Topic: I'm new here but I'd like to ask for opinions. | |
Heya, I'm new to this website. I found it today on Google and basically I joined to see what I could find either friend or relationship-wise because I have spent the last year or so spending time indoors being alone and spending a lot of time with my ordinary geek-ness, playing online games like WoW and spending time on programming forums so I've like, no confidence when it comes to this stuff anymore.
But if it's possible - I don't know if you guys do this much on this forum or not(?) but could I get opinions on my profile if anyone has the time please? It'd be really appreciated for any type of feedback, like add new pictures, does it explain much about me? I really want to make changes to my life now and I feel like this is where it's starting now so I'm trying anything I can think of. Thanks :) Oh. And hi Mingle users! :D |
dw bro you are going to fit in well on mingle2. trust me youll have some good friends in no time. tc
Thank you for your replies. Really appreciated. :-) I'll do that.