Topic: Stupid dreams
Blaze1978's photo
Fri 09/24/10 05:21 PM
Has anyone ever had a dream start out fantastic and then gradually turn ugly? That was the dream I had last night.

I was standing in the Warman Plaza parking lot. It was evening, and this hot girl with brown hair approached me and started talking to me. Wow, a hot girl talking to me was my thought. We went inside the cafe and sat down at a booth, and now I'm thinking, wow, she wants to date. There was this discarded wrestling magazine on the table of the booth, and it made me think that it belonged to a friend of my sister's. Then the girl admitted to me that she had been put up to this by my sister, whom I thought was nice to have taken the time out of her day to arrange this.

But my dad was in the next booth, and he kept looking over the boundary that separated the booths to see what we were up to. I could tell it was annoying her, so I told him to stop, and the friend that was with him in his booth (who was actually an acquaintance of mine from a previous job) was telling him to stop. Finally, I could tell she was about to get up to leave. To show my displeasure of my dad's spying, I leaned forward and coughed into his face. But it was too late. She got up and walked out the door. I followed, but lost track of her. I was so heartbroken.

Then I was standing in this narrow passage overrun by foliage. I was with someone else whom I did not recognize, and we were being chased by something. We ran. I was completely terrified. At some point, our path branched, and each of us went a different way. But within moments, I realized that whatever was giving chase had chosen my branch of the path. I heard its heavy footfalls getting closer. Strangely enough, that was when a part of me realized that none of this was real---although I still didn't figure out that I was dreaming---and that I could wish myself out of the situation. So I stopped and closed my eyes and wished. But something was wrong; the doubt that was in the corner of my mind caused the wish to not work. I disapperared and reappeared a few steps behind the thing that was chasing me. It was a Predator from the movies, and it was at least nine feet tall. I heard it growl, "Where are you," as it continued to run down the path. I just turned in the opposite direction and walked as quietly as I could. I passed a series of wooden doors as I progressed back up the path. The doors had not been there before. I felt compelled to close each behind me as I went...and then I woke up.

DeathmaskAngel's photo
Fri 09/24/10 05:30 PM
Imagine a warm, sunny day, a small hill covered in flowers, and yourself there with the girl of your dreams. That's the beginning of my dream. And how it gotten ugly? Well, not only ugly, but also bloody. With the radio we had I heard a storm broadcast. Down we ran, and the downpour started, and in a flash, we were soaked. I could tell she was crying, for I had a faint recollection it was her birthday. But on we ran. And then, in another flash, a tree was thunderstruck. And it fell. As it was falling, I slipped on the muddy ground. In slow motion, I saw my love pierced by a branch, and then smashed flat by the trunk. And then I hit the ground, and openned my eyes wide.
This dream haunts me everytime there is a thunderstorm and I happen to be too tired to stay awake. Most vivid memory in my life...

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 09/24/10 06:00 PM
Edited by LilOlMeFromSD on Fri 09/24/10 06:03 PM
Imagine a warm, sunny day, a small hill covered in flowers, and yourself there with the girl of your dreams.

Implies you are involved in a happy, healthy, loving relationship.

That's the beginning of my dream. And how it gotten ugly? Well, not only ugly, but also bloody. With the radio we had I heard a storm broadcast.

Implies that someone will 'warn' you about what could bring on an emotional storm in your relationship.

Down we ran, and the downpour started, and in a flash, we were soaked. I could tell she was crying, for I had a faint recollection it was her birthday.

Implies that you forgot her birthday. It also implies that she finds this to be a horrible mis-step on your part.

But on we ran. And then, in another flash, a tree was thunderstruck. And it fell.

Implies that something strong and solid within the relationship has taken a critical hit. In order to recover from this, you would either have to plant a new tree (start over and make things up to her) or, go to a different park (begin a new relationship with someone else).

As it was falling, I slipped on the muddy ground.

This implies that your are not prepared to handle her emotional outburst. It also implies that 'solid ground' (of the relationship) that you were standing on has now become a 'slippery slope' in which you feel the need to try and regain your footing.

In slow motion, I saw my love pierced by a branch, and then smashed flat by the trunk. And then I hit the ground, and opened my eyes wide.

Implies you are watching your relationship be destroyed by something that you think is out of your control. You do not appear to be equipped to handle this nor, are you prepared for it to be blown out of proportion in such a devastating manner. However, the fact that your eyes are "opened wide" at the end of the dream would seem to imply that you are "now aware" of just how bad it could be. And, that seems to be telling you that you can change/alter the outcome simply by not forgetting your girlfriends birthday.

This dream haunts me everytime there is a thunderstorm and I happen to be too tired to stay awake. Most vivid memory in my life...

I hope this helps you to lay your fear to rest. Or, at the very least, I hope it offers you a different perspective on what your subconscious is telling you.

DeathmaskAngel's photo
Fri 09/24/10 06:11 PM
Quite an analysis - with only one missinterpreted sentence. The very last one. It's not a fear. This dream is nothing, but an actual memory... And not fear there is - more of a guilt...

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 09/24/10 06:11 PM

Has anyone ever had a dream start out fantastic and then gradually turn ugly? That was the dream I had last night.

I was standing in the Warman Plaza parking lot. It was evening, and this hot girl with brown hair approached me and started talking to me. Wow, a hot girl talking to me was my thought. We went inside the cafe and sat down at a booth, and now I'm thinking, wow, she wants to date. There was this discarded wrestling magazine on the table of the booth, and it made me think that it belonged to a friend of my sister's. Then the girl admitted to me that she had been put up to this by my sister, whom I thought was nice to have taken the time out of her day to arrange this.

But my dad was in the next booth, and he kept looking over the boundary that separated the booths to see what we were up to. I could tell it was annoying her, so I told him to stop, and the friend that was with him in his booth (who was actually an acquaintance of mine from a previous job) was telling him to stop. Finally, I could tell she was about to get up to leave. To show my displeasure of my dad's spying, I leaned forward and coughed into his face. But it was too late. She got up and walked out the door. I followed, but lost track of her. I was so heartbroken.

Then I was standing in this narrow passage overrun by foliage. I was with someone else whom I did not recognize, and we were being chased by something. We ran. I was completely terrified. At some point, our path branched, and each of us went a different way. But within moments, I realized that whatever was giving chase had chosen my branch of the path. I heard its heavy footfalls getting closer. Strangely enough, that was when a part of me realized that none of this was real---although I still didn't figure out that I was dreaming---and that I could wish myself out of the situation. So I stopped and closed my eyes and wished. But something was wrong; the doubt that was in the corner of my mind caused the wish to not work. I disapperared and reappeared a few steps behind the thing that was chasing me. It was a Predator from the movies, and it was at least nine feet tall. I heard it growl, "Where are you," as it continued to run down the path. I just turned in the opposite direction and walked as quietly as I could. I passed a series of wooden doors as I progressed back up the path. The doors had not been there before. I felt compelled to close each behind me as I went...and then I woke up.

Do you feel that your Dad's influence (or, interference) has prevented you from taking certain opportunities in life (or, relationships)? I'm only asking because of the 'Predator' vignette at the end of the dream.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 09/24/10 06:14 PM

Quite an analysis - with only one missinterpreted sentence. The very last one. It's not a fear. This dream is nothing, but an actual memory... And not fear there is - more of a guilt...

I apologize for the misinterpretation. I was working off of the word 'haunted' and that usually implies a certain level of fear in most people.

DeathmaskAngel's photo
Fri 09/24/10 06:17 PM
Fear of falling asleep - might be. But no need to apologize :)

mightymoe's photo
Fri 09/24/10 06:23 PM
i hate dreaming... i always wake up just they start getting good...