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Topic: Liberals to be hit with Big Tax Hikes
msharmony's photo
Tue 08/31/10 12:11 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 08/31/10 12:11 AM

for those who dont mind educating themself and forming their own conclusions,,,,here is the presidents proposed budget


(the restoring responsibility section singles out families in the 250,000 and up tax bracket in regards to allowing tax cuts to expire)

and here is a general explanation from the treasury,,,


UM, Another fact here...

Congress sets the Budget. Not Mr Obama! A presidential budget proposal is MEANINGLESS! The budget is Congress's baby!

And you would listen to the Federal Treasury? The BANKERS WHO CAUSED THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE?


so, where do you start? with commentators opinions, ?

whose VIEWS, whose FACTS are valid enough?

in political threads, people post alot of opinions and inferences, I was going to a source which actually had the NUMBERS, and starting with an evaluation of people who actually went to school and make a living with such NUMBERS,,,(as opposed to news commentators and authors who have sometimes not been educated past high school)

I agree that the budget is a combined effort, but I prefer to educate myself at the source instead of taking joe schmoes word for everything,,,,

WOW, I guess the As and Bs I got in American History were all a waste of my collegiate efforts!

A president may propose a budget but in reality congress sets their spending, not the president. If he did he could order and end to the Pork Barrel. Also the annual pension figures you got were WRONG! On top of the numbers being very lite Add in their health care, the additional benefits they receive under their special welfare system, as well as other things like a special ta exempt status for having "served" in our government. $52K a year??? Add another $50+K to the number and then add even more on top of that and you got the REAL picture. Hell, the president pensions out at close to $250K a year AND they get Secret Service protection too! Some of these retired congressmen also receive special "protections" too.

not sure what collegiate effort has to do with what I posted but,,,,

the pension figures I got were just that, PENSION figures, straight from the government site

if I had wished to represent pension figures and OTHER BENEFITS, thats what would have been posted

my mom gets a pension CHECK, it is seperate from her other BENEFITS,,,

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