Topic: Are posters who support Illegal activity breaking Laws? | |
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Tue 09/07/10 05:14 PM
There is widespread support and condoning of Illegal activities.
There have even been posts of people admitting to harboring, housing and even giving jobs to Illegals. It is against Federal Law to do such. There are posters supportive of Illegals and supporters of terrorist activities. A lot of Websites with Discussion forums have warnings that if you are supporting ill-legal activities, re: drug wars and/or transporting illegals here in the U.S.A, in your posts, that site has has is legally require to inform law enforcement of your posts. Does that apply to all sites or are some exempt? Here is one example. The name of the site has been removed. Unless all of the following points are true, use your "back" button to exit this part of : 1. I am at least 18 years old. 3. I agree to flag as "prohibited" anything illegal or in violation of the terms of use. 4. I agree to report suspected exploitation of minors and/or human trafficking to the appropriate authorities. 5. By clicking on the links below, I release from any liability that may arise from my use of this site. Curious minds wanna' know! ![]() |
I doubt an opinion, however unpopular, is prosecutable by law
of course people can be FLAGGED and observed in CASE they commit a prosecutable crime in connection with their opinion,,, I can claim to be Osama Bin Laden and someone could report me but if nothing turns up actually supporting my CLAIM, nothing would come of it we arent bound by any perjury stipulations on the internet when it comes to posting opinions,, we can claim to support something we dont or not support something we do and I doubt DHS or any other office has the manpower to observe every wannabe on the web,,, |
I wondered that too..especially what we've seen come out over the illegal immigration issue...supporters of terrorist...
Amazing. |
I dont think they are breaking laws...they're just stupid.
i would rather stay off their radar... whether you are guilty or not, they can still make your life hell for a few weeks...
i would rather stay off their radar... whether you are guilty or not, they can still make your life hell for a few weeks... Moe is right...scary. |
i would rather stay off their radar... whether you are guilty or not, they can still make your life hell for a few weeks... Moe is right...scary. lol - scary because i'm right? that is scary ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Give an ACLU 'lawyer' an 'opinion' that's 'suspect' and see how fast he can convert it into 'thoughtcrime' ... it's one of the 'advantages' of living in 'Politically-Correct Land' ... Think it can't happen? Think again ...
i would rather stay off their radar... whether you are guilty or not, they can still make your life hell for a few weeks... Moe is right...scary. lol - scary because i'm right? that is scary ![]() ![]() ![]() no, sweetie...that you're one case 6 months has gone by... with just a public defender that doesn't remember the name on the docket. ![]() ![]() |
i would rather stay off their radar... whether you are guilty or not, they can still make your life hell for a few weeks... Moe is right...scary. lol - scary because i'm right? that is scary ![]() ![]() ![]() no, sweetie...that you're one case 6 months has gone by... with just a public defender that doesn't remember the name on the docket. ![]() ![]() |
I have seen posters on sites claiming to have Illegal boyfriends/girlfriends or they claim they, themselves are Illegals.
What are the legal implications, if any, that could arise from this knowledge? Or if, extremists plan attacks and posters state they will stand with the extremists against the US? Wouldn't those sort of things be reasons for flagging the poster? Just asking, cuz it's not clear where the line of personal responsibility lies. |
I have seen posters on sites claiming to have Illegal boyfriends/girlfriends or they claim they, themselves are Illegals. What are the legal implications, if any, that could arise from this knowledge? Or if, extremists plan attacks and posters state they will stand with the extremists against the US? Wouldn't those sort of things be reasons for flagging the poster? Just asking, cuz it's not clear where the line of personal responsibility lies. I would think it would depend upon common sense on the part of the observer. If a person is prone to POSTURING on random issues for attention sake, I wouldnt imagine that random and inconsistent statements should be flagged. IF the statements become a TREND in the persons post, than I would think a flag wouldnt hurt. Problem is, too many people blur boxes. They feel if you dont agree with EVERYTHING america does or state disagreement with foreign or international policy (especially if it regards muslims) you are ANTI american. Likewise they feel if you show compassion or understanding about the plights of others (especially muslims) you are pro terrorist. Which is quite insane. |
Oh, you mean like how everything is "racist", "Bigot", "Fearmonger", Hatemonger", "Islamaphobe", etc??
Oh, you mean like how everything is "racist", "Bigot", "Fearmonger", Hatemonger", "Islamaphobe", etc?? amongst other things, I dont agree with the phobe suffix as it imposes fear which I dont think always explains a dislike for something but certainly people are bigots against certan religions, races, gender, nationalities,,,etc,, |