Topic: 159 Congress People Vote Against H/C for 9/11 Heroes | |
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Sun 10/03/10 06:31 PM
"The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009 was voted on in the House of Representatives last week. The bill passed and will provide federal funding for ongoing medical care for first responders and victims of the 9/11 disaster.
The legislation was sponsored by Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) with 115 co-sponsors including Peter King (R-NY). The bill which seemed to be a bipartisan effort was not expected to fail. But of the 15 Republican co-sponsors, only 12 voted for their own bill." "The following names are the people in Congress that voted AGAINST helping the 9/11 1st Responders with health care. There are about 900 dead responders since the attacks 9 years ago, and tens of thousands more sick and dying. When everybody was running away from Ground Zero, these people were running in to save as many people as they can. The people on this list feel that we should not help them. Please adjust your voter ballots accordingly in November." No Votes (160) Member, Party, District Robert B. Aderholt, R, AL-4 Todd Akin, R, MO-2 Rodney Alexander, R, LA-5 Steve Austria, R, OH-7 Michele Bachmann, R, MN-6 Spencer Bachus, R, AL-6 J. Gresham Barrett, R, SC-3 Roscoe G. Bartlett, R, MD-6 Joe L. Barton, R, TX-6 Marion Berry, D, AR-1 Judy Biggert, R, IL-13 Brian P. Bilbray, R, CA-50 Gus Bilirakis, R, FL-9 Rob Bishop, R, UT-1 Marsha Blackburn, R, TN-7 John A. Boehner, R, OH-8 Jo Bonner, R, AL-1 Mary Bono Mack, R, CA-45 John Boozman, R, AR-3 Charles Boustany Jr., R, LA-7 Kevin Brady, R, TX-8 Bobby Bright, D, AL-2 Paul Broun, R, GA-10 Henry E. Brown Jr., R, SC-1 Ginny Brown-Waite, R, FL-5 Vern Buchanan, R, FL-13 Michael C. Burgess, R, TX-26 Dan Burton, R, IN-5 Steve Buyer, R, IN-4 Ken Calvert, R, CA-44 Dave Camp, R, MI-4 John Campbell, R, CA-48 Eric Cantor, R, VA-7 Shelley Moore Capito, R, WV-2 John Carter, R, TX-31 Bill Cassidy, R, LA-6 Jason Chaffetz, R, UT-3 Howard Coble, R, NC-6 Mike Coffman, R, CO-6 K. Michael Conaway, R, TX-11 Jim Cooper, D, TN-5 Ander Crenshaw, R, FL-4 John Culberson, R, TX-7 Geoff Davis, R, KY-4 Mario Diaz-Balart, R, FL-25 Charles Djou, R, HI-1 David Dreier, R, CA-26 John J. Duncan Jr., R, TN-2 Vernon J. Ehlers, R, MI-3 Jo Ann Emerson, R, MO-8 Jeff Flake, R, AZ-6 John Fleming, R, LA-4 J. Randy Forbes, R, VA-4 Jeff Fortenberry, R, NE-1 Virginia Foxx, R, NC-5 Trent Franks, R, AZ-2 Elton Gallegly, R, CA-24 Scott Garrett, R, NJ-5 Phil Gingrey, R, GA-11 Louie Gohmert, R, TX-1 Robert W. Goodlatte, R, VA-6 Kay Granger, R, TX-12 Sam Graves, R, MO-6 Tom Graves, R, GA-9 Parker Griffith, R, AL-5 Brett Guthrie, R, KY-2 Ralph M. Hall, R, TX-4 Gregg Harper, R, MS-3 Doc Hastings, R, WA-4 Dean Heller, R, NV-2 Jeb Hensarling, R, TX-5 Wally Herger, R, CA-2 Peter Hoekstra, R, MI-2 Duncan D. Hunter, R, CA-52 Bob Inglis, R, SC-4 Darrell Issa, R, CA-49 Lynn Jenkins, R, KS-2 Sam Johnson, R, TX-3 Timothy V. Johnson, R, IL-15 Jim Jordan, R, OH-4 Steve King, R, IA-5 Jack Kingston, R, GA-1 John Kline, R, MN-2 Steven C. LaTourette, R, OH-14 Doug Lamborn, R, CO-5 Tom Latham, R, IA-4 Robert E. Latta, R, OH-5 Christopher Lee, R, NY-26 Jerry Lewis, R, CA-41 John Linder, R, GA-7 Frank D. Lucas, R, OK-3 Blaine Luetkemeyer, R, MO-9 Cynthia M. Lummis, R, WY-1 Connie Mack, R, FL-14 Donald Manzullo, R, IL-16 Kenny Marchant, R, TX-24 Kevin McCarthy, R, CA-22 Michael McCaul, R, TX-10 Tom McClintock, R, CA-4 Thaddeus McCotter, R, MI-11 Patrick T. McHenry, R, NC-10 Howard P. McKeon, R, CA-25 Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R, WA-5 John L. Mica, R, FL-7 Gary G. Miller, R, CA-42 Jeff Miller, R, FL-1 Jerry Moran, R, KS-1 Sue Myrick, R, NC-9 Randy Neugebauer, R, TX-19 Devin Nunes, R, CA-21 Pete Olson, R, TX-22 Ron Paul, R, TX-14 Erik Paulsen, R, MN-3 Mike Pence, R, IN-6 Tom Petri, R, WI-6 Joe Pitts, R, PA-16 Ted Poe, R, TX-2 Bill Posey, R, FL-15 Tom Price, R, GA-6 Adam H. Putnam, R, FL-12 George P. Radanovich, R, CA-19 Denny Rehberg, R, MT-1 Dave Reichert, R, WA-8 Harold Rogers, R, KY-5 Mike D. Rogers, R, AL-3 Mike Rogers, R, MI-8 Dana Rohrabacher, R, CA-46 Tom Rooney, R, FL-16 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R, FL-18 Peter Roskam, R, IL-6 Ed Royce, R, CA-40 Paul D. Ryan, R, WI-1 Steve Scalise, R, LA-1 Jean Schmidt, R, OH-2 Aaron Schock, R, IL-18 F. James Sensenbrenner, R, WI-5 Pete Sessions, R, TX-32 John Shadegg, R, AZ-3 John Shimkus, R, IL-19 Bill Shuster, R, PA-9 Mike Simpson, R, ID-2 Adrian Smith, R, NE-3 Lamar Smith, R, TX-21 Cliff Stearns, R, FL-6 John Sullivan, R, OK-1 Lee Terry, R, NE-2 Glenn Thompson, R, PA-5 William M. Thornberry, R, TX-13 Todd Tiahrt, R, KS-4 Pat Tiberi, R, OH-12 Michael R. Turner, R, OH-3 Fred Upton, R, MI-6 Greg Walden, R, OR-2 Zach Wamp, R, TN-3 Lynn Westmoreland, R, GA-3 Edward Whitfield, R, KY-1 Joe Wilson, R, SC-2 Robert J. Wittman, R, VA-1 Frank R. Wolf, R, VA-10 Don Young, R, AK-1 |
Penn and Teller!! This is pretty much what I think about these inane conspiracy theories. Do not make conspiracy theories about this terrorist attack. The evidence is overwhelming and well analyzed. There is no proof whatsoever that any of the conspiracy theories have any basis at all. These are the facts... |
Does it surprise you that so many representatives voted against this bill? It shouldn't. The Republican Party is intent upon stopping all legislation until it can regain power. Doesn't matter that it's good legislation. The actions of the Republicans cleary show that their only real goal is to make the wealthy wealthier. Everyone else is inconsequential and expendible.
Penn and Teller!! This is pretty much what I think about these inane conspiracy theories. Do not make conspiracy theories about this terrorist attack. The evidence is overwhelming and well analyzed. There is no proof whatsoever that any of the conspiracy theories have any basis at all. These are the facts... This thread is about the responders...what fact does that make of you sir? |
Does it surprise you that so many representatives voted against this bill? It shouldn't. The Republican Party is intent upon stopping all legislation until it can regain power. Doesn't matter that it's good legislation. The actions of the Republicans cleary show that their only real goal is to make the wealthy wealthier. Everyone else is inconsequential and expendible. Well of course, ask 9 out of 10 GOPers/T-baggers what they are FOR and they'll just look at you with a blank stare. This party of morons has no clue. Their "Just say no" is their agenda? For what? Saying no to the first responders of 9-11? Makes them appear like they could care less...but they don't care...not human. |
I just say no to every agenda of the left.
Does it surprise you that so many representatives voted against this bill? It shouldn't. The Republican Party is intent upon stopping all legislation until it can regain power. Doesn't matter that it's good legislation. The actions of the Republicans cleary show that their only real goal is to make the wealthy wealthier. Everyone else is inconsequential and expendible. Well of course, ask 9 out of 10 GOPers/T-baggers what they are FOR and they'll just look at you with a blank stare. This party of morons has no clue. Their "Just say no" is their agenda? For what? Saying no to the first responders of 9-11? Makes them appear like they could care less...but they don't care...not human. they have seemed to be the party of no,,, I think most dont want government 'interference' unless it directly benefits them,,, |