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Topic: A 'Preachable' Moment ... ? Nuh-unh ...
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Sat 08/07/10 06:50 PM
Don't make no never mind what we, the Great Unwashed, the Electorate, the American People, think about the obscene spending and hypocrisy of the most recent Michelle Obama 'Spendin' Like It's 1999' vacation tour ... They. Don't. Care. In their world, this is a RULED - not 'governed' - country now, and she's Marie Antoinette ... and she can't even worry if we have cake ... C'mon, 2012 ...


While Obama preaches sacrifice, his family frolics in Spain

August 8, 2010

AS THE US economy endures high unemployment and a jittery stock market, President Barack Obama has preached sacrifice and fiscal discipline. But the pictures coming out of a sun-splashed Spanish resort may be sending a different message.

First lady Michelle Obama is in the midst of a five-day trip to a luxury resort along with a handful of friends, her younger daughter, aides and Secret Service. Her office said the Obamas would pay for personal expenses, but [bwould not reveal the taxpayer cost for the government employees.

Elected officials - Democrats and Republicans - were reluctant to weigh in, not wanting to appear critical of the President's wife. But the trip provided fodder for television news shows, talk-show hosts and bloggers. Critics portrayed the foreign getaway as tone-deaf to the deep economic anxiety back home. Every first family takes vacations: the criticism aimed at Mrs Obama is that she chose to visit a foreign country rather than remain in the US and support its fragile economy.

Just last month, Mrs Obama flew to the Florida panhandle, a tourist draw hit hard by the oil spill crisis, and delivered the message that for parents ''looking for things to do with their kids this summer … this is a wonderful place to visit''.

The opulence of the European trip also has drawn scrutiny. Mr Obama has urged frugality in lean economic times. He once cautioned that families saving money for college shouldn't ''blow a bunch of cash in Vegas''.

Mrs Obama is staying at the Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton resort outside Marbella. It has two golf courses, a spa with Turkish baths, views of the Mediterranean and a restaurant specialising in avant-garde fare. Room rates start at $US400 ($A436.73) and rise to $US6500 for a two-bedroom villa.

Mrs Obama flew in on a type of aircraft used by Vice-President Joe Biden. It costs the government $US11,555 an hour to operate the plane, according to the Air Force. Assuming a nearly eight-hour flight to nearby Malaga, the total round-trip cost of the flight is about $US178,000

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:04 PM
and I hope mother and daughter are having a well deserved summer blast,,,:banana: :banana: :banana:

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:08 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sat 08/07/10 07:08 PM

e tu Brutus?

I think it would be funny if America descended into anarchy because of these azzholes.

As Obama said, "The pitchforks are real." Unfortunately for him he is the phag in a powdered wig and his wife is writing checks they are going to have to cash eventually.

I guess Michelle does not want her daughter swimming in the gulf becasue she might turn into a tar baby!

Let's all visit Florida! This is what we will see a lot of on their beautiful beaches!

I said it before and I will say it again, The Obama's are SO Bugie!

All I can see of them these days are their nostrils looking down on us!

willing2's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:08 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sat 08/07/10 07:18 PM
That could have helped many needy people.

That's how she funds her "Fat A$$ Kids" program. By spending all their welfare money. Then, they can't afford all those wasteful snacks

Sad though.

After the party is over, her kids will have to live with the knowledge their parents were so wasteful and the Dad was the worst president ever.

Here is some of what will be in their faces.

High unemployment continues despite stimulus and jobs bills.

Bail outs of AIG, GM that Americans did not want.

Continued high deficit spending.

Wants cap n tax that would result in skyrocketing energy costs, burden on business.

Supports increased taxes when tax cuts expire.

Health care and insurance takeovers that Americans didnt't want.

Financial Regulation law that did not address fannie and freddie.

Will not secure the border. Filed suit against Arizona for a law that Americans support.

Supports amnesty for illegal aliens, uh I mean undocumented Democrats.

Will not define the enemy in the two wars.

Slow response to oil spill.

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:29 PM
wow,, not too many racial inuendos

so bugie that they took on an endless list of new responsibilities in return for virtually NO increase in income,,,,,

and I doubt with their educational level and past career that their kids would be in need of welfare

but like many other MILLIONAIRES, they choose where to travel and sometimes its overseas,,,,who cares

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:30 PM

That could have helped many needy people.

That's how she funds her "Fat A$$ Kids" program. By spending all their welfare money. Then, they can't afford all those wasteful snacks

Sad though.

After the party is over, her kids will have to live with the knowledge their parents were so wasteful and the Dad was the worst president ever.

Here is some of what will be in their faces.

High unemployment continues despite stimulus and jobs bills.

Bail outs of AIG, GM that Americans did not want.

Continued high deficit spending.

Wants cap n tax that would result in skyrocketing energy costs, burden on business.

Supports increased taxes when tax cuts expire.

Health care and insurance takeovers that Americans didnt't want.

Financial Regulation law that did not address fannie and freddie.

Will not secure the border. Filed suit against Arizona for a law that Americans support.

Supports amnesty for illegal aliens, uh I mean undocumented Democrats.

Will not define the enemy in the two wars.

Slow response to oil spill.

their kids will probably know them much better than any of us and love them for their hard work and sacrifice to do what they feel is right and raise them well

willing2's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:31 PM
The reason for Michells disbarment has yet to be clarified.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:33 PM
queen obama...let them eat cake.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:33 PM
I remember the complaints about Bush's vacations and stuff.

It doesn't matter, there will always be a naysayer about officials "frollicking".

They are human and need their time off too no matter what.

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:37 PM
speculation and emotional melodrama

WASHINGTON--First Lady Michelle Obama is facing criticism for her lavish trip to Spain's Mediterranean coast.

Let's get some facts straight:

* I've seen reports that Mrs. Obama brought 40 friends on the trip. The East Wing has told me earlier in the week that is not true. On Saturday, the East Wing confirmed that Mrs. Obama is traveling with two female friends and four of their daughters

and PLENTY of USA consumerism too

On the weekend of Aug. 14, the first family weekends on the Florida Gulf coast, part of an appeal by President Obama and the first lady to encourage gulf tourism in the wake of the BP oil spill. Between Aug. 19 and 29, the first family will vacation on Martha's Vineyard, where they spent part of last summer. No dates have been announced for the Spain trip.

The summer started with a Memorial Day weekend trip to Chicago; the family went to the Camp David presidential retreat before July 4; they weekended in Maine, sightseeing in Acadia National Park, departing on July 16 and returning Sunday afternoon July 18. Mrs. Obama took her daughters and her mom, Marian Robinson, to Los Angeles in June. In March, over spring break, Mrs. Obama with her daughters, mom and some pals hit New York for a round of Broadway shows.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:40 PM
nice to get 2 or 3 vacations a month... work a week, take a week off
kind of a 50-50 split.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:46 PM
Considering that this maybe the second vacation for the family of which Obama couldn't even go, I doubt anybody is over reaching the limits on vacations.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:49 PM
Nice to not have to pay for the jet, security, or transporting their friends, etc. BTW what the heck, they are rich???? Really, are they blue bloods? Where did they get their money in the first place?

STRAWBERRIES FOR BIG BUCKS? (reference to drug culture here)

I could care less if they went and PAID ALL THEIR COSTS but we are footing a huge bill for them to have a good time in Spain.

Fuque the king! Viva La Revolution!

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:52 PM

nice to get 2 or 3 vacations a month... work a week, take a week off
kind of a 50-50 split.

except the vacations arent monthly and they arent for a week,, three are over the weekend,, one was an extended ten day and that was to the gulf,,,

kayak69's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:53 PM
Edited by kayak69 on Sat 08/07/10 07:56 PM

I remember the complaints about Bush's vacations and stuff.

It doesn't matter, there will always be a naysayer about officials "frollicking".

They are human and need their time off too no matter what.

WOW this is scary.scared I know that we don't agree on ANYTHING.

But I do agree with you on this one.

We ALL need a break every now and again.

And let's face it, if we could go anywhere on vacation we would.

But I still don't like Obama, that doesn't mean he can't take a vacation.

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:54 PM

Nice to not have to pay for the jet, security, or transporting their friends, etc. BTW what the heck, they are rich???? Really, are they blue bloods? Where did they get their money in the first place?

STRAWBERRIES FOR BIG BUCKS? (reference to drug culture here)

I could care less if they went and PAID ALL THEIR COSTS but we are footing a huge bill for them to have a good time in Spain.

Fuque the king! Viva La Revolution!

seriously? they got their money like many american millionaires,, working hard and being creative( careers in corporate law,and bookwriting)

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:56 PM

nice to get 2 or 3 vacations a month... work a week, take a week off
kind of a 50-50 split.

except the vacations arent monthly and they arent for a week,, three are over the weekend,, one was an extended ten day and that was to the gulf,,,

3 in august... at least 2 of those are here in the US 2 out 3 aint bad.

kayak69's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:57 PM

nice to get 2 or 3 vacations a month... work a week, take a week off
kind of a 50-50 split.

except the vacations arent monthly and they arent for a week,, three are over the weekend,, one was an extended ten day and that was to the gulf,,,

3 in august... at least 2 of those are here in the US 2 out 3 aint bad.

If you could do the same, you would.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:58 PM

Nice to not have to pay for the jet, security, or transporting their friends, etc. BTW what the heck, they are rich???? Really, are they blue bloods? Where did they get their money in the first place?

STRAWBERRIES FOR BIG BUCKS? (reference to drug culture here)

I could care less if they went and PAID ALL THEIR COSTS but we are footing a huge bill for them to have a good time in Spain.

Fuque the king! Viva La Revolution!

seriously? they got their money like many american millionaires,, working hard and being creative( careers in corporate law,and bookwriting)

lol they are politians... how do you think they got it.

willing2's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:58 PM
Obama To Sign Legislation To Combat Wasteful Spending laugh laugh laugh

Michelle got wind and figured this might be her last chance ta' blow th' wad.

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