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Topic: Sarah Palin
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Sun 08/22/10 11:29 PM
SARAH PALIN: The great hope of the Democratic Party.

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 02:41 AM
Feed her to the moose.

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:02 AM
moose only eat leaves, not flakes :tongue:

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:08 AM
If there was enough people stupid enough to elect her governor, you'd think there's a few moose that the stupidity rubbed off on. Wrap her up in a Canadian flag and maybe they won't tell the difference?

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:18 AM
in fairness to her supporters, she did a lot of good here as governor. i think the publicity went to her head. i swear ive never met another alaskan that has her accent. we also know how to pronounce "ing" without dropping the g. pinky swear.

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:22 AM
My last gf came from Alaska and well, let's just say that she couldn't think of anything good she did.

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:28 AM
when fuel costs were through the roof she suspended the state oil tax for a year and gave every resident $1,200 to compensate for the prices we had been paying for fuel. she also petitioned to have the money in our hands early enough in the fall so that people who live in remote locations had fuel to heat their homes before the snow fell.

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:32 AM
Well, ok, I did hear about something like that. The perm fund I think?

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:36 AM
Edited by 907daydreamer on Mon 08/23/10 03:36 AM
it was in addition to the permanent fund dividend. PFDs usually come out the first wednesday of october, they pulled it back a few weeks and tacked it on to our dividends.

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:42 AM
You gotta think though, did she do that to be nice, or just as a gimmick to try and persuade people not to leave the state?

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:45 AM
why would people need to be persuaded to stay?

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 03:50 AM
I can only go by what I hear, but other than the scenery, what is out there? Especially if you're out in remote locations. It would become a PITA (and pricey) to have to take a plane or ferry to get off your island and go anywhere. Let alone shipping costs out there is crazy if you order anything from the lower states. I guess it all depends on exactly where you are or if you like being in those kind of areas though.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/23/10 07:00 AM

no photo
Mon 08/23/10 08:44 AM

SARAH PALIN: The great hope of the Democratic Party.

I hope she becomes your next president..then that way my country wouldnt be the only government with a stupid b!tch in office...

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/23/10 09:07 AM
SHe's so damn hott. It would be much better then looking at the one thats in there now and her policies awould be much better too.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/23/10 09:47 AM

SARAH PALIN: The great hope of the Democratic Party.

I hope she becomes your next president..then that way my country wouldnt be the only government with a stupid b!tch in office...

That's not a good picture of her either. She is a very beautiful lady also. She look's no where near her age of 57.

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 08/23/10 11:37 AM

I can only go by what I hear, but other than the scenery, what is out there? Especially if you're out in remote locations. It would become a PITA (and pricey) to have to take a plane or ferry to get off your island and go anywhere. Let alone shipping costs out there is crazy if you order anything from the lower states. I guess it all depends on exactly where you are or if you like being in those kind of areas though.
im hoping you used the word island figuratively.
our resources arent nearly as limited as they were maybe 10 years ago...shipping is free from most places that offer free shipping just like the rest o the US. dont forget that alaska hosts a somewhat popular international airport.
youre missing the quality of the people too.
it is a different way of life but not at all difficult to embrace.

ujGearhead's photo
Mon 08/23/10 12:43 PM

I can only go by what I hear, but other than the scenery, what is out there? Especially if you're out in remote locations. It would become a PITA (and pricey) to have to take a plane or ferry to get off your island and go anywhere. Let alone shipping costs out there is crazy if you order anything from the lower states. I guess it all depends on exactly where you are or if you like being in those kind of areas though.
im hoping you used the word island figuratively.
our resources arent nearly as limited as they were maybe 10 years ago...shipping is free from most places that offer free shipping just like the rest o the US. dont forget that alaska hosts a somewhat popular international airport.
youre missing the quality of the people too.
it is a different way of life but not at all difficult to embrace.

I was meaning islands like the ones off the coast of Ketchikan and such. Maybe not all that remote there, but considering that I'm from Pittsburgh, it's still remote by comparison. I suppose that would be true about shipping if it's from some large companies, but from Ebay, etc it's a different story in most cases. Not that I've really paid all that much attention to it before though. As far as the quality of people go, I don't think it would be any different than anywhere else. No matter where you go you'll have great people and ...... some not so much. I'd think it would depend on the individual on how difficult it would be to embrace living there. I, for example am used to being able to be in downtown Pittsburgh in 20 or so minutes in one direction or can be in the middle of a farm or woods 10 minutes in the other direction. Concerts, sports, boating, you name it. Just about anything you'd ever want isn't far away. Alaska, not so much. Now tell me how far you'd have to go to see a NFL or NHL game, or go to a NASCAR race in Alaska? I think it would take quite a while for me to embrace something like that.

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 08/23/10 12:53 PM

SHe's so damn hott. It would be much better then looking at the one thats in there now and her policies awould be much better too.

She is dumb as a doornail. And that's an insult to the doornail.

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 08/23/10 01:23 PM
quotes from Sarah Palin:

-“I didn’t believe the theory that human beings – thinking, loving beings – originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea. Or that human beings began as single-celled organisms that developed into monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees.”
--Going Rogue

'Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' 'wee-wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!"
—Tweet, July 18, 2010

"I'm not politically correct. I am not one to be a word police."
-- Fox interview with Chris Wallace Feb. 7 , 2010

“Nuclear weaponry, of course, would be the be-all, end-all of just too many people in too many parts of our planet.” -- CBS interview with Katie Couric, September 25, 2008

"So we discussed what was going on in Africa. And never, ever did I talk about, Well, gee, is it a country or is it a continent, I just don't know about this issue."
-- Fox interview with Greta Van Susteren, November 11, 2008

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