Topic: Petraeus Warns Against Church's Koran Burning | |
If they do burn them, I'll predict the future. Any time a troop is killed in Afghanistan, Petraeus, the Politician, can claim it was because of a quran burning. He's not just a General, he's a politician also. Again he claims it "could" cause protests. In a country full of Islamic extremists, we could sneeze wrong and they will protest. I see no big deal. Just speculation. Hey, becareful I am starting a Draft Patraeus 2012 movement! Just keep in mind who his boss is. He will pass along messages from the supreme puppet. Ummmm, he stands up to Obama all the time and he is a hard core Republican. There's a big difference between standing up to and insubordination. Patreaus won't make any public statement to the press without prior permission from his direct superior officer. It's against Militaru code of conduct. |
If they do burn them, I'll predict the future. Any time a troop is killed in Afghanistan, Petraeus, the Politician, can claim it was because of a quran burning. He's not just a General, he's a politician also. Again he claims it "could" cause protests. In a country full of Islamic extremists, we could sneeze wrong and they will protest. I see no big deal. Just speculation. Hey, becareful I am starting a Draft Patraeus 2012 movement! Just keep in mind who his boss is. He will pass along messages from the supreme puppet. Ummmm, he stands up to Obama all the time and he is a hard core Republican. There's a big difference between standing up to and insubordination. Patreaus won't make any public statement to the press without prior permission from his direct superior officer. It's against Militaru code of conduct. I dunno, he's spoken out against the July, 2011 pull out of forces. |
i always thought it was a bad burnings have always had bad endings, seems kinda hitlerish... indeed mightymoe, the only thing to fear is becoming what it is that you would vanquish. why stoop to the level of religious extremism, terrorism and insult. Do we wish to become what we abhor? I don't, and I do not think that most Americans do. We have in the United States, religious freedom, freedom of worship. Not only is the Gainesville plan abhorent in it's sheer ugliness, it is misguided. To rise above and enter through the narrow gate as Christ would have us do is the higher road and better way to show love to humankind and draw others to Christ. The Koran is not a socerer's tool, nor an instrument of the devil. That is silly nonsense, laughable were it not so dangerous in it's thinking & influence (potentially). Islam is an Old Testament religion rife with retribution. Hence, the value inherent in the coming of the Christ and the message of love. I cannot emphasize enough how Christ's message is juxtaposed against old testament retribution and emphasize enough that Christ came to free us from Old Testament retribution, sacrifice and plunder. (reference: Christ in the Temple, in the Desert, and on the Mount) But it would seem that some of these odd sects that call themselves "Christian" would be old testament even in their Christainity: misguided and contradictory indeed. The Christian message is to bring love to people & situations, to do unto others as u would have done to u. To forgive and turn the other cheek. Perhaps a little bible study - New Testament, the Word of Jesus is a little overdue in Gainesville, Fla. And the Islam message is to marry and have sex with 6 year olds, then beat your wife when shes out of line, then sell your daughter and kill the non believers. there is a religious book with one UNIVERSAL message that is received the same by all who read it?,,,interesting |
It is wrong to burn the Quran. Such an act diminishes those who do it and is detrimental to our military effort directed at providing security and freedom of religious observance. It is exactly such acts which exhibit true bigotry - blaming the religion itself for the actions of a minority of deranged followers.
Peaceful people everywhere should be offended and incensed by this ugly bigotry - we should rise above it and instead efforts should be intensified to counter the radical Islamist narrative - which is also an abuse of the Quran. |
Fred Phelps, muslims and book burning..sounds like trouble.
It is wrong to burn the Quran. Such an act diminishes those who do it and is detrimental to our military effort directed at providing security and freedom of religious observance. It is exactly such acts which exhibit true bigotry - blaming the religion itself for the actions of a minority of deranged followers. Peaceful people everywhere should be offended and incensed by this ugly bigotry - we should rise above it and instead efforts should be intensified to counter the radical Islamist narrative - which is also an abuse of the Quran. agreed...books should never be burned,banned, or anything else that subjugates us as humans.... |
Fred Phelps, muslims and book burning..sounds like trouble. yes, you don't throw gas on a fire while trying to put it out... |
I would burn It down! But they said It would create probs for our troops?
I would burn It down! But they said It would create probs for our troops? yea, the general in charge of afganistan say it would... it will cause more non terrorists to turn to terrorism also. it will just add to the problems that we already have.... nothing good will come of is just a wasted effort... |
Much as I could give a rat's asss about burning this 'book', I don't want to see anything taking place that can cost one troop his or her life. No burning.
Yeah we should just nuke the CSers. But before give the people a chance to get out if they want then its showtime
Agreed. I'd give 'em the same amount of warning time that the people in the WTC got ...
Agreed. I'd give 'em the same amount of warning time that the people in the WTC got ... ![]() |
Then it would be glow in the dark time! I would add Iran and N. Korea to the list!
As to the Quran burning, Islamic objection is hypocrisy.
Recall the UN workers that were murdered for having Bibles on them????? If Islam wishes to invoke rights under law or a constitution, they too must respect the rights of others to the same protection. No special privileges either way..... If burning a quran is an expression, no matter the sentiment and is protected by the Constitution then object vocally as much as you like. However when the objection is made through threats of violence etc then they must expect that the "burners" rights will be protected and any violence dealt with appropriately by the authorities. |
Jesus commanded us to spread the GOSPEL not fires.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. |
You know the more I think about this...Lets Burn It down get our troops out then we will care and protect OUR soil.
You know the more I think about this...Lets Burn It down get our troops out then we will care and protect OUR soil. We can't get out till the job is done. Personally, I am hoping Patraeus will run for President next year. |
I say pull out abruptly and when the ****-a-roaches sneak back in the darkness...turn on the lights suddenly and hit em with RAID!
I say pull out abruptly and when the ****-a-roaches sneak back in the darkness...turn on the lights suddenly and hit em with RAID! Not until the job is done. |