Topic: Pastor Eddie Long | |
The SPLC was reporting about this hater 3 years before he was outed as a gay himself. The hypocrisy is deafening... Face Right - Black Religious Opposition to Gays Rising "Bishop Eddie Long takes to the pulpit wearing a crisp, two-piece suit. Long's been known to dress down in tight muscle shirts and leather vests when preaching, but for this sermon it's business attire. A flock of young men from his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church near Atlanta surround Long's pulpit. "We're raising our young boys to be just like the women," he bellows to his congregation, which today numbers more than 25,000 people. "We keep telling men to get in touch with their [sweetens his voice] sensitive self." Almost 45 minutes into the sermon, captured on a videotape that is for sale in his church's bookstore, Bishop Long grows louder and angrier. "The problem today and the reason society is like it is, is because men are being feminized and women are being masculine!" he roars. "You can not say, ‘I was born this way.' … I don't care what scientists say!" The crowd erupts in "amens," laughter and clapping. Eddie Long is just one example of a growing number of powerful, politically active African-American pastors who are increasingly aligning themselves with the white evangelical Christian leaders who have been building a religiously based anti-gay movement for more than 30 years now. Like their white counterparts, these black anti-gay preachers routinely identify the so-called "homosexual agenda" — not poverty, racism, gang violence, inadequate schools, or unemployment — as the No. 1 threat facing black Americans today. Often, they take their cues from white Christian Right hard-liners like Traditional Values Coalition chairman Louis Sheldon, who told TV pundit Tucker Carlson in January 2006 that homosexuality is "the biggest problem facing inner-city black neighborhoods." Sheldon later delivered the same message to the Congressional Black Caucus, this time accompanied by Bishop Paul Morton, a black anti-gay minister from New Orleans. Some black ministers have been attracted to the white-dominated religious anti-gay movement by the money and power of white Christian leaders, not to mention "faith-based" grants under the Bush Administration. But it's also obvious that a segment of the black community in America has long had its own negative attitudes toward gays and lesbians. "I'm sure [black ministers] are being co-opted, but they don't need a great deal of co-optation," is how the Rev. Peter Gomes, chaplain of Harvard University, put it to the Village Voice in 2004." More on Bishop Long and the charges against him. "A fourth lawsuit has been filed against Atlanta-area Pastor Eddie Long, alleging he coerced a 15 year-old into sex during a trip to Africa." |
"We're raising our young boys to be just like the women," Well, if we want to follow Christ that's precisely what we are supposed to do. Jesus preached to love your brother, to turn the other cheek, not to judge others, and not to seek revenge. These are all traits that many people in America would associate with a "sissy boy". Any one who preaches the gospel of Jesus and suggests even remotely that there is anything wrong with raising young girls and boys in precisely the same way simply isn't preaching the wisdom of Jesus anyway. The fact that this guy had 25,000 followers in the first place is what's utterly disturbing. The stuff that people teach in the name of Jesus is pathetic. Any Christian preacher who observes that we're raising boys to be just like women should applaud the fact that we're actually following the teachings of Jesus (either on purpose, or by pure coincidence). Teaching a young boy to be "macho" is about the most anti-Jesus thing you can do. There was nothing "macho" about Jesus. He was a sissy-boy hippy, by every meaning of those terms. It's ridiculous to think of Jesus as being "macho". About the only time that Jesus exhibited "macho" behavior was when he would rant on and on about how hypocritical the Scribes and Pharisees were, and when he threw a temper tantrum in the temple overturning money tables. But in both of those cases, Jesus was actually violating his own teachings. In the case of judging the Scribes and Pharisees to be hypocrites he was himself being a hypocrite with respect to his own teachings that we should not judge others. In the case of overturning the money tables in the temple he was being a hypocrite with respect to his teachings that we should turn the other cheek when someone does something against us. So the only times when Jesus did act "macho" he violated his own teachings and was acting in a hypocritical manner anyway. According to Jesus we should raise our boys to be just as "sissified" as we raise our women. Because if anyone would actually behave in the way that Jesus taught they would be seen as a "sissy" in American Society. |
Too bad about Bishop Eddie Long....
Too bad about .Bishop Eddie Long... What does that mean? LOL. Bishop Eddie Long is an arsehole and worse are people who listen to his type of hate speak yet still follow low life people like him. He represents main stream RW Chistian hate HIS church IS. This is not uncommon in many churches...I hope the SPLC considers putting that ilk on their Hate Map. Current Hate Map PS: Bishop Eddie Long drove a Bentley..."Too bad about...?" How about his flock who funded his boy love ventures? |
It's long been known that the more vocal one is against homosexuality, the more likely one is to be a homosexual.
I've noticed something interesting about this case. He's never denied the charges. He's merely said he'll fight the lawsuits. |
the crooked cross
Too bad about Bishop Eddie Long.... too bad he's a lying, cheating, hypocrite? he cheated all these people out of their money so he could live in lap of luxury? a queer that hates queers? haha..yea... it's to bad |