Topic: Is Ann Colter a complete......
no photo
Wed 06/27/07 03:39 PM

"Oh, and I almost forgot this gem:"

You don't see that she's making a joke? Wow. She's right, you guys
will take anything and use it as a weapon to attack another person. The
cool thing is, she gives you weapons that make you look stupid. "Ann
Coulter wants to take away women's rights to vote!" She is a woman and
a voter jackass, she was making a joke.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 06/27/07 03:56 PM
Thats why I don't listen to her ramblings. I just saw this thread and
threw in my 2cents worth. I was surprised someone replied tho, it NEVER
happens in this subject matter.happy

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 06/27/07 04:49 PM
kerri that was a sarcastic comment based on the attitudes shared by your
beloved party.

i think its funny as hell, she tongue in cheek comments that your party
uses and then she and not your party is attacked. shows the double
standard, for example when she said edwards dying in a terrorist plot
the day after bill maer said he wished that cheney would be killed in a
terror plot.

doesnt matter, your in the democrat mind set, deny and attack back with
lies. hahaha

your the reason why your party has lower approval points in congress
(15%) as opposed to the president 24%, who's got the mandate now?



damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 06/27/07 05:23 PM
But she does make fun of Edwards alot. Maybe shes jealous that hes
prettier than her, I dunno?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 06/27/07 05:39 PM
Really anyone who buys her books are IDIOTS. Her main foundation for
making outragous comments no matter who it hurts is to make money. She
On Hardball bragged about how she makes more money from her comments
than John Edwards does. That is sisk she should be hanged in my opinion
for her comments about john Edwards son when he died. How about that.
Maybe i will get rich.. ha... Miles

KerryO's photo
Wed 06/27/07 06:16 PM
Armydoc4u, breaking the rules:

" kerri that was a sarcastic comment based on the attitudes shared by
beloved party.

i think its funny as hell, she tongue in cheek comments that your party
uses and then she and not your party is attacked. shows the double
standard, for example when she said edwards dying in a terrorist plot
the day after bill maer said he wished that cheney would be killed in a
terror plot.

doesnt matter, your in the democrat mind set, deny and attack back with
lies. hahaha

your the reason why your party has lower approval points in congress
(15%) as opposed to the president 24%, who's got the mandate now?



Well Doc, looks like you're going to keep up the rulebreaking polemics
no matter how much I ignore you.

Like Ann Coulter, it seems one of your favorite slimes is to play a
whispering game of gender doubt against those with whom you disagree. It
got Ann Coulter kicked out of bunch on newpapers and political forums
when at least some conservatives had the integrity to condemn such
tactics as morally bankrupt. One wonders when your hour upon this stage
will be up if you persist.

FYI, I'm an Independent. Been registered as such my whole life. In my
state, I can't vote in the primaries because of that, so you might want
to reconsider your 'mindset' comments.

I've often voted for Republicans when it made sense to do so. Voted for
Ross Perot over Clinton and Bush in '92 and was at least tempted to vote
for Bob Dole in '96 because I thought he was an honest man. Newt
Gingrich's hijinks soured me to the Republican party as did the rise of
people like Ann Coulter into national prominence.

Still, I would have had a difficult time _not_ voting for John McCain in
2000, but we saw how the Repulican party's radical elements treated him.
That was the last straw.

So, I urge you Spider to keep up the taunting and namecalling. It's that
stinky bait that's turning off more people than you know. They just
never say anything in public because they know the political goon squads
will try to humiliate them. Me, I've been on my deathbed twice, somehow
lived to tell about it and get back into a profession I love. Compared
to that, sticking my finger in this fan is almost fun. Rest assured your
lame attempts at intimidation strikes as particularly adolescent-- water
off a duck's back to me. I don't get upset with uppity fanboys who think
they know everything, I just roll my eyes and tell them to go for it
while they still know everything.

Not that you care, but ask Rick Santorum. He ran a dirty campaign and
got beaten in a landslide. He was just out of touch in addition to
telling some nasty lies about his opponent, and it cost him.

BTW, take a course in grammar. Yours is atrocious (you can't blame the
Democrats for that).

-Kerry O.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 06/27/07 07:29 PM
Ann Colter - I was with the HRC movement to have her barred from print.
While everyone is entitled to speak as they will, when one aspires to be
revered in their field or to public office, it is not suggested that
off-color jokes be a part and parcel of their speaking agenda.

I was one of those who sent over a dozen well worded requests that she
be removed from print and paid no further for her services.

Last I heard she was dropped from at least 18 syndications. Obviously,
I was not the only one writing.

For those who think she has wit and charm, do you laugh a polock jokes
too? Would you like your Senators, or Congressmen using such 'jokes' in
a public address? Scary who gets to vote.

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:16 PM

"Rest assured your lame attempts at intimidation strikes as particularly
adolescent-- water off a duck's back to me."

How could anything I typed be construed as "intimidation". What am I
going to do, reach through the monitor and punch you? I have no need to
intimidate you or anyone else on here.

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:19 PM

Working to get people barred from print and scared by the fact that
people who disagree with you get to vote. I applaud you for being so
open minded.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:33 PM
Ah yes, when a liberal has lost the argument they start name calling.
"Anyone who buys her books is an idiot". Spidercmb would you please
slice, dice, and puree miles again. laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:41 PM

"Spidercmb would you please slice, dice, and puree miles again"

I have learned many lessons from many sources in my life, as we all
have. One unsual source was "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". King
Author fought the Black Knight, cutting off first one arm and then then
other. The Black Knight continued fighting and King Author cut off his
legs. Once he had no legs to stand on, King Author just walked past him
and carried on with his business, leaving the Black Knight his head so
he could continue to taught and yell.

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:46 PM
taught = taunt...I'm distracted.

no photo
Thu 06/28/07 02:05 AM
distracted and incorrect.

calling a spade a spade is not akin to closed mindedness.

it's just the generally accepted reality. like a traffic signal on red green or yellow

now if you're colour blind...well that's a different cookie alltogether.:wink: laugh

no photo
Thu 06/28/07 05:41 AM

So you agree with Miles that I'm an idiot?

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 06/28/07 06:27 AM
Why do you guys waste your time slamming each other? Do you really experience life as a tag-team wrestling event?


davinci1952's photo
Thu 06/28/07 06:28 AM
actually I put her in the same boat as Al Sharpton,
or Al Franken...
....publicity clowns..all of them...they add nothing
of substance to any real debate on the issues...

verbatimeb's photo
Thu 06/28/07 06:41 AM
"Never been a fan of hers, shes always come off to me as mean spirited and hateful toward anyone who disagrees with her."

"actually I put her in the same boat as Al Sharpton,
or Al Franken...
....publicity clowns..all of them...they add nothing
of substance to any real debate on the issues... "

I have not commented in here in a long time but do still check in. I have to agree with the two above statements and a few others I saw that were points on subject.

The real debate it "out there."



damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 06/28/07 07:09 AM ruined the black knight for I will think of politics when I watch that scene.....Oh well, I still have the knights who say 'NI!'

no photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:14 AM
Did anyone happen to catch Monday's Good Morning America program? The one that featured "Ms" Coulter? On this particular interview,Coulter said that she were to say anything about Edwards in the future, it would that , and I quote,"I wished he had been killed in an assassination plot".
For the neocons 'n' warmongers out there who're saying, "No she didn't", the article's in today's USA Today, top of page A4, under the title "Democrats continue to haul in cash". As they say, look it up.
Advocating the killing of a Presidential candidate? I'm sick of these neocons who're constantly making excuses for this "woman" by saying that she's kidding. One sick sense of humor here, folks. If Al Franken said this about one of the Republican candidates, the neocons on this site(and you know who you are) would be demanding , at least, a long prison term for Mr. Franken. It's about time we quit giving "her" a free pass because of how "she's" dressed. Coulter is living proof that not all women look good in a little black dress and heels. Of course, that's assuming that Coulter was even born a woman. Quite the Adam's Apple there, Annie!

gardenforge's photo
Thu 06/28/07 08:50 AM
Knoxman I guess you missed the movie a couple months ago about the fictional assasination of Predident Bush. Implying that Ann may have had a sex change, wow does that mean you are a homophobe? I just love the way that liberals resort to name calling and mud slinging when they can't think of an intelligent argument to make. Possibly you could call Slick Willie, Hillary or Teddy and ask them what the official opinion should be on this subject because liberals seem to be incapable of independent intelligent thought.laugh