Topic: illegal immigration | |
'Global village' is such a nice, 'New Age'-y catch-phrase ... kinda rolls trippingly off the tongue and all that ... but it means nothing. National sovereignty will NOT disappear just because some 'enlightened' souls think it would be a Coca-Cola or Kodak moment ... You may 'believe' you're the 'new reality', but it sounds like you're just a wandering traveler with no roots anywhere and no loyalty to any country or belief system - well, other than what makes you feel 'warm 'n fuzzy' at the moment. That's not gonna make 'open borders' a reality ... the three things ALL nations (until lately, the U.S. was included in this statement) will protect are Borders, Language, and Culture. If a nation can't protect those, it's no longer a nation.
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Mon 08/09/10 03:58 PM
Look'it wut Mesicans thinks about those racistical Canookers.
Discriminatin' agin' 'em. Not lettin' 'em come on over 'n enjoy the good life. Wow, they let in a whoppin' 10,000 of 'em. Ya'll only need to let in anuther 19,090,000 ta' cetch up with the US. News from Latin America and the Caribbean Canada to require visas for Mexicans following surge in refugee claims July 14, 2009 | 10:22 am Mexican nationals will now need a visa to travel to Canada, that country's minister of citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism, Jason Kenney, announced Monday. Canada decided to stiffen the requirements due to what officials said has been a surge in claims for refugee status by Mexicans. In a news release, Canadian immigration officials said that for the first 48 hours after the new rules go into effect today, Mexican citizens can apply for entry on arrival in Canada. But as of Thursday, a visa will be required: Refugee claims from Mexico have almost tripled since 2005, making it the number one source country for claims. In 2008, more than 9,400 claims filed in Canada came from Mexican nationals, representing 25 per cent of all claims received. Of the Mexican claims reviewed and finalized in 2008 by the Immigration and Refugee Board, an independent administrative tribunal, only 11 per cent were accepted. "In addition to creating significant delays and spiraling new costs in our refugee program, the sheer volume of these claims is undermining our ability to help people fleeing real persecution," said Minister Kenney.<<<(DISCRIMINATION!!!) “All too often, people who really need Canada’s protection find themselves in a long line, waiting for months and sometimes years to have their claims heard. This is unacceptable. "The visa requirement I am announcing will give us a greater ability to manage the flow of people into Canada and verify bona fides. By taking this important step towards reducing the burden on our refugee system, we will be better equipped to process genuine refugee claims faster." For the last three years, Canada has seen an increase in immigration violations, according to the country's Citizenship and Immigration website. This includes Mexican nationals without proper travel documents and those not leaving Canada once their period of stay had expired.<<<Golly, geee-whizzzz! ![]() ![]() -- Deborah Bonello in Mexico City |
Damn. That means more of 'em will choose to stay ... HERE ...
This is a reminder. Politics is a touchy subject. Please remember to leave the insults/attacks off of the forums.
Everyone has a right to their opinions. Kim |
Damn. That means more of 'em will choose to stay ... HERE ... Wonder what it is about Cananada, that Illegals will respect their Immigration Laws? |
Here it goes...If someone dont like the way we the great people live...GET THE F OUT!.. LOL love it or leave it huh? |
Well, All I see is peeps throwing immflamatory nonsense around in here. Lo Seinto, Im not a fish nor likely to take the bait. I simply stated my reality. If thats beyond your abilty to conceptualize, thats on you. Im busy living it.
It seems to me, that you are trapped in a box of your own making. Sooo have fun in your box. Rant on. ![]() |
Damn. That means more of 'em will choose to stay ... HERE ... Wonder what it is about Cananada, that Illegals will respect their Immigration Laws? Maybe people actually GUARDING their borders ... ? Just sayin' ... |
I can imagine a world someday without borders. now heres the big dino test ...can you?
A world completely without borders of any kind is insanity. At the very least, I intend for people to respect the integrity of my physical body; I do not want to live in a world where the 'border' that separates my innards from the rest of the world is not recognized and respected by others...particular any others that happy to be carrying sharp objects. The 'borders' that separate the nations in the european union go hand in hand with cultural identity. IMO the diversity of these separate cultural identities are a net value for the human experience. Drive from one side of LA to another, and you might pass through a half dozen different cities, without noticing - this level of organization aids in the management of resources (money, people, infrastructure), without restricting trade or movement. So what kind of 'borders' are you talking about here when you say 'a world without borders' ? |
Damn. That means more of 'em will choose to stay ... HERE ... Wonder what it is about Cananada, that Illegals will respect their Immigration Laws? Maybe people actually GUARDING their borders ... ? Just sayin' ... Can you imagine a Cananada without borders? Ain't likely. A couple years ago when Windsor got a 600 illegal invasion, there were folks screamin' their heads off about what a strain they were putting on the economy. Some, even wanted them relocated to the tundra. ![]() That's canookie for hate speech. ![]() Gotta' check and see if Windsor has a press 2 for Spanish yet. Hope they are keeping up with the progression. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 08/09/10 08:44 PM
Here it goes...If someone dont like the way we the great people live...GET THE F OUT!.. LOL love it or leave it huh? Certainly a dying breed of thought.. so your WE the great people are a part of the rest of us .. who will speak their opinions about OUR country and let others do so in turn without the need to feel that they should leave the whole dammned country for not agreeing with us. Speaking your mind about things you disagreee with in your country is patriotic it shows concern for your country and where its heading.IF you honestly dont feel any loyalty or love for your country maybe you should leave but to opress or expell any American for speaking his or her opinion is VERY unamerican..SPeak out as the forefathers intended if enough people agreee you can possibly change some things.. and if not you are free to continue and beleive as you see fit and america will march right along. Intolerance, cruelty and ignorance are some things we should learn from of our past. And as it is human nature (OF ALL RACES) cant be entirely avoided but we should attempt to learn from past mistakes.. |
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Mon 08/09/10 09:26 PM
Here it goes...If someone dont like the way we the great people live...GET THE F OUT!.. LOL love it or leave it huh? Certainly a dying breed of thought.. so your WE the great people are a part of the rest of us .. who will speak their opinions about OUR country and let others do so in turn without the need to feel that they should leave the whole dammned country for not agreeing with us. Speaking your mind about things you disagreee with in your country is patriotic it shows concern for your country and where its heading.IF you honestly dont feel any loyalty or love for your country maybe you should leave but to opress or expell any American for speaking his or her opinion is VERY unamerican..SPeak out as the forefathers intended if enough people agreee you can possibly change some things.. and if not you are free to continue and beleive as you see fit and america will march right along. Intolerance, cruelty and ignorance are some things we should learn from of our past. And as it is human nature (OF ALL RACES) cant be entirely avoided but we should attempt to learn from past mistakes.. |
If I the name tag, yes you would assume correctly that I am a native is my pet rant:
Went to the grocery store today. This is what happened: woman in front of me started to cuss the cashier in Mexican. The cashier was at a loss to try and help...the Mexican refused a translator. This pissed me off so bad...I had to open my mouth. told her to shut her mouth and get out or speak English. Here is my rant, if you come to MY country and want to live here, take the resources from my child's mouth. You need to do me, my family, and my ancestors the common courtesy of learning English. You, nor your people helped build this country. You even did your best to hamstring this country. This is the only country in the world that bows down to illegal immigrants. You call a bank in Germany, you don't get a get German. Here, we have to choose..."Press one for two for english." That gets me bent! Shouldn't be a choice here either! You need to remember that you are Americans first! NOT Mexican! That is the biggest crock of crap I have ever heard! When the Italian immigrants came through Ellis Island...they knew they had to learn it. Same with the Irish, Koren, Chinese, Russian...everyone who came to our shores. What makes you so damned special that you don't? I'm not saying to leave your heritage is a proud one. You just better not forget where your "chosen" loyalties lie...with the country that you have chosen to live in...AMERICA. You need to learn English. Because now, the rest of us are FED UP with it. My people had to learn it...and we didn't have the luxury of decades. We had to do it by the sword and in Catholic missions. If you don't like it...get the hell out! We were here first! |
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Mon 08/09/10 09:42 PM
ummm..ok..depending where you live, most of the southern US was at one time Mexico...ergo names like "el paso", "san diego", "los angeles", etc...mexicans have and continue to do a lot to help keep US economics booming in various sectors including (but not limited to), agriculture, construction, hotel/restaurant....
Ive met many members of various races who lived in the US for many years without ever speaking a word of english... ah..and its not "mexican", its called spanish..and up until the late 1990s it was the language most spoken in the, where ever you call in the world 99% of the time you can find someone who speaks english... aside from "native" americans..Mexicans were there first... |
"Mexican" ... "Spanish" ... call it what you will - it's the language now of people who want to come here and suck off the government tit and grab benefits they aren't deserving of, have contributed nothing for, and are doing nothing to earn them.
As for 'el paso', etc etc etc - interesting, but irrelevant. WE're there NOW. If they want to enter MY country, let them do it LEGALLY. What they're doing now is NO different from people who are line-jumpers in the grocery checkout or the ticket line at a concert. They care only about themselves - no one else. That means I don't have to care about THEM. They forfeited the 'right' to having THIS country demonstrate concern for their welfare when THEY CHOSE to enter it ILLEGALLY. Make all the excuses you can dream up for them, but the fact remains that they don't want to be American CITIZENS - they expect US to adapt to THEIR way of life and THEIR culture. Sorry, that is NOT gonna happen on my watch. |
ummm..ok..depending where you live, most of the southern US was at one time Mexico...ergo names like "el paso", "san diego", "los angeles", etc... Those were from the time the various state belonged to Spain. EX, spanish missions in Texas. mexicans have and continue to do a lot to help keep US economics booming in various sectors including (but not limited to), agriculture, construction, hotel/restaurant.... And think of the people that could go to work...better wages.. people who were born here. Now, I have nothing against someone who wants to come here, be a part of the workings of the country...ex pay taxes...learn the language..actually WANT to be a part of it...not just to get the money to send back to Mexico. Ive met many members of various races who lived in the US for many years without ever speaking a word of english... ah..and its not "mexican", its called spanish..and up until the late 1990s it was the language most spoken in the, where ever you call in the world 99% of the time you can find someone who speaks english... mexican and spanish are NOT the same language. They are different dialects of the same language root base. And note I was NOT referring to the world...I was talking about this country... aside from "native" americans..Mexicans were there first... Please see my opening ancestors WERE here first. My bloodlines are better tracked than most horses. The incident I described happened on the reservation, in the tribal grocery store, in front of other natives. |
Thank you Knight.
Very well said. ![]() |
Thanks ... yours too ...
i've never seen so many christians say unchrist like things.
This has nothing to do with religion