Topic: You should join the Tea Party if,,
msharmony's photo
Wed 07/14/10 02:19 AM
*Your dog rides in your truck, but your wife stays home and mixes ammonium nitrate.

*You can remember the fertilizer, pellets and ammonium nitrate mixture ratios, but cannot recall your wife's birthday.

*You have stolen gravel from the county road to cover your AK -47 ground stash.

*You shout down someone who is talking, because you believe they are trying to limit your freedom of speech.

*You've used the same knife to whittle a shiv, and threaten your Congressman.

*You have been asked to leave a yard sale.

*You put the beatdown on your tattoo artist for spelling "MOM" backwards.

*You hate government health care, and don't want them to touch your Medicare.

*The Rush Limbaugh show ended and you cried like John Boehner.

USmale47374's photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:19 AM

no photo
Wed 07/14/10 05:42 AM

michiganman3's photo
Fri 07/16/10 11:11 PM

michiganman3's photo
Fri 07/16/10 11:12 PM


Comparing a legitimate Political Third Party to terrorists is not funny.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/16/10 11:27 PM
I can show proof of the 8th one down. I have a picture.


michiganman3's photo
Fri 07/16/10 11:33 PM

I can show proof of the 8th one down. I have a picture.


I saw it too.sad