Topic: NAACP Cites Tea Party Blog Post as Further Proof of Racism | |
Off topic but until "whitey" stops discriminating against all non whites and gays there will be a need for affirmative action. Hell it seems "whitey" has been being a discriminatory *** for so long he doesn't even see it now when he does it. Like the stupid Arizona law or Like in the letter in the OP. It appears "whitey" is still pretty ignorant of his own actions that perpetrate discrimination. I see it all the time. White folks have been taught prejudice for so long they don't even know they do it. That is ignorance. is there someting wrong with wanting to promote your own race? nobody here said they wanted to harm anyone else... your confusing being pro white with racism. racism is what the guy was screaming in that video, about killing white babies. you were talking about fairness, is it fair that someone that is qualified to do a job gets passed up because someone that is less qualified but is of a race or gender that the federal government says needs to employed first, to make a quota? it's racism to want the laws of our country to be upheld? do you think the spanish hire anyone other than spanish when they have the power to do so? that seems a little racist to me, but you call it being fair. |
Alfonzo Rachel, blog: The NAACP has been the flagship of making the black community look like the biggest community of sissies in America, as they continually promote us as victims. For decades they've boo hoo'd about the white man, yet remain loyal to what has always been an oppressive party; the Democrat party. ... Among the latest is this bucket o' rotten from NAACP spokeswoman Leila McDowell stating, "hardcore white supremacist organizations have participated in and occasionally lead tea party rallies." McDowell said the statement was based on academic research on the tea party movement and referred to a faction within the larger tea party movement. What faction? I think it's safe to say that I've been to more tea parties than any of these race baiters, and if they were out to get us, Ida' been got by now. The reason there aren't that many people of color at tea parties isn't because of the hostility they'll face from the people on the right attending, it's because of the hostility they'll face from the left who don't.
From The Detroit News: |
Led by Roy Wilkins, who had succeeded Walter White as secretary in 1955, the NAACP cooperated with organizers A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin in planning the 1963 March on Washington. With the passage of civil rights legislation the following year, the association had finally accomplished much of its historic legislative agenda. In the following years, the NAACP began to diversify its goals and, in the opinion of many, to lose its focus. Millions of African Americans continued to be afflicted as urban poverty and crime increased, de facto racial segregation remained, and job discrimination lingered throughout the United States. With its traditional interracial, integrationist approach, the NAACP found itself attracting fewer members as many African Americans became sympathetic to more militant, even separatist, philosophies, such as that espoused by the Black Power Movement.
Wilkins retired as executive director in 1977 and was replaced by Benjamin L. Hooks, whose tenure included the Bakke case (1978), in which a California court outlawed several aspects of affirmative action. At around the same time tensions between the executive director and the board of directors, tensions that had existed since the association's founding, escalated into open hostility that threatened to weaken the organization. With the 1993 selection of Benjamin F. Chavis (now Chavis Muhammad) as director, more controversies arose. In an attempt to take the NAACP in new directions, Chavis offended many liberals by reaching out to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. After using NAACP funds to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit, Chavis was forced to resign in 1995 and subsequently joined the Nation of Islam. At the end of the 20th century, the NAACP focused on economic development and educational programs for youths, while also continuing its role as legal advocate for civil rights issues. Kweisi Mfume, former congressman and head of the Congressional Black Caucus, is president and chief executive officer, and Julian Bond is chairman of the board. The organization currently has more than 500,000 members. |
Off topic but until "whitey" stops discriminating against all non whites and gays there will be a need for affirmative action. Hell it seems "whitey" has been being a discriminatory *** for so long he doesn't even see it now when he does it. Like the stupid Arizona law or Like in the letter in the OP. It appears "whitey" is still pretty ignorant of his own actions that perpetrate discrimination. I see it all the time. White folks have been taught prejudice for so long they don't even know they do it. That is ignorance. is there someting wrong with wanting to promote your own race? nobody here said they wanted to harm anyone else... your confusing being pro white with racism. racism is what the guy was screaming in that video, about killing white babies. you were talking about fairness, is it fair that someone that is qualified to do a job gets passed up because someone that is less qualified but is of a race or gender that the federal government says needs to employed first, to make a quota? it's racism to want the laws of our country to be upheld? do you think the spanish hire anyone other than spanish when they have the power to do so? that seems a little racist to me, but you call it being fair. Quotas are needed because of white racist employers in this country. Sorry I have no pity there. Actually I have no pity for a race of people who will oppress another people and continue to discriminate against them after they realize they were wrong in the first place. Black folks in this country have a long healing process to go through from what they have had done to them here and the continued discrimination makes the process longer. White folks have NO CLUE what non white go through and yet they got their mouth full of ignorant words all the time acting like they know something about it. Whites have no clue about oppression and discrimination except to perpetrate it on others. |
Off topic but until "whitey" stops discriminating against all non whites and gays there will be a need for affirmative action. Hell it seems "whitey" has been being a discriminatory *** for so long he doesn't even see it now when he does it. Like the stupid Arizona law or Like in the letter in the OP. It appears "whitey" is still pretty ignorant of his own actions that perpetrate discrimination. I see it all the time. White folks have been taught prejudice for so long they don't even know they do it. That is ignorance. is there someting wrong with wanting to promote your own race? nobody here said they wanted to harm anyone else... your confusing being pro white with racism. racism is what the guy was screaming in that video, about killing white babies. you were talking about fairness, is it fair that someone that is qualified to do a job gets passed up because someone that is less qualified but is of a race or gender that the federal government says needs to employed first, to make a quota? it's racism to want the laws of our country to be upheld? do you think the spanish hire anyone other than spanish when they have the power to do so? that seems a little racist to me, but you call it being fair. The way I see it, it may be 'natural' to 'connect' moreso with some groups than others, I connect with females, 'black' people, mothers, daughters, democrats, americans,,etc,, these are groups I feel 'a part of'. I am probably going to notice those things going on within the groups I am a part of than other groups. It is fine to want the best for people we 'connect' to but not if its at the cost of being indifferent or biased against other people that we feel 'less' connected to. For example, AA is important to me, hiring and employment opportunities are stacked AGAINST minorities and women(two groups I am a member of). I feel on a personal level the need for this to be addressed, BUT , I dont feel it should be addressed in a manner that is hurtful to anyone else. I wouldnt support, for instance, companies hiring people JUST because they are black. I do support laws in place to make sure they dont overlook them JUST because they are black, however. I do support laws that make sure that equal consideration and opportunity is given , regardless to race. I do not partake in the idea of 'race pride' because I had nothing to do with the racial category society placed me in. I am neither proud or ashamed. I am proud of the accomplishments of those I know and love and I am proud FOR people when I see them overcome obstacles. But if there is a justification for 'black pride' (which I see as an answer to a culture that promoted 'whiteness' to the extent that black people did not get a chance to feel like they should be proud if they are not white), I suppose there could be a jistification for 'white pride', although I dont quite get the history behind the need for such a movement. |
Edited by
Sat 07/17/10 11:52 AM
Off topic but until "whitey" stops discriminating against all non whites and gays there will be a need for affirmative action. Hell it seems "whitey" has been being a discriminatory *** for so long he doesn't even see it now when he does it. Like the stupid Arizona law or Like in the letter in the OP. It appears "whitey" is still pretty ignorant of his own actions that perpetrate discrimination. I see it all the time. White folks have been taught prejudice for so long they don't even know they do it. That is ignorance. is there someting wrong with wanting to promote your own race? nobody here said they wanted to harm anyone else... your confusing being pro white with racism. racism is what the guy was screaming in that video, about killing white babies. you were talking about fairness, is it fair that someone that is qualified to do a job gets passed up because someone that is less qualified but is of a race or gender that the federal government says needs to employed first, to make a quota? it's racism to want the laws of our country to be upheld? do you think the spanish hire anyone other than spanish when they have the power to do so? that seems a little racist to me, but you call it being fair. The way I see it, it may be 'natural' to 'connect' moreso with some groups than others, I connect with females, 'black' people, mothers, daughters, democrats, americans,,etc,, these are groups I feel 'a part of'. I am probably going to notice those things going on within the groups I am a part of than other groups. It is fine to want the best for people we 'connect' to but not if its at the cost of being indifferent or biased against other people that we feel 'less' connected to. For example, AA is important to me, hiring and employment opportunities are stacked AGAINST minorities and women(two groups I am a member of). I feel on a personal level the need for this to be addressed, BUT , I dont feel it should be addressed in a manner that is hurtful to anyone else. I wouldnt support, for instance, companies hiring people JUST because they are black. I do support laws in place to make sure they dont overlook them JUST because they are black, however. I do support laws that make sure that equal consideration and opportunity is given , regardless to race. I do not partake in the idea of 'race pride' because I had nothing to do with the racial category society placed me in. I am neither proud or ashamed. I am proud of the accomplishments of those I know and love and I am proud FOR people when I see them overcome obstacles. But if there is a justification for 'black pride' (which I see as an answer to a culture that promoted 'whiteness' to the extent that black people did not get a chance to feel like they should be proud if they are not white), I suppose there could be a jistification for 'white pride', although I dont quite get the history behind the need for such a movement. it's not based on past events, to me, it is kind of like watching your favorite team play... you want them to win, but you don't get all crazy when they don't. |
Edited by
Sat 07/17/10 11:57 AM
Off topic but until "whitey" stops discriminating against all non whites and gays there will be a need for affirmative action. Hell it seems "whitey" has been being a discriminatory *** for so long he doesn't even see it now when he does it. Like the stupid Arizona law or Like in the letter in the OP. It appears "whitey" is still pretty ignorant of his own actions that perpetrate discrimination. I see it all the time. White folks have been taught prejudice for so long they don't even know they do it. That is ignorance. is there someting wrong with wanting to promote your own race? nobody here said they wanted to harm anyone else... your confusing being pro white with racism. racism is what the guy was screaming in that video, about killing white babies. you were talking about fairness, is it fair that someone that is qualified to do a job gets passed up because someone that is less qualified but is of a race or gender that the federal government says needs to employed first, to make a quota? it's racism to want the laws of our country to be upheld? do you think the spanish hire anyone other than spanish when they have the power to do so? that seems a little racist to me, but you call it being fair. The way I see it, it may be 'natural' to 'connect' moreso with some groups than others, I connect with females, 'black' people, mothers, daughters, democrats, americans,,etc,, these are groups I feel 'a part of'. I am probably going to notice those things going on within the groups I am a part of than other groups. It is fine to want the best for people we 'connect' to but not if its at the cost of being indifferent or biased against other people that we feel 'less' connected to. For example, AA is important to me, hiring and employment opportunities are stacked AGAINST minorities and women(two groups I am a member of). I feel on a personal level the need for this to be addressed, BUT , I dont feel it should be addressed in a manner that is hurtful to anyone else. I wouldnt support, for instance, companies hiring people JUST because they are black. I do support laws in place to make sure they dont overlook them JUST because they are black, however. I do support laws that make sure that equal consideration and opportunity is given , regardless to race. I do not partake in the idea of 'race pride' because I had nothing to do with the racial category society placed me in. I am neither proud or ashamed. I am proud of the accomplishments of those I know and love and I am proud FOR people when I see them overcome obstacles. But if there is a justification for 'black pride' (which I see as an answer to a culture that promoted 'whiteness' to the extent that black people did not get a chance to feel like they should be proud if they are not white), I suppose there could be a jistification for 'white pride', although I dont quite get the history behind the need for such a movement. In a country where the beauty standard is a skinny blond Caucasian women. Where if there is a group of non whites in any location police will be called because white folks in the area are sure there will be trouble. Where I can be standing in a group of black folks when the police get called and all black folks will get IDed and harassed but not me. Where I can go to store with my best friend who is a beautiful browned skinned woman, she refers to herself as black, and she will be followed by store security every time but not me. Etc.... I have many many stories. All of which verify white prejudice by white folks in the community and police department. If black pride can help black folks feel more equal, more power to them. I know if I was a black person in this country I would be one pissed off person all the time putting up with these ignorant white folks. |
Off topic but until "whitey" stops discriminating against all non whites and gays there will be a need for affirmative action. Hell it seems "whitey" has been being a discriminatory *** for so long he doesn't even see it now when he does it. Like the stupid Arizona law or Like in the letter in the OP. It appears "whitey" is still pretty ignorant of his own actions that perpetrate discrimination. I see it all the time. White folks have been taught prejudice for so long they don't even know they do it. That is ignorance. is there someting wrong with wanting to promote your own race? nobody here said they wanted to harm anyone else... your confusing being pro white with racism. racism is what the guy was screaming in that video, about killing white babies. you were talking about fairness, is it fair that someone that is qualified to do a job gets passed up because someone that is less qualified but is of a race or gender that the federal government says needs to employed first, to make a quota? it's racism to want the laws of our country to be upheld? do you think the spanish hire anyone other than spanish when they have the power to do so? that seems a little racist to me, but you call it being fair. The way I see it, it may be 'natural' to 'connect' moreso with some groups than others, I connect with females, 'black' people, mothers, daughters, democrats, americans,,etc,, these are groups I feel 'a part of'. I am probably going to notice those things going on within the groups I am a part of than other groups. It is fine to want the best for people we 'connect' to but not if its at the cost of being indifferent or biased against other people that we feel 'less' connected to. For example, AA is important to me, hiring and employment opportunities are stacked AGAINST minorities and women(two groups I am a member of). I feel on a personal level the need for this to be addressed, BUT , I dont feel it should be addressed in a manner that is hurtful to anyone else. I wouldnt support, for instance, companies hiring people JUST because they are black. I do support laws in place to make sure they dont overlook them JUST because they are black, however. I do support laws that make sure that equal consideration and opportunity is given , regardless to race. I do not partake in the idea of 'race pride' because I had nothing to do with the racial category society placed me in. I am neither proud or ashamed. I am proud of the accomplishments of those I know and love and I am proud FOR people when I see them overcome obstacles. But if there is a justification for 'black pride' (which I see as an answer to a culture that promoted 'whiteness' to the extent that black people did not get a chance to feel like they should be proud if they are not white), I suppose there could be a jistification for 'white pride', although I dont quite get the history behind the need for such a movement. In a country where the beauty standard is a skinny blond Caucasian women. Where if there is a group of non whites in any location police will be called because white folks in the area are sure there will be trouble. Where I can be standing in a group of black folks when the police get called and all black folks will get IDed and harassed but not me. Where I can go to store with my best friend who is a beautiful browned skinned woman, she refers to herself as black, and she will be followed by store security every time but not me. Etc.... I have many many stories. All of which verify white prejudice by white folks in the community and police department. If black pride can help black folks feel more equal, more power to them. I know if I was a black person in this country I would be one pissed off person all the time putting up with these ignorant white folks. are you talking about the spanish security guards or the black ones? i live in houston, and weather you believe it or not, white people are not the majority here. there are very few stores here that have white managers, or very many white workers here. i haven't been to denver, but i can guess what the majority is there. |
Oh Texas.
That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. |
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 |
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 LOL I wasn't even born in 60 |
Edited by
Sat 07/17/10 12:21 PM
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 LOL I wasn't even born in 60 i'm not trying to insult you, please don't think that... but i grew up here, and have seen what you are talking about. and i have seen the changes since then also, and it is not near as bad as you think it is. |
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 LOL I wasn't even born in 60 i'm not trying to insult you, please don't think that... but i grew up here, and have seen what you are talking about. and i have seen the changes since then also, and it is not near as bad as you think it is. No insult intended here either but you are white, how would you know? |
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 LOL I wasn't even born in 60 i'm not trying to insult you, please don't think that... but i grew up here, and have seen what you are talking about. and i have seen the changes since then also, and it is not near as bad as you think it is. not every city is civilized. some places...say kentucky for instance..still thinks it's 1950. |
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 LOL I wasn't even born in 60 i'm not trying to insult you, please don't think that... but i grew up here, and have seen what you are talking about. and i have seen the changes since then also, and it is not near as bad as you think it is. No insult intended here either but you are white, how would you know? because i'm white i'm stupid? i can't see whats going on around me? i go to apply for a job, and because i don't speak spanish i don't get hired? i have to tell you, nothing was ever given to me, i had to work my whole life for everything i have, which is not much. if you think that all whites were born with a silver spoon sticking out of their butt, then your sadly mistaken. when i risk losing what little i do have because of some foreigner that comes here and is hired for A CHEAPER WAGE, or he is a cousin to the foreman yes, that pisses me off. sorry that you can't see the forest for the trees, but it is a big forest. |
Oh Texas. That was my first experience with segregation. In the school lunch room I was told that I could not sit on the black side of the lunch room. I will never forget it. maybe in 1960 this is 2010 LOL I wasn't even born in 60 i'm not trying to insult you, please don't think that... but i grew up here, and have seen what you are talking about. and i have seen the changes since then also, and it is not near as bad as you think it is. No insult intended here either but you are white, how would you know? because i'm white i'm stupid? i can't see whats going on around me? i go to apply for a job, and because i don't speak spanish i don't get hired? i have to tell you, nothing was ever given to me, i had to work my whole life for everything i have, which is not much. if you think that all whites were born with a silver spoon sticking out of their butt, then your sadly mistaken. when i risk losing what little i do have because of some foreigner that comes here and is hired for A CHEAPER WAGE, or he is a cousin to the foreman yes, that pisses me off. sorry that you can't see the forest for the trees, but it is a big forest. I said the "white spoon" not silver and because you are living in a white body, people who interact with you will treat you as they treat white people, so you have no clue what it is like to be in non white shoes. Work for a smaller wage and take out the competition. Just sayin. The employers who hire illegals are the problem we have in this country. If there are no jobs for illegals there will be barely no illegals here. So blame the employers, report the employers who do it, be a good citizen. |
the blame game at this point doesn't matter. the fact is they are here, and our government doesn't want to do anything about it. so i applaude any state that wants to help, rather than be part of the problem.
the blame game at this point doesn't matter. the fact is they are here, and our government doesn't want to do anything about it. so i applaude any state that wants to help, rather than be part of the problem. if the laws are executed FAIRLY, than I applaud the efforts , if the laws are used to validate racial profiling, than I hope the laws are either revoked or changed,, |