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Topic: Ron Paul speaks truth to hate

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/30/10 01:21 PM
sounds like the usually condemnation of anti christians:

goes something like this

FACT: God was a killer, ordered killing of babies and women.

Christians see him as,, well, GOD. That puts them at condoning the killing of babies and men

They also actively support killing of fetuses in the womb and agree to let their children have sex with other children at NO cost to anyone.

...see the way tit for tat can display errors in logic

no photo
Mon 08/30/10 02:22 PM

sounds like the usually condemnation of anti christians:

goes something like this

FACT: God was a killer, ordered killing of babies and women.

Christians see him as,, well, GOD. That puts them at condoning the killing of babies and men

They also actively support killing of fetuses in the womb and agree to let their children have sex with other children at NO cost to anyone.

...see the way tit for tat can display errors in logic

Everything can be generalized and twisted so that it fits whatever someone wants to say. However, those who are so against all Muslims aren't going to see it that way. They want to be able to say those things about all Muslims, yet if anyone tries to say it about them, they get offended.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/30/10 02:29 PM

sounds like the usually condemnation of anti christians:

goes something like this

FACT: God was a killer, ordered killing of babies and women.

Christians see him as,, well, GOD. That puts them at condoning the killing of babies and men

They also actively support killing of fetuses in the womb and agree to let their children have sex with other children at NO cost to anyone.

...see the way tit for tat can display errors in logic

Everything can be generalized and twisted so that it fits whatever someone wants to say. However, those who are so against all Muslims aren't going to see it that way. They want to be able to say those things about all Muslims, yet if anyone tries to say it about them, they get offended.


dang, I may be weaning my way off the threads, it seems to be such a trend(twisting facts and words)

no photo
Mon 08/30/10 02:31 PM

We could say the same of those who ignore what's happened in the past with the Catholic church. However, I won't assume that of everyone. What are you trying to say, though? That anyone who supports their right to build a mosque supports pedophilia? I'd like to think you're smarter than that. That's pretty out there and obviously not true. But, I'm guessing you're looking for reaction over anything else.

I won't stoop to insulting you as you do me and others. I'd get banned or reprimanded.

Twistin' my words.

Mohamed was a pedophile. He did lil' girls and boys.

Muslims see him as a holy prophet. That puts them at condoning Pedophilia.

They also actively pay for pre-pubescent children who they will take for wives.

Relax, no one is insulting you.

As msharmony has shown, anything can be twisted into sounding badly. I'm sure you can see that, right?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/30/10 03:10 PM

bigot:: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

read the threads and apply where appropriate,,,

Seems easy enough to do by just reading the posts here. No need to name names.

I am opposed to Muslim pedophile prophets and those who accept pedophile prophets as something holy and to be admired.

Do Left-Wingers approve of pedophilia?

Do right wingers approve of pedophilia in the Catholic church? Silly question, right?
thats way off base there...grasping at straws again are we?
the Catholics are prosecuting them... the Muslims encourage it..
try something that has some base to it next time.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/30/10 03:12 PM

no photo
Mon 08/30/10 03:16 PM
I second that.. slaphead


willing2's photo
Mon 08/30/10 03:25 PM

Do right wingers approve of pedophilia in the Catholic church? Silly question, right?
thats way off base there...grasping at straws again are we?
the Catholics are prosecuting them... the Muslims encourage it..
try something that has some base to it next time.
Supporting Islam is supporting, in the present, pedophilia, abuse against women, and abuse against all others who are not of the Nation of Islam.

Spreading islam is spreading the hate-mongering and abuses.

no photo
Mon 08/30/10 03:42 PM
So, are you for freedom of religion for specific groups in this country, but not for others, willing?

IndianWoman's photo
Mon 09/06/10 01:59 PM

So, are you for freedom of religion for specific groups in this country, but not for others, willing?

Nope. (Not putting words in your mouth here willing...so correct me if I missed you on this one, OK?)

I think the man has some serious issues against a religion that condones the public beating of women. Of forcing them to wear clothing that is so hot in the desert that women almost die of heat stroke. Or having nails driven into their hands and forehead for saying the work load is too heavy.

(See http://www.wluml.org/section/news/latest?page=1) MsHarmony taught me that trick...hehehe...good girl that one.

Or maybe having acid thrown on you for refusing a marriage proposal. AND not being able to see a doctor for 5 hours because the men who did it threatened the doctor with the same treatment.

Oh YES! Let's allow THAT in the country and see how long it lasts with the liberals.

willing2's photo
Mon 09/06/10 04:36 PM

So, are you for freedom of religion for specific groups in this country, but not for others, willing?

Nope. (Not putting words in your mouth here willing...so correct me if I missed you on this one, OK?)

I think the man has some serious issues against a religion that condones the public beating of women. Of forcing them to wear clothing that is so hot in the desert that women almost die of heat stroke. Or having nails driven into their hands and forehead for saying the work load is too heavy.

(See http://www.wluml.org/section/news/latest?page=1) MsHarmony taught me that trick...hehehe...good girl that one.

Or maybe having acid thrown on you for refusing a marriage proposal. AND not being able to see a doctor for 5 hours because the men who did it threatened the doctor with the same treatment.

Oh YES! Let's allow THAT in the country and see how long it lasts with the liberals.

You hit that nail right on top of the head!:thumbsup:

Gotta' feel sad for those Libs who think they'd like to live that way.

With Islam, there is no choice.

Do it, or die.

Now, they will defend their right to be persecuted.slaphead

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/06/10 04:41 PM

bigot:: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

read the threads and apply where appropriate,,,

Seems easy enough to do by just reading the posts here. No need to name names.

I am opposed to Muslim pedophile prophets and those who accept pedophile prophets as something holy and to be admired.

Do Left-Wingers approve of pedophilia?

Do right wingers approve of pedophilia in the Catholic church? Silly question, right?
thats way off base there...grasping at straws again are we?
the Catholics are prosecuting them... the Muslims encourage it..
try something that has some base to it next time.

No where in the bible does it encourage pedophilia, but the Quran and Mohammud does. His #1 wife was a 6 year old who he consumated the marriage at 8 or nine according to the Quran, which I believe is bunk, I believe he consumated the marriage on the wedding night when she was 6. Either way he's a pedophile.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/06/10 04:45 PM

So, are you for freedom of religion for specific groups in this country, but not for others, willing?

Nope. (Not putting words in your mouth here willing...so correct me if I missed you on this one, OK?)

I think the man has some serious issues against a religion that condones the public beating of women. Of forcing them to wear clothing that is so hot in the desert that women almost die of heat stroke. Or having nails driven into their hands and forehead for saying the work load is too heavy.

(See http://www.wluml.org/section/news/latest?page=1) MsHarmony taught me that trick...hehehe...good girl that one.

Or maybe having acid thrown on you for refusing a marriage proposal. AND not being able to see a doctor for 5 hours because the men who did it threatened the doctor with the same treatment.

Oh YES! Let's allow THAT in the country and see how long it lasts with the liberals.

Not to mention selling women and children and taking them as slaves. Having multiple wives. Some have had up to 40+ wives and almost 80 kids!

They even talk about "Pulling out" in the Quran.

Not to mention that women get stoned to death for adultry or looking at or talking to a man outside marriage. Then giving them lashes some up to 300.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/06/10 04:48 PM

So, are you for freedom of religion for specific groups in this country, but not for others, willing?

Nope. (Not putting words in your mouth here willing...so correct me if I missed you on this one, OK?)

I think the man has some serious issues against a religion that condones the public beating of women. Of forcing them to wear clothing that is so hot in the desert that women almost die of heat stroke. Or having nails driven into their hands and forehead for saying the work load is too heavy.

(See http://www.wluml.org/section/news/latest?page=1) MsHarmony taught me that trick...hehehe...good girl that one.

Or maybe having acid thrown on you for refusing a marriage proposal. AND not being able to see a doctor for 5 hours because the men who did it threatened the doctor with the same treatment.

Oh YES! Let's allow THAT in the country and see how long it lasts with the liberals.

Also what the Quran teached to do to the non believers.

Just look at what the Quran says here's a portion of At-Tawba (Surah 9:5), stating Koran 9:5 "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them."

Yea, they are really a religion of peace and tolorance.

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/06/10 05:15 PM

So, are you for freedom of religion for specific groups in this country, but not for others, willing?

Nope. (Not putting words in your mouth here willing...so correct me if I missed you on this one, OK?)

I think the man has some serious issues against a religion that condones the public beating of women. Of forcing them to wear clothing that is so hot in the desert that women almost die of heat stroke. Or having nails driven into their hands and forehead for saying the work load is too heavy.

(See http://www.wluml.org/section/news/latest?page=1) MsHarmony taught me that trick...hehehe...good girl that one.

Or maybe having acid thrown on you for refusing a marriage proposal. AND not being able to see a doctor for 5 hours because the men who did it threatened the doctor with the same treatment.

Oh YES! Let's allow THAT in the country and see how long it lasts with the liberals.

this is the same argument people use against christianity,, THEIR personal interpretations of what it CONDONES

IndianWoman's photo
Mon 09/06/10 05:19 PM

sounds like the usually condemnation of anti christians:

goes something like this

FACT: God was a killer, ordered killing of babies and women.

Christians see him as,, well, GOD. That puts them at condoning the killing of babies and men

They also actively support killing of fetuses in the womb and agree to let their children have sex with other children at NO cost to anyone.

...see the way tit for tat can display errors in logic

Everything can be generalized and twisted so that it fits whatever someone wants to say. However, those who are so against all Muslims aren't going to see it that way. They want to be able to say those things about all Muslims, yet if anyone tries to say it about them, they get offended.


dang, I may be weaning my way off the threads, it seems to be such a trend(twisting facts and words)

Ok y'all take a picture...and start the O2 and defibrillator! I'm going to agree with something MsHarmony said...

with qualifications:

It is interesting you say this in this venue. But you are very very correct. The twisting of what religion was supposed to be, for the soul. But the twisting of what was meant to be by Man (not a specific one...but the species) to something to control the masses.

In the bible, it says to love one another. But do we? No. Will we? No. That is human nature. But the true test of humanity is the effort to rise above that inherent fault.

In the Koran it also says that the Sons of Abraham and the Followers of Mohammad shall eat together at the same table. And when the Followers of Mohammad go to war so shall the Sons of Abraham go to war. When the Sons of Abraham go to war so shall the Followers of Mohammad. Where did this sentiment go wrong? From the mouths of the priests/popes/preachers, Men.

Ok...hope everyone got a pic of that, saved it...

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/06/10 05:24 PM

bigot:: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

read the threads and apply where appropriate,,,

Seems easy enough to do by just reading the posts here. No need to name names.

I am opposed to Muslim pedophile prophets and those who accept pedophile prophets as something holy and to be admired.

Do Left-Wingers approve of pedophilia?

Do right wingers approve of pedophilia in the Catholic church? Silly question, right?
thats way off base there...grasping at straws again are we?
the Catholics are prosecuting them... the Muslims encourage it..
try something that has some base to it next time.

No where in the bible does it encourage pedophilia, but the Quran and Mohammud does. His #1 wife was a 6 year old who he consumated the marriage at 8 or nine according to the Quran, which I believe is bunk, I believe he consumated the marriage on the wedding night when she was 6. Either way he's a pedophile.

most marriages in biblical time would be classified as pedophilia by todays standards,,,

from http://www.womeninthebible.net/3.2.Major_Events.htm
The first of God’s commands in the Bible concerns the propagation of the human species: ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 9:7). Jews believed it was their duty to marry as early in life as possible. For a woman, marriage plans could be made at the onset of puberty

the BIBLE neither condones NOR condemns what we call pedophilia, pedophilia is a cultural phenomenon and based in cultural laws

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 09/06/10 07:31 PM

bigot:: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

read the threads and apply where appropriate,,,

Seems easy enough to do by just reading the posts here. No need to name names.

I am opposed to Muslim pedophile prophets and those who accept pedophile prophets as something holy and to be admired.

Do Left-Wingers approve of pedophilia?

Do right wingers approve of pedophilia in the Catholic church? Silly question, right?
thats way off base there...grasping at straws again are we?
the Catholics are prosecuting them... the Muslims encourage it..
try something that has some base to it next time.

No where in the bible does it encourage pedophilia, but the Quran and Mohammud does. His #1 wife was a 6 year old who he consumated the marriage at 8 or nine according to the Quran, which I believe is bunk, I believe he consumated the marriage on the wedding night when she was 6. Either way he's a pedophile.

most marriages in biblical time would be classified as pedophilia by todays standards,,,

from http://www.womeninthebible.net/3.2.Major_Events.htm
The first of God’s commands in the Bible concerns the propagation of the human species: ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 9:7). Jews believed it was their duty to marry as early in life as possible. For a woman, marriage plans could be made at the onset of puberty

the BIBLE neither condones NOR condemns what we call pedophilia, pedophilia is a cultural phenomenon and based in cultural laws

There is a point where we can draw lines. One of them is a time of our development called sexual maturity. In MANY MANY societies including Judaism 12 years old was the age to marry off your daughters. Why? Many girls begin to "Bleed" at that age.

Now nine years old? There isn't any hair there. Even for a perverted as Romans were twelve was considered a little young. Some vultures today including in Asia marry off the girls at 12 but wait until they are 14 to give them up to their new husband.

If you want to go there yes Lot was having incestuous relations with his daughters. It was the only story of incest but his daughters were older than nine by a long shot.

So what justifies a man of my age buying a nine year old, marrying her, and consummating our marriage before her snatch has even had a chance to mature enough to be used?

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