Topic: long winded good bye?
no photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:21 AM
At last-someone who says they're leaving that actually does. Not looking for an ego stroke. Not wanting anyone to beg him back. Too bad, Armydoc was one of the good ones. I only agreed with about half of what he said,but I respected him as a stand-up guy who told us how he felt and never held anything back. Hope you change your mind, soldier, or at least stop in from time to time. Fight the good fight and thanks for all you do.

You'll be missed here.


KerryO's photo
Thu 06/28/07 07:12 PM
Red writes:

" ArmyDoc has a job to do, and it includes doing what none of us is able
to, where most of us will never follow. Perhaps his state of mind
required that he sit on the edge for a while. Perhaps his attitude,
which was always supportive of his country, is a reflection of the kind
of minds we need to fight a war."

So, are you inferring that only another soldier has the moral authority to call him on his hateful diatribes in re. people who vote Democratic?

The trouble with leasing one's mind to Hate out of expediency is that it amost always Rents to Own.

-Kerry O.

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:57 PM
kerry O writes:

That kerry O writes about anything to bolster his hatred of anything other than what kerry O believes.

kerry O

Sheesh! Ehere is that throwing up on your hemp shoes emoticon? Don't you have to protest at some soldier's funeral somewhere?

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 06/28/07 09:33 PM
KerryO, I meant what I said. He is not a soldier sent to kill, he is medic, sent to heal that which a war has brutally inflicted on others.

I've known many ER nurses and doctors they all have different ways of dealing with what they have to do, but most of them can be seen by other, outside the arena, as something other that caring considerate ER employees. It's just a way of dealing with what they can not, do not have the power to resolve, every day.

no photo
Thu 06/28/07 11:13 PM
no excuse.....sorry.......................not from where i it.............. and Zap..........

are your eyes brown or what????????????!!!!!!!!!!


no photo
Thu 06/28/07 11:13 PM
lol...not from where i sit.....grumble

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 12:04 AM
awwwwwwwww he was such a sweet young man too!!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lakeman's photo
Fri 06/29/07 12:21 AM
The parting finger was for everyone here...I don't care if he is the POPE. That was not necessary and all I can say is what comes around goes around. He better keep his head down alright. Treating people like that will get him into big trouble.explode :angry: frown

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 12:24 AM
Sit!!!! Stay Lakeman!!!! Lay down!!!!!:wink:

Ok Good doggie!!!!!:tongue: :tongue:

Lakeman's photo
Fri 06/29/07 12:30 AM
Woof!!!woof!! HAHAHAdrinker

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/29/07 06:47 AM
Red, I greatly appreciate your thoughts and point of view and wish I could agree with you on this one, but....

Army medics DO fight and kill. They do patch people up when they are are wounded, but only then. Some medics are highly skilled and I have a lot of admiration for those skills. But their first reason for being there is to engage in combat.

The US Army has decided to start giving all their soldiers medic training. If you were right, then none of them will fight Iraqis and kill.....hmmmmmmm! We may be on to something.

My main concern with people like army doc is that they bring disrepute to America. I have seen a handful of soldiers like him: extremely angry; ignorant; profoundly racist (you didn't see that here on JSH, but this is how he first presented himself on Connecting Singles); infused with an unthinking, sloganistic and testosterone-driven 'patriotism'; and a deep need to feel heroic. These are the ones who go nuts when they are in combat; and some of these go nuts when they return to the US and become human time-bombs.

I saw some data on the rate and types of mental problems our returning troops have, and will try and find it and post a bit here about it.

The vast majority of soldiers who go to Iraq are not like him at all. They are decent kids, some of whom, rightly or wrongly, really do want to do good, and they will return deeply saddened and reflective. They don't have the educational background to assess the validity of the government's assertions about the war on terror or Iraq; they simply trust our government to have told them the truth. These are the ones my concern goes out to.

It does this great majority of soldiers no honor to be compared with Armydoc4you.

Red, I think you are profoundly right in saying that Armydoc4u was doing what he had to do to get himself psyched for combat in Iraq. Everyone who goes there has to do something to prepare. So yes we can understand his personality and how it manifests itself. We can and should have pity for him, for he will face nothing but rage and disappointment for many years to come, and perhaps for his whole life.

But I don't want to romanticize or create excuses for him: he does NOT represent the best of America, and his brand of patriotism is nothing but a danger to the well-being and security of our country, to say nothing of that of the Iraqi people he will encounter.


no photo
Fri 06/29/07 06:55 AM

You don't wish you could agree with Red, you obviously hate and wish nothing good on ArmyDoc. You should be ashamed of what you just posted.

Oceans5555's photo
Fri 06/29/07 07:02 AM
No, no hate, Spider. Pity, yes. And I wish the Army wouldn't send him to Iraq, for everyone's good, including his own.

Perhaps next time you will be a little more careful reading my posts.

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 07:07 AM

I read it just fine. It's a sick twisted rant in which you claim he will "face nothing but rage and disappointment" for a long time, perhaps his whole life. And then you mention that he's a danger to the lives of the Iraqi people. I'm glad Armydoc is gone so he doesn't have to see the filth that you spew.

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 07:23 AM
Spider, I think you haven't seen half the filth armydoc has been spewing, and that started long before he came here. I wasn't going to comment at all, but I'm glad that he is gone. He is a danger to himself, a selfdistructing individual. He has been telling lies about other people and because our truth isn't his he called us liars. Sounds familiar?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 06/29/07 08:03 AM
I have to agree with Oceans.
Sadly the brainwash machinery of the army (not just the army of this country, any army in the world).
I've seen this guy's post, and as far as I'm concern are very disturbing.
I don't want to say more because a person very close to me may feel offended, and I don't want that she is my sister.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 06/29/07 08:04 AM
what i meant is that the brainwash machinery of the army has worked at its best in this guy

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 08:51 AM
Spider.....when the majority of the class see the object on the board as an egg...the 2 or 3 that see a chicken are usually incorrect.

Oceans was honest , and so am i, it is indeed pity we feel and anger with an administration and it's corruption to betray these young men the way it has.

we don't even blame him although to hear him speak we might as well hold him responsible for his choices....he doe not even register the level of denial he is in. nor can he for quite some time....if he faced reality it would tell him the truth and that would shatter his world.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 06/29/07 09:06 AM
By Geneva convention, medics wear a red cross on their arm band and their helmet to identify to opposing forces that they are noncombatants. They are not permitted to carry a weapon. If they do then they are fair game and considered to be combatants!

That said, in Iraq the enemy could care less about the Geneva rules, and I would say it would be suicide to not carry a weapon. Normally however, what ever that is today, American military doctrine does not allow a medic to carry a weapon, and his entire mission is to provide medical (first-aid) to wounded soldiers. (enemy and friendly) One Infantry Platoon is assigned one medic, two if you are lucky but I never saw that many. Doc is an affectionate name given to them by the men in the platoon. He becomes a very dear friend and every man in the platoon would lay down their life to protect him. The medic is often the only thing that determines survival or death on a battlefield. Although every Infantry soldier is trained in first-aid, it is their job to carry on the battle. The doc(medic) is the only thing an Infantry soldier will have until he is put on a medevac chopper. It would be a rare doctor indeed that would be willing to do what they do!
Iraq is a different war and Im sure doc carries a weapon, but he does so by his choice, knowing that he is becoming an eligible target, unprotected by the Geneva Rules, by doing so.
We have all been guilty of giving Dennis a hard time, and his anger makes it easy, while giving us an excuse for our words. I have often held my breath and tried not to attack the man that is dennis, but I would bet anyone here that right or wrong, everyman in the platoon he is attached to would slap the teeth out of all of us!

no photo
Fri 06/29/07 09:06 AM

When the majority thought the earth was flat, were they right?