot be true that an all-righteous and all-wise God would be mean to people or even reject them for not believing in such horrible violent, and often absurdly ridiculous stories as are in the Biblical Cannon.

The very idea of a God who would be mean to people for not believing that he sent his only begotten son to be crucified to pay for their sins is itself an unwise and unrealistic thing to ask of people, IMHO.

You, as a Christian surely believe that "With God all things are possible".

Well, if you believe that, then why would such a God need to solve all of his problems using utterly stupid and violent means, when clearly he can do anything he wants?

If he wanted to get rid of sinners all he would have had to do was make them all sterile and within the span of a single generation they'd all be dead and there would be no new-born babies to even worry about.

To have some guy build a boat to save the animal species and then flood the entire planet just to get rid of a bunch of sinners is neither wise, nor powerful. That's a method you'd expect mortal men to dream up.

I mean, come on. Evidently you're afraid to even question whether these absurd stories are true. You've decided that they are indeed the "Word of God" and therefore to question them is to question God himself.

That's precisely what the authors of these tales were hoping you'd do! Don't question them, just believe them!

Well, I'm not going there. That's silly. I prefer to question them, and when I do question them I see precisely how utterly stupid they truly are.

You're showing symptoms of vexatiousness.
I truly pray that you will be set free
from that rebellious spirit.

"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD,
he hath also rejected thee [...]." 1Sa_15:23

Are you serious or just crazy? Or seriously crazy? Inquiring minds wanna know.
Vexatiousness? Who uses words like that anyway?

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:11 AM
What about the codpiece or jockstrap? I'd want THOSE parts protected too... rofl drinks drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl rofl rofl drinks drinks rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:16 AM

"For the Son of man is not come
to destroy men's lives,
but to save them.
And they went to another village."
Luke 9:56

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not to send peace, but a sword.

I'm waiting for someone to create a video with two marionette Jesus dolls that constantly argue with each other using all the contradicting quotes that have been attributed to Jesus.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth."

Christ has to conquer a peace

by overcoming the evil that is in the way of peace.

Hence, to preach the gospel of purity and peace

always arouses the opposition of the evil doer.

Evil has to be put down before peace can prevail.

Hence, while the great end that Christ proposes is peace,

the immediate result of his coming,

and of the preaching of the gospel,

was opposition and bloodshed.

I come . . . but a sword.

The only sword that Christ or his followers use

in the conflict is the Sword of the Spirit,

but the persecutor has in every age

turned upon them the carnal sword.

The sword is sent,

because persecutors use it upon the church.

Nice editing.
"I come not to bring peace, but with a sword" is the full line of what Jesus supposedly said there.

And yeah, the christian church has been so so persecuted lo these many years...

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:18 AM


10, "Finally, my brethren,
be strong in the Lord, and in the power
of his might.

11, "Put on the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.

12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13, "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.

14, "Stand therefore,
having your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15, "And your feet shod
with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16, "Above all, taking the shield of faith,
wherewith ye shall be able to quench
all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17, "And take the helmet of salvation,





"For THE WORD OF GOD is quick, and powerful,

and sharper than any twoedged sword,

piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,

and of the joints and marrow,

and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents

of the heart."


Hey! I had a character in AD&D that had a sword like that! Cool.

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:19 AM
:thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks :thumbsup: drinks :thumbsup: drinks

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:19 AM

technology gives you power as well and as for god he could have been an alien from some other part of the galaxy doing a cloning experiment and we are the out come so how can you hold truth to a book that's basically a bunch of he says she says bull crap

Technology gives no one power of anything. Technology only gives us a way to control some of the power God has given us freely. We have the power to learn and critical thinking. And is why we've evolved so much further then the animals of this planet. We have the power of knowledge.

Holy crap! Did you just admit that we EVOLVED???

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:21 AM

Yes very true. Unfortunately this is true. Saddens
while i agree with you i remain a sceptic to religion im not atheist but not christian either i feel like there are to many people in church that go only for the gossip and not the gospel

Truthfully, I am somewhat saddened
that there are those who would set their minds
to boldly mock, sneer, and attack the word of God...
trying to make the bible fit their endless critcisms.

If one were to inquire with the intentions of understanding
it would make all the difference.
Now, before you judge the end results...
read thoroughly the initial texts.
and if you are a skeptic... its by personal choice.
Some have chosen to believe, others are doubters or skeptics,
but then, there the blasphemers.

OOOO OOOO OOOO Can I be counted among the blasphemers??
Please please please!!!

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:22 AM

technology gives you power as well and as for god he could have been an alien from some other part of the galaxy doing a cloning experiment and we are the out come so how can you hold truth to a book that's basically a bunch of he says she says bull crap

Technology gives no one power of anything. Technology only gives us a way to control some of the power God has given us freely. We have the power to learn and critical thinking. And is why we've evolved so much further then the animals of this planet. We have the power of knowledge.
well if your talking about the half ape half human remains thay discovered and all that stuff then here is my thoughts on that before when i said that we were the result of a cloning experiment well the flood the is talked about in the bible could be the way thay got rid of the ones that did not turn out right

Except there is no scientific evidence of a world wide flood ever happening...

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:27 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

Oh, and by the way Mr. "Literate Atheist" if you were as literate as you claim, wouldn't you know that "a lot" is spelled "a lot" and not alot as you typed it? Hmmmm put that in your oh so smart thinking cap! You see, I have a degree! Perhaps you do as well. If so, I would say you majored in a$$holism, right? You seem to be really good at that!

Actually, either "a lot" or "alot" is acceptable in English. Oh yes, I'm sure you have a degree. Probably 98 of them.laugh

And if you wanna trade insults, you'll just end up being schooled--again. Better quit while you're behind, kiddo.

You just want to get a response out of me. The best reaction I can have is to just ignore you.

ah...wisdom at last.

And no. What I'd really like is a promise that you won't breed. But hey, I'll settle for silence.

Sometimes I miss trading barbs w/ Peter Pan. At least he was thoughtful. And funny sometimes. Crazy as a loon, perhaps. But then again, who isn't?

Everyone's crazy... Some hide it better than others. sheesh!

true that.

no photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:30 AM
God, I wish I could sleep.

Oh crap, was that a prayer?
damn damn damn...frustrated

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:52 AM

God, I wish I could sleep.

Oh crap, was that a prayer?
damn damn damn...frustrated
drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks quick commit a sinful act and all will be taken care of pitchfork

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Thu 10/14/10 06:03 AM

Of course at times of judgement there might be use of violence to enforce that judgement.

When someone is judged by a jury and receives the death penalty, if that prisoner tries to rebel will there not be violence used to enforce that judgement?

so everytime Jesus feels a judgement coming on it's ok for him to ignore his own teachings to turn the other cheek and do violence

Redykeulous posted a link that I think you should read...

Peter_Pan ...go to the link and bring the author to this forum so that their views can be debated ...if you can not do that..then you read at the link then come back and post a synopsis of what you read in your own words and then I can debate it with you ....