Topic: Admit It, Ladies, You Don't Want "Smart"
Ruth34611's photo
Wed 08/11/10 07:17 AM
Like attracts like. Be the person you want to attract in regards to character, personality and values.

If you want a happy, healthy, well adjusted, intelligent person than become that first. No, we are not all born with the same level of intelligence, but there are lots of ways to improve with what you were born with.

Disclaimer: This is NOT the same thing as being a phony or pretending to be someone you're not. I'm talking about traits like honesty, maturity, integrity, etc. Not pretending to like fishing if you don't. Hope that's clear.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 08/11/10 07:54 AM
Men = Control of territory

Women = Control of Environment

Men = Do not like change. We like things in their place just like a clockwork orange.

Women = Always seeking change and improvement.

Men = If change has to happen it needs to be planned then we go on to make it happen.

Women = Live for the moment and want change to occur when they want it with no planning at all and they like to make changes mid stream because they "Change their minds" constantly.

Men = Expected to be the sole financial support of the household.

Women = Want to be pampered and not have to do anything other than make big decisions and go shopping.

Men = Knuckle dragging Neanderthals.

Women = A goddess unfit for us Neanderthals.

Men = Drive whatever becasue who cares if a car is ugly, it still gets us from point A to point B.

Women = It has to be a Freaking HUGE boat of a vehicle becasue they can control it and they feel safe in a hulking brute of a vehicle.
(Likewise this goes hand in hand with why a lot of Women like horses so much, it is a big thing they can control.)

Men = Like to be in charge.

Women = Like to have control.

Men = Expected by women to meet their ideals of what a "real" man is supposed to be...

(Greek Gods)

Women = "Men have to accept us as we are..."

(OMG My God Damn eyes just melted and I can't see!)

So with this all I can say is it is a effuqued up game and men and women both SUCK! The game SUCKS! And people Swallow!

"hey come on guy... She left you so what? Dating isn't as hard for you as it is for me. I got really hairy legs and women don't like that. How do you think I feel. It isn't so bad... Move on... There are plenty of fish in Poseidon's ocean!"

justme659's photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:01 AM
Women = "Men have to accept us as we are..."

As a man, and that photo you posted of the huge hind end, are you saying you want her to change?? Isnt that a womans trait?

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:03 AM

Goodness...I think youve been meeting the wrong women. spock

I am not even going to try to dispute that!


AndyBgood's photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:08 AM

Women = "Men have to accept us as we are..."

As a man, and that photo you posted of the huge hind end, are you saying you want her to change?? Isnt that a womans trait?

You are aware many men missing a hand dared to ask a woman to loose weight or answered that question "Does this dress make me look fat" honestly. If we lie we just get accused of lying and then we get our hand bitten off later anyways!

Women expect us to change at the drop of a hat. Women expect us to accept them the way they are even if they are fat mentally screwed up degenerates from hell.

I am not saying men are any better but the fact is when a woman asks us if they are fat we are doomed NO MATTER HOW WE ANSWER!

Nuff said?

justme659's photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:21 AM
Not that I am trying to pick on you, but... with what you posted I can't help myself. Please accept my appoligies ahead of time.

"Men = Like to be in charge.

Women = Like to have control."

Itn't the above quote the same thing basically?

Men in this society have the control as I see it in the work force. Saying that they like to be in charge is just another term for that control, designating to where and whom he allows jobs and duties that he does not want. Same for relationships. Most women I know are tired of second class status and work hard to gain some sembelance of any control in her life. ( Be in charge of her life.)

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:23 AM

.,.personally i think if a woman asks if she is getting fat..already knows the answer..when she found she couldn't get her fat azz into those skinny jeans,it might lead to more of ..if he loves me and is o.k with this extra twenty pounds so.... i can go ahead and blob out,so never be afraid to tell the truth and perhaps provide a little imagination to it when you tell them looks like their azz has grown another azz...:laughing:

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/11/10 09:36 AM

I'm going to go out on a limb here because, well, what the hell difference can it possibly make at this point?

(That's a rhetorical question, by the way. You don't have to answer that one. It won't be on the final.)

OK, here's the scenario. I read lots of women's profiles. I have to. That's where I get the material for OGP. And most of them say "I want to meet a guy who's intelligent" or something along those lines.

And most of the women I've been involved with have commented on my intellect, some of them almost non-stop. "Oh, you're the smartest person I've ever met!" they say with a tinge of admiration (or is that jealousy, or premeditated murder?) in their voices. Well, I don't know. Considering most of them have grown up in environments where a llama wearing a red hat would be considered a genius, I don't know how much stock to put in these assessments, but I guess they're still better than being married or having to eat broccoli.

I mean, OK, I'm pretty smart, as these things go, and if that makes me sound like an Arrogant Narcissistic Conceited jerk, well, I'm OK with that. I don't believe in false modesty, and I'm not entirely convinced that true modesty is such a great idea, either.

So, here's the problem -- once I get comfortable in the relationship (or as close to "comfortable" as I can let myself get, at this point), there's always this sudden change where she wants me to TURN MY BRAIN OFF AND BECOME A CARDBOARD CUTOUT OF WARD CLEAVER IN A BUSINESS SUIT.

In other words, she wants me to become the very opposite of the person she was originally attracted to in the first place.

What's wrong with this picture?

(Rhetorical again. Not on final.)

Now, maybe there is a woman out there who really does want an intelligent guy.

And maybe all of the profiles that say "Looks don't matter, it's what's on the inside that counts" are being totally honest, too....

And maybe Martians will visit us tonight and give us all Snickers bars.

I also know that anytime I post anything that calls people's behaviors into question, 500 of them will immediately say "I'm not like that!" -- which is a nice, knee-jerk, reflexive response.

I'm calling BS here.

THAT will be on the final.

the first thing is that people change

sometimes a guy falls for a beautiful girl in a skimpy dress who hangs at the same club he does, but he expects her to change all that when she is 'his'

sometimes a girl falls for a handsome guy during courting who seems 'perfect' until he becomes 'hers' , and gets a little more comfortable and allows the character flaws to be more evident

people are just complex, basically, what may seem attractive one moment may quickly evolve or devolve into something unappealing

handsome, smart, rich, witty, humble,,,,,,,they are all wonderful traits but not relationship sustaining by themself(ie, a handsome guy may be a bit of a jerk after a while, a smart guy may get to be cocky and condescending, a humble guy may become too clingy)

we have to get to know as much of the COMPLETE person as possible and sometimes that takes time

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:56 AM
I found a man here

who is

Nice! (yep)


earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/11/10 10:59 AM
I mean I shoot for smart, but hot, and stupid is fine too...

It doesnt always have to be long term.

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 11:05 AM
I haven't read through all of these replies, but I certainly do prefer intelligent men. They tend to know what they want and are confident. That's a big turn on. Why would I want someone stupid? I have no patience for that.

MeChrissy2's photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:30 PM
You are right Lex. I want mine dumb and hot. Intelligence, complexity, depth, only get you so far in this world.bigsmile

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:31 PM

Like attracts like. Be the person you want to attract in regards to character, personality and values.

If you want a happy, healthy, well adjusted, intelligent person than become that first. No, we are not all born with the same level of intelligence, but there are lots of ways to improve with what you were born with.

Disclaimer: This is NOT the same thing as being a phony or pretending to be someone you're not. I'm talking about traits like honesty, maturity, integrity, etc. Not pretending to like fishing if you don't. Hope that's clear.

Really. Pretend that and u attract a fisherman and have to go fishing every other weekend for the rest of your life, prolly, GOD FORBID,

in a CAMPERnoway aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP:laughing:

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:31 PM

Like attracts like. Be the person you want to attract in regards to character, personality and values.

If you want a happy, healthy, well adjusted, intelligent person than become that first. No, we are not all born with the same level of intelligence, but there are lots of ways to improve with what you were born with.

Disclaimer: This is NOT the same thing as being a phony or pretending to be someone you're not. I'm talking about traits like honesty, maturity, integrity, etc. Not pretending to like fishing if you don't. Hope that's clear.

Really. Pretend that and u attract a fisherman and have to go fishing every other weekend for the rest of your life, prolly, GOD FORBID,

in a CAMPERnoway aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP:laughing:

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:37 PM

You are right Lex. I want mine dumb and hot. Intelligence, complexity, depth, only get you so far in this world.bigsmile

Exactly! I'd trade it all for a big fish I could hold up in front of a camera.


no photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:39 PM

I mean I shoot for smart, but hot, and stupid is fine too...

It doesnt always have to be long term.

exACTLY when we wanna a little lovin in the oven he only has to be einstein in the kama sutra department:laughing: :angel: winking

MeChrissy2's photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:44 PM

You are right Lex. I want mine dumb and hot. Intelligence, complexity, depth, only get you so far in this world.bigsmile

Exactly! I'd trade it all for a big fish I could hold up in front of a camera.


I understand. Just remember though "shirtless in the bathroom mirror on a cell cam" is free. Don't shoot for the stars, aim low and avoid disappointment.smokin

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 04:45 PM

You are right Lex. I want mine dumb and hot. Intelligence, complexity, depth, only get you so far in this world.bigsmile

Exactly! I'd trade it all for a big fish I could hold up in front of a camera.


I understand. Just remember though "shirtless in the bathroom mirror on a cell cam" is free. Don't shoot for the stars, aim low and avoid disappointment.smokin

I thought about that, but then once I get my shirt off, I just have to put it back on again. It all seems so senseless.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 08/11/10 05:22 PM
they only want smart men as friends so they have someone to call in case they have to do a shout out from the "cash cab"

no photo
Thu 08/12/10 02:00 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Thu 08/12/10 02:01 PM

Men = Control of territory

Women = Control of Environment

Men = Do not like change. We like things in their place just like a clockwork orange.

Women = Always seeking change and improvement.

Men = If change has to happen it needs to be planned then we go on to make it happen.

Women = Live for the moment and want change to occur when they want it with no planning at all and they like to make changes mid stream because they "Change their minds" constantly.

Men = Expected to be the sole financial support of the household.

Women = Want to be pampered and not have to do anything other than make big decisions and go shopping.

Men = Knuckle dragging Neanderthals.

Women = A goddess unfit for us Neanderthals.

Men = Drive whatever becasue who cares if a car is ugly, it still gets us from point A to point B.

Women = It has to be a Freaking HUGE boat of a vehicle becasue they can control it and they feel safe in a hulking brute of a vehicle.
(Likewise this goes hand in hand with why a lot of Women like horses so much, it is a big thing they can control.)

Men = Like to be in charge.

Women = Like to have control.

Men = Expected by women to meet their ideals of what a "real" man is supposed to be...

(Greek Gods)

Women = "Men have to accept us as we are..."

(OMG My God Damn eyes just melted and I can't see!)

So with this all I can say is it is a effuqued up game and men and women both SUCK! The game SUCKS! And people Swallow!

"hey come on guy... She left you so what? Dating isn't as hard for you as it is for me. I got really hairy legs and women don't like that. How do you think I feel. It isn't so bad... Move on... There are plenty of fish in Poseidon's ocean!"

the guy on the left has such cute hooves! he's got to be from Jerseysmitten

