Topic: OK, The Last Person The Posts.......... | |
I give up you can all win.............
you didn't win cuz I DID
quit smoking that crap makes you lose
whaaa.. whoa duuude ahhaaaha(it's a cigarette)
hey i'm not a dude so i win
kater haven't you noticed that usually stoners refer to everyone as "duude"?
I know you are an attractive lady
i am not so quit smoking that stuff
Isn't a dude a mole on a camels a**???
Get your furry monkey butt out of my spot mike...I win
Since your not feeling well, you can have of the winnings when I win
Get better soon |
Thanks hun but I still win no matter what
still winning here
I hate to disagree with a lady. So I'll put it gently to you....
I WIN!!!!!!! |
ok monkey gets it now......Here's a rear ended corncob just for monkey boy
<<puts out cigarette, brushes teeth, puts on barry white album and snuggles up to katertot...
wrong..cuz i just won
Barry White??????
ok but