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Topic: to all men:
Tiffany6969's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:33 AM
why is that some men will mess your head up so bad sometimes? i was with this one guy for the past three days and he asked me to be with him, then the next day he says he just wants to be my friend. my question is if in fact men mean what they say to women why is it they do the exact opposite? i have been rattling my brain for days. im so lost and other issue is, my ex, though i love him dearly and he loves me there is an obstacle he cant get rid of and thats his new girlfriend...which he explains is just so he isnt lonely(thats why she is there)but i want him back and i dont know what to crying out in desperation...someone please help!!

kc0003's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:37 AM
if he loved you there wouldn't be another girl, period!

do not allow him to keep you on a string....

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:39 AM
^^^^^EXACTLY!!! It feels good hearing a man say that!!:heart: ^^^^

Tiffany6969's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:39 AM
i left him...i messed up and for some reason i cant get over him ohwell

OKCUTIE67's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:41 AM
lol...his girlfriend is an "obstacle"??? huh

He's not giving either one of you the respect you deserve! Walk away now! Wait...make that RUN away now!!!

kc0003's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:41 AM
yes you just takes time and a willingness to move on...

Tiffany6969's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:43 AM
i have tried...but everytime i close my eyes, i see him

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:49 AM
surprised shocked flowerforyou

Totage's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:58 AM
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and crying over losers.

You need to realize that you deserve to be treated like a person with dignity and respect. Stop settling for less. In fact, you should be DEMANDING resepect at the very LEAST.

If you can't see that you deserve love and respect, you need to seriously examine yourself and fix what's broken inside you. There's nothing wrong with seeking help if necessary either.

Stop crying over losers. Go out with your friends, have a good time. Find yourself a real man that knows how to treat a woman with dignity and respect.

misstina2's photo
Thu 07/29/10 08:09 AM
flowerforyou time will heal youflowerforyou

Tiffany6969's photo
Thu 07/29/10 08:12 AM
yea...time wounds all

Shasta1's photo
Thu 07/29/10 08:59 AM
Edited by Shasta1 on Thu 07/29/10 09:00 AM
Start by reminding yourself of all the things he did, said that hurt you. Make a list and everytime you start to go there, pull out the list. Get angry at the fact he doesn't respect you and treated you poorly. No one deserves to treated badly, no excuses whatsoever!
Remind yourself that you are above that kind of treatment, wish him to do better in life towards others and close the door. If he treated you like this then and now, imagine what he'll do when he really gets to know you. Lesson learned, now you know what you don't want in life.

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 07/29/10 11:06 AM
Move on & find someone new!

wux's photo
Thu 07/29/10 11:55 AM

Move on & find someone new!

Stay!! Please don't go. (you stay.)
Go! Please don't stay! (you go.)


I am sure you will be just as crazy and loving about a new love as about the old ex. Get someone in your socio-economic and sanity class, whose looks are commensurate to yours, and bang, you'll be happy for the rest of your life. I don't think your love is individual-specific, despite you seem like a nice, monogamous girl, who will love her man from here to doomsday.

Just don't leave the next one, is my advice.

They will come, they will come. Patience.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 07/29/10 11:58 AM

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and crying over losers.

You need to realize that you deserve to be treated like a person with dignity and respect. Stop settling for less. In fact, you should be DEMANDING resepect at the very LEAST.

If you can't see that you deserve love and respect, you need to seriously examine yourself and fix what's broken inside you. There's nothing wrong with seeking help if necessary either.

Stop crying over losers. Go out with your friends, have a good time. Find yourself a real man that knows how to treat a woman with dignity and respect.

I agree with this. We can't control how others feel or their actions. We can only control ourselves and what we do with our lives

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/29/10 11:58 AM

why is that some men will mess your head up so bad sometimes? i was with this one guy for the past three days and he asked me to be with him, then the next day he says he just wants to be my friend. my question is if in fact men mean what they say to women why is it they do the exact opposite? i have been rattling my brain for days. im so lost and other issue is, my ex, though i love him dearly and he loves me there is an obstacle he cant get rid of and thats his new girlfriend...which he explains is just so he isnt lonely(thats why she is there)but i want him back and i dont know what to crying out in desperation...someone please help!!

you have been used, darling...get over it and move on... it happens to all of us.

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 02:38 PM

why is that some men will mess your head up so bad sometimes? i was with this one guy for the past three days and he asked me to be with him, then the next day he says he just wants to be my friend. my question is if in fact men mean what they say to women why is it they do the exact opposite? i have been rattling my brain for days. im so lost and other issue is, my ex, though i love him dearly and he loves me there is an obstacle he cant get rid of and thats his new girlfriend...which he explains is just so he isnt lonely(thats why she is there)but i want him back and i dont know what to crying out in desperation...someone please help!!

men will say ANYTHING to gt laid - especially the young ones (twenties)


actions speak louder than words - in regards to ur ex

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 02:38 PM

if he loved you there wouldn't be another girl, period!

do not allow him to keep you on a string....

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 07/29/10 02:39 PM

the old ones too......


no photo
Thu 07/29/10 02:41 PM
men offer love for sex
women offer sex for love

its a bartering system that really doesnt work in the long run...

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