Topic: Bankruptcy
Italy0219's photo
Wed 07/28/10 08:39 PM
Found out today that my estranged husband is filing bankruptcy, because the house is up for foreclosure and he can't make payments, we are still together on paper, I have not lived there since 2005, I guess I am going down with him, has anyone been thru this and how bad is it? Credit ruined for awhile?

Italy0219's photo
Wed 07/28/10 08:42 PM
BTW, totage I know i posted this same question earlier but there was no one online at the time, except you and me, so I need more responses.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 07/28/10 08:53 PM
If your ex is filling then it shouldn't count against even if your still together on paper.

Because he is only filling because he isn't able to make payments, if your not listed on those papers he is filling then you shouldn't have noting to worry about.

I could be wrong but the very best idea is to check with a lawyer that deals with this type of thing.

Is your credit ruined for a while ? yes, in fact it can take 7 to 10 years if I understand it right for everything to clear off either credit records, or your ex credit record.

But as I've stated you might want to check with a lawyer that deals with bankruptcy so you know what your will happen and how it affects you if any. But I believe it should not affect you since your ex is the one who is putting it in his name, inless he is adding your name to the bankruptcy then it will affect you as well.

kirk443's photo
Wed 07/28/10 10:38 PM

Found out today that my estranged husband is filing bankruptcy, because the house is up for foreclosure and he can't make payments, we are still together on paper, I have not lived there since 2005, I guess I am going down with him, has anyone been thru this and how bad is it? Credit ruined for awhile?
who cares so you filed big whoopee doo, my dad and me filed and life goes the heck on! i can give a nut about credit.

oldsage's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:45 AM
Better get an attorney, if you are still legally on the paper, you may have to step up & take the house, if poss. All hinges on what your divorce papers say.

motowndowntown's photo
Thu 07/29/10 06:03 PM
If you are still married you may be on the hook for debts the both of you incurred during the marriage. That includes the house.
If you are in divorce proceedings you may have an out.

See your lawyer now.