Topic: Dallas Cowboy Fans | |
Hey dude...just joking about the woman thing...!
it wont happen lol the giants cant even keep up with the bears.
Man when i talk football I expect to talk shit ! I dont fiqure dallas to
get ther as long as the panthers are in the leaque |
Well, once are wrong.
Who's boat?
The USS, America,s Team Dallas over board you go
mind the sharks...! |
I'm a dolphin fan I can swim
You should start then.
Were going to have to because we damn sure aint going to the superbowl
Who,s Next..........................................?
Whats up Dallas Fans. Esp. you Ontario
Good Dude...I think the Carolina Kittens are next...?
did you see the game last night??????????
No....that would be a Sin.....................!
What to watch a good game?
No, two crappy teams...!
I think your jealous! Don't worry we will come down there and shom the
cowgirls how to play soon! |
Yeah...I,m sure those cheerleaders can kick your ass too.
It wouldn't be much of a fight , I'd just lay there and let them have
their way! |